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Understanding White Magic

White Magic

Magic is something that is there, and it is a universal energy. Magic is energy that is there until it is given a purpose and it is always there. When a spell caster uses an intention and a purpose, they can use magic. White magic is when a spell caster raises and works with positive intentions to do something good for themselves or others.

White magic is magic, and it is used to help the person to reach a goal. If there are things that are holding someone back, white magic spells are there to help open up these blockages. White magic uses spells that don’t bring harm to someone or take away their free will.

You can find in research that some people only use white magic since it is used to get positive results. Even people that do white magic though might be seen as doing magic that isn’t wanted. This is why you need to understand what is behind the ritual.


White magic has the value of making sure that you reach a specific goal or outcome. People that do white magic will not use demons or things that will hurt others. This is used only by people that are being honorable to others.

White Magic Findings

There are different kinds of rituals and tools that people that do white magic use. This will depend on what kind of spell caster that they are. Some will use tarot cards, pendulums, rune casting and more.

White magic has a rule of ethics that means includes not doing animal sacrifices or not doing magic that is going to bring harm to other people. These kinds of witches will not cast curses but will help remove them.

What White Magic Isn’t

White magic will not take away the free will of another person. Even if you are upset or angry, this kind of magic is not going to be used to hurt others. The spells and rituals that are done are there to stop harm from happening and to focus on outcomes that are helpful. You will never find someone casting white magic to use animal sacrifices.

White Magic Situations

There are different situations that people go through, and they don’t want to lash out in a harmful way or use black magic. When this happens, white magic can work to help make things better. The spell caster will set a positive intention and they will see that the spell can bring goodness in their life.

People that practice magic will often do it because they feel that a situation is hopeless. They will have emotions that are sometimes upsetting but they will only create a spell that will bring positivity in the end.

No matter how much a person wants to cast a curse or bind someone to another person, white magic can undo these things. Reaching a certain goal can be done when you are trying to show love and wellness to others. White magic that doesn’t show love or care is not the kind of magic that white magic is.

Principles of White Magic

Everyone goes through hard things in their life and sometimes you might feel like casting a curse on someone or wishing someone harm. You can also find that when you do this kind of dark magic that it makes you someone that is hurtful, as well.

When you use black magic, things can go worse for you than they were. This is why you have to understand magic that you use. The principles behind white magic is that you can reach a goal in a positive way.

Respectful Code of Conduct

There is a spiritual and a physical world. Magic can be used to force people to do things that they wouldn’t normally do. If you want to have some kind of control in your own life, you have to respect others and not try to make people do what you want them to do.

When it comes to white magic, you need to be respectful and never cast a spell to try to hurt someone or make someone do something without them knowing it.

Highest Good

Some people believe that black magic is there to help meet the needs of the person even if this is because of selfishness. White magic is meant to reach a higher good and when you use white magic, you can cast a spell and get something you want in y our space.

If this doesn’t come to you, then it isn’t the highest good that will give you what you need. This can be frustrating to some people and make them want to use other forms of magic, but looking at your life and seeing if you really want to do that is important because other magic might take you down the wrong path.

You might find that you need to make changes in your life to get what you want. Once you go in the right direction and you use white magic, you can get what you want and have your energies align with good things and your life in the right direction.

Spiritual Evolution

Being stuck in different problems and challenges such as romantic situations or financial problems might prevent you from reaching your spiritual goals. There are so many problems that can’t be really seen, and this can be a time that you want to make positive changes in your life.

This can be important when you are doing white magic because you are going to be wanting to evolve and change. You want to make sure that you are dealing with your problems in the physical and spiritual arena and that you are setting good goals for yourself.

People always have a choice to help or to harm others. When it comes to magic, you will have a choice to use white or black magic. Before using black magic though, make sure that you understand the harm that it can bring. Also, try your hand at white magic first and you might see that it can give you what you need.

History of White Magic

People use the terms white and black magic because they know that one is safe and the other his harmful. Even though they believe this, neither kind of magic is meant to be evil. You need to understand where white magic comes from and then you will understand that this magic can be used for the highest good.

White Magic Roots

White magic has rules that come from Western and European areas. It was found in the Greek, Roman and Mesopotamia traditions. People in different cultures would create love and abundance talismans and use white magic. They considered this magic words and rituals that would use different elements that would work in the physical and energetic world.

Pre 20th Century White Magic

Churches and science now don’t agree with magic. There were scientists that were from ancient times that believed in magic such as Albertus Magnus and other scientists. They would try and use magic to find things such as gold and other things. They also would use magic to reach their goals. Some would use it in relation to biology, chemistry, physics, and other sciences.

Magical practices would use different charms and other things such as bones of saints that would practice sorcery and other kinds of ideas. These ideas often came from the ideas of angels and demons and different ideas behind it.

Witch trials and science and religion all borrowed from the different systems to figure out the practices that they would do. This has evolved over time and there is still a lot of information that people believe is false in regards to magic.

White Magic Now

People that want to practice magic will find that this is agreed on with some religion but not others. There were once laws against witchcraft and local people started getting information and traditions about it.

The laws against witchcraft were changed in 1951 by Gerald Gardner and Aleister Crowly and others that used magic and information about magic to bring it back to life. People now will often use spells and rituals based on history from China, Egypt, and other areas in the world.

No matter if you believe in Wicca, folk medicine, or others, you will find white magic in these things. The more experience and information that you get from the magical world, the more you will see that different cultures have practiced these things for years. White magic is done with an intent to not bring harm to others, and it uses different elements of the mind and other things.

Casting Spells with White Magic

White magic love spells are a tool that can benefit people to get good actions and outcomes. No matter what is going on in your life, you might need to boost your energies and make them more positive. Even if you don’t believe in magic, you can see that you can set your intentions to be positive and you can get rid of negative thinking. This is all part of magic.

Then, casting spells on yourself and others can help you to realize that white magic is meant to bring positive energies to yourself and others around you.

Love Spells

Most love spells use white magic, and they are there to bring love and peace together. This can use the Law of Attraction to bring love to you or to get a lost lover back. If you feel stressed or upset about your love life, you can use white magic.

It is important to learn to deal with the situation and clear your mind of negativity before you ever use a white magic spell. You need to focus on the spell in a good mental state and then you can use the power to change your life. This can bring positive energy to you and can be rewarding in the end.

Fertility White Magic Spells

Besides being able to help you find a soulmate, white magic can help you with fertility issues. You can use this and see that you can get pregnant and have a safe pregnancy. The spells can increase the chances of you having a baby that is healthy.

Abundance White Magic Spells

Abundance spells can help you to attract money. If you need a new house, you can cast a spell to get a new house. This can also be used to get rid of debt that is stopping you from having enough money. Abundance spells are very powerful, and they take time to do. Don’t ever use them just to be greedy.

Health and Happiness White Magic Spells

These spells can help you to have good health and to be stronger in your mental and spiritual self. If you are struggling with things like ethics, you can use these spells to make better decisions. You should use these spells when you need to get rid of pain or grief.

Protection White Magic Spells

You might not ever want to do anything to hurt anyone else but that doesn’t mean that someone doesn’t want to hurt you. If you need to protect yourself from a certain situation such as gossip or lies, you can use these spells for that. These spells can protect you and can stop people from being able to hurt you.

White magic spells are used to bring positive things into your life or to send harmful things out of your life. Before you do these spells make sure that you understand how they are going to affect you and other people.

You might not see the harm of asking for something but make sure that you are seeing things from every point of view before you ever cast a spell. This can help you to get things back into your life that are good and not to bring harm to yourself or others.

Easy White Magic Spells

White magic can be done through chanting or praying, and it can be done by calling upon gods and goddesses to help you. Here are some easy spells that you can do:

Nature Spells

If you want to bless a seed or a plant, you can say these things 3 times, “Gentle goddess of the might earth. Take this offer from me. This plant I am sending you represents the blessings I send to the earth. Use it to heal the world around me.”

Happy Home Spells

Say these things while you hold half of an onion in your hand. Imagine the negativity going into the onion, “I am giving you power to absorb any negativity from this home.” Throw the onion away and say, “Be gone.”

You can also do a spell by using carpet cleaner and putting it on the carpets and saying, “I am giving you power to suck up negative energies out of this home.” Then go and vacuum the carpet and empty it into an outside trash can or bag.

Healing White Magic Spells

If there is someone that is sick or injured in your home, rub oil on a blue candle such as eucalyptus or lavender oil. Light the candle. Put paper with the persons name on it and take out a fireproof dish. Get an amethyst stone. After you light the candle, pick up the stone and say, “Amethyst, healing stone, amethyst, light. Please heal (say their name) in the speed of the light. This is my will. So, mote it be.”

After you do this, the spell is done, and you can give the amethyst to the person. If you need the help, carry the stone with you until you are healed and then bury it in your back yard. Burn the paper with the name of the person and imagine the sickness leaving them.

White Witches

There are differences between white and black witches. A white witch will only use white magic and a black witch will perform witchcraft that is dark. All witches can use their wishes to make sure that they don’t hurt anyone, and this is part of witchcraft. But there are lines between white and black that might not be practiced to only do good.

What Do White Witches Do and Believe?

White witches might do white spells such as protection spells, love spells, luck spells or any spell that won’t bring harm to someone.

They believe that there are gods and goddesses that can help them that are part of the universe. The goddess is normally from the moon or fertility and the god represents hunting and protection and the sun.

They will complete spells and most of the time they will follow the different phases of the moon such as the waxing, waning or full moon phase.

Professional White Witches

There are some witches that are professional white witches, and they know what they are doing when it comes to spells. They will charge money to do the spells and they will do them for other people. They have studied spell casting for many years, and they know just what they are doing.

Most of the witches will use different charms or different herbs or candles to make their magic. They are normally older and more mature than other witches.

White magic casters are often healers and will use herbs and other things to heal illnesses. They will understand the different herbs and what they do, and they know what is needed to cast a spell well.

Some witches will belong to a group of witches, or a coven and they will share their spells and their understanding and information. They sometimes have a head witch, and they will work together. They often celebrate different holidays together and they do different kinds of magic.

When you need spiritual help or you want to reach a goal, you will want to talk to one of these kinds of witches. They can help you to understand your situation and help you to work through it.

Who Does White Magic?

Wiccans use white magic, and you can find white magic in different areas. If you are interested in your spiritual journey, instead of doing magic you might want to try yoga and other things first.

What Will a White Magic Spell Caster Do?

You can talk to one of these people and they can help you to cast different spells depending on what you want and need. They won’t do anything to hurt someone else or to take away the free will of someone. The person that is doing the spell for you will want to make sure that you aren’t doing anything harmful.

Finding a White Magic Spell Caster

It can be hard to find a white magic spell caster if you live in a small area, but you can always look online. You might be surprised at the people close to you that practice magic.

Becoming a White Magic Witch

You might realize that you are interested in casting spells, or you might want to be a witch. You can look at different resources online and find instructions that can help you with this. You might need to find a witch to talk to so that they can give you guidance and find out if there are any covens in your area.

You might love your life and you want to face challenges and do spells. You can learn more about white magic and how it works. Your spell caster can help you to take negative feelings that you are feeling and get rid of them and then they can help you to get the things that you want in your life. You can also use this as a journey and find a way to make a positive path in front of you.

Making Magic Work


People often think that magic is about summonsing demons or about pentagrams and magic wands. Magic has been around for centuries and there are people that practice different magic such as Voodoo in Western Africa, ying-yang in China, Vudun in Japan and many more. There is magic around the world and some people think that it is superstitious to believe in magic, but others disagree.

How to Make a Spell Work

There are different things that can be used to make a spell work such as:

  • Moon

The moon has many phases, and the phases of the moon can help to make your magic stronger. Do you ever notice that people talk about the “crazies” coming out during a full moon? This happens because the power of the full moon can be very strong.

The full moon is a time that the supernatural world is stronger, and it is a time that people do spells and rituals. Summonsing spirits during this time is the best time.

Don’t try to get rid of curses or do exorcism during a full moon because this can cause energies that are not perfect, and it can end up messing up your ceremony. Doing spells can use the timing of the moon though.

  • Energy of Magic

No matter what kind of magic that you want to  do, you need to make sure that you are bringing energy into the magic. Chi or the life energy in the Chinese tradition shows you that you can direct your energy to be more powerful. This is something that you can learn. This is needed to do magic.

Make sure that you are in the right state of mind when you are doing a spell. If you want to do a love spell, you need to be positive. If you want to do a curse, you will need negative energy to help you.

Always clear your mind and imagine the negative energies leaving you. Once they are gone, start doing your magic. This is a positive way that you can use your inner being to help you. It is important that you do actions when you use magic and that you aren’t lacking your spiritual will.

  • Waiting for the Spell to Work

The magic doesn’t always work right away. When you do a spell, it can take even months to see it work. You have to believe in the spell no matter how long it takes and not to get discouraged. Once the spell takes effect, chances are you won’t even remember why you cast it.

Always be positive when you are waiting for you spell to work for you. The heart, the mind and the spirit requires exercises to make sure that you are being positive. You will see that you will be able to do better magic when you are in the right state of mind. If you don’t feel like you are, see a professional spell caster to help you.

  • Materials for Magic

Magic is something that you need to do right. It won’t work or there could be consequences if you spell it wrong. You have to have different materials and tools for different spells. Some need candles, seeds, herbs, and other things.

Why Are Materials Important?

Using the right materials is what makes magic work. There are elements of magic that have-to-have certain things to have the right outcome. The elements that are needed are in your control while others aren’t. Some spells will need candles or other things, but you also have to have strong intentions about the spell. There are specific materials that you need, and you need to follow them.

The materials need to be just how the spell asks. If you are required to have a yellow candle, don’t replace it with orange unless the spell says you can. The spell can turn into something that you didn’t want to happen if you substitute on your own.

  • Candles

Candles are one of the most known materials in a spell. They symbolize different things based on their color and sometimes even their shape or size. When you are doing a spell and it says to let it burn out on it’s own, do that. Most people don’t realize that they are doing magic when they make a wish and blow out the candles on their birthday cake, but they are.

Magic works with candles and intent. You need to make sure that you have energy behind the spell even if you have a certain ingredient.

  • Incense

Incense is another thing that is often used in rituals and has been used for years. This can help to manifest the power that you need and can be potent to make a spell work. Incense is normally burned on something like charcoal. Incense sticks can also be used, and it is up to you what kind you want.

Incense uses the air element for the spell. It can give you the right energy that is needed to make your spell work. Follow the instructions of the spell carefully and don’t make substitutions unless you know what you are doing or unless you are told that you can in the spell.

  • Oils

There is energy in oils and some oils can be made and others can be bought. These are magical oils, and they have a certain intention with a spell. They will bring energy into the spell from the outside. If you want to have a positive result, use the magic oils that the spell calls for.

Other Ingredients

There are other ingredients such as herbs, crystals and other things that can be asked for in a spell. Keep the right ingredients and tools close to you so that the spell works.

  • Mind of the Spell Caster

There are different things that are called for in a spell and the most important though is where your mind is during the ritual. This is important when you are doing a spell or getting rid of a curse or other things. If you are in a bad mood, the spell likely won’t work right. Some people do magic and aren’t effective because they try to prove it to be false. They are just proving that they aren’t in the right mental state and that they aren’t believing.

  • Emotions of the Spell Caster

Emotions are another thing that can mess with the spell casting. When you do a spell, you need to have emotions behind it. If you want to cast a love spell, you need to feel the emotions of love and you need to feel the romance surrounding you. The feeling of love around you is important to make the spell work.

If you are obsessed with someone or with love, you might have someone that is stalking you and it can be dangerous for you in the long run. The mental and emotional part of you doing the spell casting can determine a safe or unsafe spell.

When you are looking for fortune, you need to make sure that you are putting positive emotions into the spell and that you don’t have bad feelings about money. Some people want to do these spells, but they hate money because they are in debt, and they are negative about it. Keep your emotions right before casting a spell.

  • Believing

The biggest key to your emotions is that you believe in good results. If you manifest something and you want it to work, you have to believe in it. If you don’t put your emotions into the spell, then chances are it will not work for you. This probably means that you don’t believe it.

This has to do with both white magic and dark magic.

  • Your Strong Emotions

Your emotions need to be controlled. Make sure that you aren’t going into a spell with out-of-control emotions. The feelings that you have before you cast a spell can determine if the spell is going to work or not. If you are being negative and not thinking positively then the spell likely won’t manifest for you.

  • The Universe

The universe is there to help you, and this is where the time restraints often come from. You might have to wait for a spell to work because the timing of magic has to do with the universe. The universe will decide how long it takes for the spell to work.

Those that have good track records in casting spells that work fast are probably close to the universe and the universe is sensitive to that person. This can be the power that the person has in the elements and in their own thoughts.

Manifesting Spells

Magic is not scientific, and it works with the will of the universe. There are different ideas on why some spells work and why some take so long. Some think that you don’t get your spell met because you aren’t believing, and others think it is all about power.

Some have been doing spells for years and they still have delays sometimes. Those that believe in their magic will see more positive outcomes than those that have doubt.

When you do a spell, your subconscious mind is working, and you are bringing in different feelings and different emotions. These are needed to cast a spell or even a curse. Nothing says that your spell will work fast or that it will take a long time. There are different things that you need to focus on such as the timing of the spell, your intentions, the place and how positive you are.

Chasing After Magic

People that first start doing magic often think that there are problems with their results. This is because they can come to a point where they aren’t sure that they did something right. This can be a problem with the universe. If you are trying to make magic manifest and you are using different patterns, you will probably not see your magic manifest very fast.

If you are looking for new manifestations, then you are probably going to miss out on your true magic. You should never chase after magic because the universe has the final say in it.

Desired End

Don’t get frustrated when your magic takes longer than you think it should. Even if it has been a year, there is nothing that you can do. You need to wait, be patient and focus on what the magic has for you. Let the spell come as it is willed.

Changing your mental pattern to something negative will affect your outcome and the universe is in tune with your emotions. It will happen at just the right time.

The will of the universe will show you the right time for something to manifest rather you like to wait or not. When you take spells seriously and you let them work at their time, you will see that it works out just the way that it’s meant to.


People that practice magic have different experiences. This is just like a regular job. Some have more skills at their job than others. It takes time and patience to learn new skills and to get good at spell casting. Be patient with yourself and focus on the energies of the magic instead of focusing just on the end.

As magic comes to you and you grow your inner being, you will see that you can experience magic that is strong.

Starting Out as a Spell Caster

You have to start somewhere if you are going to be a spell caster. Even the most experienced people have started as a beginner. As they researched the occult and as they kept trying different spells, they find that they are becoming more knowing of what the spells can show them.

They learn the new techniques and the practices, and some will even go under the teaching of others to start becoming more powerful. You might want to start as an experienced spell caster, but this isn’t reality. You have to practice casting the perfect spell.

Don’t skip out on the experience. If you want to get good, you need to practice and you need to make sure that you are doing spells until you get them right. Don’t give up when one doesn’t work and then just keep manifesting until the magic works to its fullest.

Even small spells can turn out badly and if you don’t research and practice then you are playing a dangerous game.


Researching is very important when you want to do magic. This means you read, look at groups online, visit forums and other things to get all of the information that you can about magic and about the occult. Once you do this, you will see that your research can give you secrets about spell casting.

You need to decide that if you want to be a spell caster that you are going to research and be involved in learning. Find someone that will take you under their wing and work with them.


Some people are able to find someone that will teach them the tricks of magic. They will help you to experience new things and show you how to be successful. You will still have to have your own experience and you will still have to have strong emotions and positivity, things you can’t learn from others. But at the same time, you can learn different skills and focus your skills on things that you learn.

When you find someone that is experienced, they can teach you the tricks of different spells and help you to get stronger in what you are doing. This can help you to be stronger in your emotions and to focus on things that can prepare you to do your magic.

Magical Energies

The energy behind magic is very important. You need to build up your energy by doing rituals and by making sure that you are reaching your deepest power. You need to make sure that you are protecting your magic and that you are safe. This will help you to enjoy your magic, build up your aura and live a better life. Let your life force go into your spells and you will see that they will be more powerful.

Experience and Power

You will have more power as you get more experiences. This will mean that you have done different spells and different rituals. This can build up your energies and it can help you to increase your magic. You can put power behind your spells. Your magic needs to be able to face those that are stronger and those that are against your magic. You need the power.

Rituals and Energies

There are different energies and rituals that you can do to make your energy stronger and to protect your magic. You can build up your energy against people that want to harm you. These are rituals that use psychic gifts and help you to reach the spiritual world when doing spells.

There are rituals that can use your magic and can help you to put power behind it. Once you do this you will see that you can achieve just what you are desiring.

Personal Energies

You have to work hard to have the energy that you need in a spell. You won’t be able to have this the first time that you ever do a spell because you need experience. As you keep doing your magic, you will build skills and there will be less of a chance of the spell backfiring on you.

You can use the spells that help you to do more magic and then you will feel better in your practice. You will feel that things are going your way. This happens because you are doing rituals and spells that are making your life and the life of others better.

As you practice these rituals, you will see that you are being strong, and you won’t give up. Rituals that build up your energies, the right materials and performing the spell correctly can make you be more successful.

When doing a ritual, make sure that you know it will affect your life both in the spirit and your personal life. Make sure nothing is going to go wrong. You need to make sure that you reverse a spell if you did something wrong or it went wrong. This can be hard, and you might need to talk to someone that can help you with this.

Casting the Correct Spells

Choosing the right spelling is part of your energy. You will need other elements, ingredients, materials and will need to say the right things. You will sometimes find that your spell doesn’t work, and this might make you worried. You can make sure that you cast the proper spell each time and that it doesn’t cause your magic not to work.

Don’t forget that your magic won’t work when you want it to. You have to let the universe work with the spell to see it manifest. Just wait and stay positive and patient even if the spell doesn’t happen when you want it to.

Write it Down

Take time to write down the spells you do and how they worked. This would allow you to see if you used the wrong ingredient or if you used something wrong. This can sometimes cause your spelling to not work.

Make sure that you look closely at the ingredients and that you are getting things that aren’t fake. Sometimes buying magic supplies online aren’t real and they can make your spell go wrong.

Keep your journal and make sure that you get the items that are needed. Make sure that you say the right words and that you are able to see if there were issues in your spell casting.

Research the Spells

Research isn’t just reading an article. This is also talking to an elder, a witch or someone else. You can cast spells for people or for yourself that go wrong and this can happen because you don’t have the right things. This is why doing research is important and that way you don’t get the spelling wrong.

Experience is Important

You will need to have experience to really be able to do great spell casting. The more experience that you have the better the outcome will be. You will be able to choose the spell that is right and then make sure that you have the right energy and the right elements.

You will see that casting the right spell is something that takes time to learn. As you keep doing it, you will see that this can work great for you. Once you figure out how to avoid casting spells that are wrong spells, you will see that you can be in tune with your magic and in tune with the universe. You will want to practice the magic that works for you, and this includes picking spells that you can be successful casting.

Believing in Yourself

Believing in your magic is not just something that should or shouldn’t happen. It is so important that if you doubt it at all then you don’t need to be messing with magic. Some people will say that magic isn’t real, and they won’t believe in it. They will try to manifest things but since they don’t believe, they won’t get what they want.

When you believe, you will be strong. If you aren’t sure what you believe, then you need to take time to study the occult before you ever start any magic work.

Believing to Make Magic Stronger

When you believe in your magic then you will see that you will be successful. This happens because as you believe, you put more willpower into your magic. This makes the spells more powerful.

This is the same as using your personal strength to set a goal and make sure that you reach it. When you do magic and there is disbelief inside of you, then you won’t be able to make the spell work.

Disbelieving the Magic

If you are someone that has a hard time believing in magic, you need to not mess with it. If you don’t have an open heart and mind and you aren’t working to make your psychic energies stronger then attempting to do magic is going to fail.

When you only believe that magic is real when the spells work then you will see that there is more to magic than that. When your mind isn’t open to the magic, you won’t be able to do it right and this will leave you feeling useless and upset.

Opening to the Energies

You might wonder if you should believe in magic and if you do believe, how do you believe with your whole heart? You have to believe in your magic if you want to see it work for you. When there is doubt, you will not have the energies that you need to make the spells work for you. You need to keep your aura strong and make sure that you are only doing magic that you believe in.

When believing in your magic, you will see that the magic will flow to you and the energies of the magic will be potent and strong inside of you. You will also see that you are more open to the practices that you do. There will be new things that come to you when you are open, and you don’t have to bring any negative energies to you, and you can keep your energy strong and your aura healthy.

You will see that you will be successful in both your life and your magic if you do the magic that you want to do.

Magical Oils to Use in Spells

Oils to Use in Spells

Oils have been used in many religious rituals and ceremonies and is considered to be holy. This came from years and years ago and is prepared with herbs and oils. There are companies now that sell synthetic oils and herbal oils, but they aren’t as good as the original kind. It can be hard to tell a synthetic oil from something that is original and sometimes it contains chemicals that aren’t as good in magic as other things.

Incense is sometimes used to take your intentions to the spiritual world, and it can be used for other reasons. Oils are important because they anoint candles and can be used as other powerful tools. You can use the oils to rub on your body, in teas, medicine and other things.

Good Versus Synthetic Oils

You should use oils that are good quality even if they have to be stored for years. These oils have things like Vitamin E in them to help preserve them. This can keep the ingredients from breaking down and they will not go bad.

The purity of the extract is important too and if you use the right oil blend then you will not have as much of a carrier oil. Essential oils might last longer, and you shouldn’t put them on your skin because it can cause allergies. One drop of essential oils can take the place of an entire bottle of something that is diluted.

Power of Oils

Oils are very powerful, and they can add power to you spells. They can be used with candles and with herbs when you are doing spells. Oils are made of herbs and plants that are blessed and some of the oil can be diluted or concentrated depending on how it is mixed.

The energy of the plants help to make the oil more powerful. When you harness this energy, It can be used to focus on y our intentions and to get the desire that you want. The stronger your intention, the more powerful the spell.

Types of Oils for Spells

Oils are normally used with herbs and are pressed together with other things. The substances are mixed inside of the oils and then the oil will rest. It is then pressed out and used in spells.

The oils are spiritual and can be bought or made. There are Wiccan oils that are sold in some stores. The oils smell good, are flavored or have a certain color. Spiritual oils are used in witchcraft and the oils can sometimes be eaten, put on your body or on an object.

There are different types of oils that can be used in witchcraft such as ritual oils, aromatherapy oils, condition oils and more. The oils have been used for years and years and they are used in magic.

Condition Oils

These oils are used with Hoodoo. The oils anoint things in spells and rituals. They can help to bring about conditions that you want to happen or get rid of bad situations. These are also called lucky oils or conjure oils.

Ritual Oils

These oils anointed candles, furniture, money, or other objects and are called anointing oils.

Aromatherapy Oils

These kinds of oils have been around since 4000 BCE or earlier. They are used in ancient cultures such as Romans, Greeks, Persians, Egyptians, and the Chinese cultures. The oils would be used to make the bath smell better or for massaging people. They were also used for cosmetic purposes.


This kind of oil will have a few herbs or plants in the mixture and uses alcohol as the base.

Essential Oils

Essential oils are volatile oils. They are concentrated and they have a strong flavor or smell. They are from a plant, or an herb and they are used in making food flavorings, perfumes, or other oils for witchcraft.

Synthetic Oils

These oils are cheaper than essential oils and they don’t have the same strength of power. You can use them though if you have to.

Massage Oils

Massage oils are applied to the skin and need to be diluted and have a carrier oil. This stops the skin from getting hurt.

Herbal Oils

These are oils that are made from herbs and are used in magical spells. They are made from flower, stems, plants, roots and are charged for the ritual. They have special rules that have to be followed.

Carrier Oils

These oils dilute essential oils to make them usable. The essential oils can irritate the skin and so they have to be mixed with carrier oils. This makes them less strong. You can use mineral, almond or olive oil to make this happen. Olive oil has a strong history, but people use it often because it is light.

You can use these oils in a different way. You can anoint the tools, candles, crystals, amulets, talismans or other objects. You can use it to make an object spiritual just by adding the oil and anointing it. You can use it to anoint your body. Don’t use it if it irritates the skin.

Magic Behind Oils

  • Amber: Peace and love.
  • Bayberry: Protection and control.
  • Bergamot: Money, Happiness, Energies.
  • Carnation: Healing and courage.
  • Cedar: Purifying, healing, and removing curses.
  • Cinnamon: Finances, energies, healing, and luck.
  • Clove: Healing, aura cleansing and creativity.
  • Dragon’s Blood: Getting rid of spirits, purification and removing curses.
  • Eucalyptus: Purifying and healing.
  • Frangipani: True love and love.
  • Frankincense: Purifying, spiritual self.
  • Gardenia: Healing, love, harmony.
  • Heliotrope: Wealth and protection.
  • High John the Conqueror: Removing curses, protection, mental strength.
  • Honeysuckle: Psychic gifts and finances.
  • Jasmine: Dreams, sensuality, and finances.
  • Juniper: Protection.
  • Lavender: Healing and love.
  • Lilac: Protection, getting rid of evil.
  • Lotus: Spiritual being, purifying.
  • Magnolia: Balance.
  • Musk: Sexual needs, opposite sex.
  • Myrrh: Removing curses, healing, psychic gifts.
  • Patchouli: Lust and prosperity.
  • Peppermint: Energy and creativity.
  • Pine: Strength and protection.
  • Rose: Fertility and romance.
  • Rosemary: Energies and protection.
  • Sage: Wisdom and truth.
  • Sandalwood: Spirituality and cleansing.
  • Vanilla: Mental strength and purifying.
  • Vetiver: Removing curses and money.
  • Violet: Luck, love, and protection.
  • Yarrow: Psychic gifts and courage.
  • Ylang-Ylang: Peace, love, and sexual attraction.

Using Oils in Spells

There are different oils that you can use when you are doing magic. Some people will use it to anoint their candle or they will use the wax to get rid of energies of the universe. They can use this to attract love and to attract desires. The oils can also be used during a spell.

Spell casters and witches might use the oil to put on parts of the body that need to be healed. They also can write words with the oils on the body or the runes if the spells tells them to. Some will drink these oils and that is why you need to use a good quality that is safe to eat.

Using Energy with Oils

Buying oils is the easiest way to have it when you need them for a spell, but you can mix your own oils. This is a way that you can use your own energy in the oil to make the oil even stronger. This increases the power of the oil. By diluting the oil with a carrier oil, you can dilute the spell. Making your own though will help to add your intention to the spell and this can be good when you re casting it.

This can make your experience strong, and it can give you the results that you want. It can make the magic work better.

How Oils are Made

When you want to make your own oil, you need to follow the techniques that you are used to. The oils can have different strengths. This kind of creation involves a carrier oil, and it can involve herbs and sitting in a bottle for months at a time.

Doing this procedure over and over might be necessary if you are trying to bring healing. One the oil is steeped; the herbs can be strained out or can be left in the bottle. Some will use different techniques, and this is up to you.

Figure out what works best for you. Some people will grind the ingredients or use a pestle and mortar to mix them. Don’t waste any of the materials when you are making your own.

Carrier Oils

Carrier oils are usually used with almond, olive or mineral oil. Olive oil can be used in rituals to bring positive energy such as healing, channeling, blessing, or doing a certain task. The rituals that are used to banish or destroy something should use mineral oil instead.

The spells can help to get rid of evil spirits and mineral oils have a synergy with other mineral compounds such as amber and magnetic oils.

Use almond oil for channeling positive energies and if you want to make a lighter oil, you can use almond oil for this as well. Use this oil to anoint yourself because it won’t break out your skin. Heavy oils work best for being burned in diffusers.

Herbs and Minerals for Oils

There are different kinds of herbs that can be used for oils. Picking the right blend of herbs will change how the spell works. Patchouli will help with abundance and fertility. It can bring you fortune in your business such as a restaurant venture.

Amber can attract luck and you can use it before you go out on risky ventures to anoint your candles. Blending 2 oils can attract fortune in all things. If you need to develop your spiritual self or your mental self, then you will be able to use Wisteria to anoint yourself. This can also increase your perception. Use vanilla to bring about lust and love in yourself or in spells.

You can use oils such as Lotus oils to get rid of negative influences out of your life.

Making Oil Blends

When you want to cleanse your tools and anoint them, you can do this to reach your spells and your magic. There are some oil blends that are high quality, and they are safe. You can make your own oils with things as simple as one ingredient or with all different ingredients.

If you want to make different kinds of oils, make sure that you have the right ingredients. This can also mean that you need to have the right pot, the right equipment, and ways to cook the ingredients. You will need things like cutting boards, jars, and other things to make sure that the oils don’t ruin.

Whatever skill level you are on, you can start learning how to make your own magical oils. You can then start using your own plants that you grow, and you can do this to make your spells very powerful. There are so many things that you can do with the oils that you make.

You need to make sure that when you do the following oils that you add the ingredients to spring water or oil as a base. Put them in a jar with a tight lid, mix them and then store them for 3 days in the dark. If you are using the blend for something specific, make sure that you imagine your intention while you are preparing it. Then, after 3 days, steep the ingredients and put in a dark glass bottle.

Ingredients for Oil Blends

  • Carrier oil.
  • Glass jar with lid.
  • Essential oils.
  • Herbs.
  • Dark glass bottle to store the oil.
  • Spring water or altar oil.
  • Glass dropper.

Altar Oil

  • .25 cups of spring water.
  • 3 drops of Sandalwood oil.
  • 3 drops of Citronella oil.
  • 2 drops of Rue oil.
  • 1 drop of Fir oil.
  • ½ Tbsp. Thyme.
  • ÂĽ Tbsp. Vervain.
  • ÂĽ Tbsp. Rue.

Cleansing Oil

  • ÂĽ cup Jojoba oil.
  • 5 drops of Rue oil.
  • 3 drops of Benzoin oil.
  • 2 drops of Lavender oil.
  • 1 drop of Fir oil.
  • 2 Tbsp. Rosemary.
  • 1 Tbsp. Basil.
  • 1 Tbsp. Mugwort.
  • 2 Tbsp. Valerian.

Anointing Oil

  • ÂĽ cup olive oil.
  • 3 drops of Rose oil.
  • 3 drops of Acacia oil.
  • 2 Star Anise.
  • 1 drop Benzoin oil.
  • ½ Tbsp. Basil.
  • ÂĽ Tbsp. Rosemary.

Consecration Oil

  • ÂĽ cup Sunflower oil.
  • 3 drops Frankincense.
  • 2 drops Rue oil.
  • 2 drops Sandalwood oil.
  • 1 drop Myrrh.
  • 1 drop Fir oil.
  • 2 Tbsp. Fennel.
  • 1 Tbsp. Tansy.

Blessing Oil

  • ÂĽ cup Olive oil.
  • 4 drops Vetiver oil.
  • 3 drops Rose oil.
  • 3 drops Juniper Berry oil.
  • 1 Tbsp. Lavender.
  • ½ Tbsp. Rosemary.
  • ½ Tbsp. Mugwort.

Astral Projection Oil

  • ½ cup carrier oil.
  • 4 drops Rue oil.
  • 3 drops Benzoin oil.
  • 2 drops Acacia oil.
  • 1 drop of Sandalwood oil.
  • 2 Tbsp. Mugwort.
  • 1 Tbsp. Jasmin.
  • 1 Tbsp. Woodruff.
  • .5 tbs. Cinquefoil.

Oil Blends for Spells

Some of the spells that people do will need a specialty oil. These are ones that are potent and should be made.

Black Arts Oil and Powder

This oil and powder can be used for crossing and for making a pact with spirits and demons.

Ingredients for Black Arts Oil and Powder

  • Vandal Root.
  • Patchouli.
  • Spanish Moss.
  • Black Mustard Seeds.
  • Mullein.
  • Sulfur.
  • 9 whole Black Peppercorns.
  • .5 ounces of carrier oil.

Add a pinch of vandal root, Spanish moss, black mustard seeds, patchouli, mullein, and Sulphur to the carrier oil and let it stay in a cool and dark place for 10 days. Shake it each day. On the 10th day, strain it and add it to the bottle with the 9 peppercorns.

To make the powder, grind all the ingredients above and add to cornstarch as a base.

Revenge Oil

This oil can be used if you need to get revenge on someone. It can be useful for people that are being treated poorly or harmed.

  • Red Pepper.
  • Graveyard dirt.
  • Sulfur (break off of a match).
  • 3 Black Peppercorns.
  • 3 needles.
  • 1 dead spider.
  • 1 dead fly.
  • .5 ounces of carrier oil.

Ad a pinch of sulfur, dirt, red pepper and add it to the black peppercorns, 3 needles, the spider, fly and the carrier oil. Let it stay in a dark and cool place for 10 days. Shake it each day. On the 10th day, strain it and put it into a bottle.

To make revenge powder, grind all the ingredients and add to cornstarch as a base.

Romance Fire Oil

This oil can be used to add energy to your spells and to your love magic.

  • 1 Tbs. Musk oil.
  • 1 Tsp. Lavender oil.
  • 1 Tsp. Ylang-Ylang oil.
  • .5 Tsp. Sandalwood oil.
  • .5 Tsp. Clary Sage oil.

Shake it well.

Attraction Oil

  • Glass vial.
  • 3 drops of Jasmine oil.
  • 1 drop of Ginger oil.
  • Rose buds.
  • 3 drops of Rose Maroc oil.
  • 10 drops of Narcissus oil.
  • Grapeseed oil.

Put the rosebuds in the glass vial. You might have to take them apart to make them fit. Use the narcissus oil and dilute it with 5% of the grapeseed oil. Combine the grape seed oil and the narcissus oil. Add 10 drops to the vial. Add 3 drops of Jasmine, 3 drops of Ginger oil and squeeze in 1 drop of grapeseed oil. Shake it lightly.

Protection Oil

This oil can be made on your own cheaper than buying it.

  • Rosemary oil.
  • Hyssop oil.
  • Lavender.
  • Mugwort.
  • Patchouli.

Instructions for Protection Oil

Add 1/8 cup of Rosemary oil for love and protection and mix it with 1 drop of Hyssop oil, 3 drops of lavender, 1 drop of Mugwort and 4 drops of Patchouli.

Mix them together and focus on your intentions and imagine love coming to you. Store in a cool and dark place.

Fiery Wall of Protection Oil

This oil should be made on a Sunday.

  • 1 Bay leaf.
  • 1 Tbsp. Dragon’s Blood resin.
  • .5 cups of olive oil.
  • Big enough bottle to hold the oil.

A dash of:

  • Sandalwood.
  • Cayenne Pepper.
  • Ginger.
  • Rue.
  • Angelica root.
  • Ground Chili Peppers.

Tbsp. of:

  • Frankincense resin.
  • Sea salt.
  • Cinnamon.
  • Myrrh resin.

Prepare the ingredients by grinding them. Say, “St. Michael the Archangel, please defend us in our battles and protect us against wickedness of the devil. Rebuke him while we ask. Strike down satan and the evil spirits of the world around us. Seeking the ruin of souls. Amen.

Bless the sea salt. Take a glass or wooden bowl and mix the ingredients together. With a wooden spoon mix in the olive oil.

Put it all in the bottle and close it and shake it. Let the bottle stay form 11 AM to 3 PM Sunday and shake it. Shake the bottle each day for the next couple of days until the ingredients go together. On the next Friday, add Vitamin E or Jojoba oil to preserve the oil.

Consecration Oil

  • Lavender.
  • Verbena Lemon oil.
  • Lilac oil.

Add 4 drops of lavender, 2 drops of Verbena Lemon oil and 4 drops of Lilac oil.

Spiritual Oil

Spiritual oil can be used to anoint the candles and the body. It can also be added to baths to get rid of negativity and attract positive energies.

You need to mix this kind of oil on your own but there are some stores that you can find spiritual cleansing oil, but it won’t be nearly as good as the kind you make on your own.

Ingredients for Spiritual Oil

  • Gardenia oil.
  • Jasmine oil.
  • Myrrh oil.
  • Glass vial.
  • Almond oil.

Making Spiritual Oil

Put the items in the glass vial and add 3 drops of Gardenia oil, 3 drops of Jasmine oil and 3 drops of Myrrh oil. Mix them together and shake the bottle. Add enough carrier oil to fill the bottle and shake it.

Blessing Oil

You need to make your own Blessing oil. It is easy to make, and it is more potent than any oil you could buy. Use this to bless others, yourself, your home or for healing.

Making Blessing Oil

This is the best oil when you want to bring a blessing. It can be made with ingredients that are old. Use this to make your spells more powerful. This can be used to bless yourself or others, for healing or even to bless your home.

Ingredients for Blessing Oil:

  • Glass vial.
  • Lavender Blossoms.
  • Basil oil.
  • Sage oil.
  • Almond oil.
  • Patchouli oil.

Making the Oil:

Put 3 lavender blossoms in for happiness and for love, a drop of basil for protection, 2 drops of sage to purify and heal and 3 drops of patchouli to keep away negativity.

Add enough oil such as Almond oil to fill the bottle and then shake it. Focus on the blessing oil and think about how powerful it is. Use it to anoint tools and candles and for other spells.

Purification Oil

Use this oil when you want to purify things.

Ingredients of Purification Oil:

  • Lavender Oil.
  • Frankincense.
  • Myrrh.
  • Rosemary.

Use a base oil with 4 drops of Lavender, 3 drops of Frankincense, 2 drops of Rosemary and 3 drops of Myrrh.

Saturn Oil

This is made as a Planetary oil. This can be used to anoint candles and can be used in spells that need the energy of Saturn.

Ingredients for Saturn Oil:

  • 2 drops of Patchouli.
  • 4 drops of Cypress.
  • 1 drop of Myrrh.

Altar Oil

This can anoint your altar and be used to call on the gods and goddesses to watch over the spell.

Ingredients for Altar Oil:

  • 2 drops of Myrrh.
  • 4 drops of Frankincense.
  • 1 drop of Cedar.

10 Oils to Keep on Hand

These are some of the oils that you should have whenever you want good results in your spells. These should be added to your collection.

Dragon’s Blood

Use this when you want to break a spell or a curse or boost the power of it.


This is an all-purpose oil and can bring luck, prosperity and can attract positivity.


Use this when you want to bring love. It can also help to attract luck, be put on a love amulet, combined with rose or basil oils for anointing a rose quartz. If you want a male partner, use this by adding lavender and ginger. To attract a woman, add violet or patchouli.


This is one of the best oils when you want to have better finances and attract money. You can use this with moss, agate or citrine to increase the power and use on a money grid.


This smells good and can be used to bring peace and mental clarity. It can make your relationships better.


This oil is great for healing and if you have a headache, rub this on your forehead for relief. You can find ones that have a different carrier and grade to add to your tea.


One of the best oils to get rid of curses and to get rid of negative energies is this oil. It can also bring good luck, wealth, friendships and can be used on tools and altars.


Ginger is a great oil for attracting male energies and boosting spells.


This oil can be good to get rid of negative energies, boost power and can help you to support others without being overwhelmed.


When you want happiness, fertility and to have an overall wellbeing, use this oil. It can also do earth healing. You can use this if you need to be gentle and loving.

Casting a Magic Circle

Magic Circle

There are different things that are used in witchcraft and one of the things is a circle. This represents the protection and the divine. It can be a symbol that is used such as the sign of the pentagram and it can also be used to do the spells.

A magic circle is used as a place that is considered sacred and it allows the energies to channel, and it gets rid of evil influences and evil energies that try to come in when you are doing spells. It is a barrier to protect you. When you try to summon spirits, it is done with a magic circle to protect you from calling on spirits that will harm you.

When you work with spirits, it can be helpful to think of them light lightening. When you are trying to channel them to reach you spell goals, you need to make sure that they are there for the right reason and that they are being managed responsible. There are things that can go wrong, and it can cause bad outcomes if the spirits aren’t summoned safely. This is why you need to make sure that you are safe by casting a circle before you ever begin. Get into the habit of doing this when casting spells.

Magic Circle

A magic circle is an area or a space that you pick to do your magic. It is a circle that encloses you and you can use your fingers to draw it in a clockwise direction or you can use a wand. Depending on what you need, you can imagine flames coming from the circle or pure white light.

You can even imagine a sphere forming. No matter what the shape is though, a circle is meant to make a boundary between yourself and any energies that can be harmful to you.

Casting a Magic Circle

When doing witchcraft and working with magic, using a magic circle can protect you from forces that aren’t known. You need to make sure that you are protected from curses and other things that can make you vulnerable when working with the spiritual world.

If you want to avoid unclean spirits or spirits that can harm you, casting a magic circle can stop this from happening.

Closing the Magic Circle

Once you finish your spell, you want to make sure that you close the magic circle. You do this because when you do magic, you are creating a door in the spiritual world. If you are contacting a soul or a god or goddess, you invite them to come into your circle and communicate with you through this opening.

You should never invite the energies into your phyiscal body. Some mediums will allow themselves to be possessed while they are in a magic circle, but you need to use the magic circle as protection from this until you are trained in that kind of spiritual workings. This can be dangerous.

Kinds of Magic Circles

There are different kinds of magic circles, and they use different tasks to make them. Some are just a circle, but you need to decide which colors, shapes, and symbols that you want to add to your magic circle.

Some magic circles get painted on the floor while others will use powder, salt, fabric or whatever they want. Make sure that the circle is big enough to fit all the people that are coming to do the spell work.

How to Cast a Magic Circle

Casting a magic circle can be done when you are going to do spiritual work. You need to make sure that you cleanse yourself before you ever set up the circle. Then, you can cleanse the area. To cleanse yourself, take a bath and get rid of objects form the area that you don’t need. Also, you can sweep up dust and you can make sure that you have what you need to do the spell.

Set up the altar and put out your candles. Some will use a dagger, a sword, or a pentagram when they are casting their circle. This altar doesn’t have to be special, and it can be just a table that you use just for the altar. Make sure though that it is something that you use separately than other things. You can also put a bowl, salt, water, a bell, saucer, and chalice at your altar.

Then you need to start visualizing your action and doing your chanting. Focus your mind on the spell and light the candles that are on the altar first. Offer the blessings to the gods and goddesses that you want to come and help you and use the sword to trace the circle’s outline. This shows that you are forming a division between what is in the circle and what isn’t in the circle.

Stand at your altar and ring the bell 3 times. As you ring it, imagine yourself drawing the eye of the world to you and calling out the gods or goddesses that you want to come. At each of the five corners of the circle, offer words to the gods and goddesses in each direction. You don’t have to name them individually, just honor them.

Put the bowl of salt on the pentagram and rinse the blade with it. Do this with a bowl of water and add a pinch of salt to the water and sprinkle it around the circle to keep it pure. Pour the water into the chalice and then the saucer for the gods and goddesses and then put it on top of the pentagram.

When you go in and out of the circle, make sure that you are honoring the gods and goddesses and thanking them again and again for helping you. Thank them and tell them goodbye when you are done with the spell.

Knowing Your Circle is Working

Sometimes you won’t know that your circle is working because you won’t feel anything. Some will use dowsing rods or pendulums to see if the circle is opened and closed the right way. You can also ask the pendulum to make the circle strong to keep out evil spirits. If you get a negative answer, you can stop your spell and try again at a later time.

If you are new to casting spells, you need to make sure that you are doing the rituals right. You need to stay safe so that you can have a good outcome when you cast the spell. Make sure that you are keeping yourself safe with your magic and that you are trying out different methods.

As long as your circle is working, it can protect you from harm and this is the method that you can use. You might see that you are casting magic circles even when you aren’t doing spiritual work. Do this so that you can be safe when you travel, when you work or even if you are sleeping. Use the spiritual world to help keep you safe and shielded in all the thing that you do.

How to Invoke Spirits for Spells

Spirits for Spells

In Wicca, Voodoo, Shamanism and other kinds of magical practices, people will often call on the spirits and the gods and goddesses to help them. This can be an easy thing, but you can also make it hard. There are different traditions in how people call the spirits and as you learn about what kind of magic you want to do; you will see what works the best for your magic.

Invoking Spirits

Invoking spirits means that you call on the spirits to come and help you. This can be a prayer, a chant or something that calls on the different gods, goddesses, and other spiritual beings. You do this because you need the spirit to help you or protect you when you are doing a spell.

You can ask the spirits to help you with something or you can ask them to help you make your wish come true. You can also ask them to help you with someone else. There are some things that you need to do such as write things down or speak certain words.


When a person gets possessed, they can draw the spirit into their own body. This is also called aspecting and is done to get closer to a spirit. This doesn’t mean that you are demon possessed.

This is a positive way that you can call on the spirits and that they can help you. This is sometimes done in Wicca and in Pagan practices. This is different than invocation which is called evocation and means that you are asking the spirit to go to a different location than you are at.

Wiccans will use this kind of invocation in pairs with one person doing the invocation while the other person is being the spiritual vessel. The person that is the vessel can ask the spirit and might not ever remember that they did this. You can use your imagination to call the spirits to come to you. This doesn’t use words but instead uses images.


You can ask the spirits to come to you through conjuration. This means you give the spirit a command. This is a way that you can ask the spirit to come to you or you will just the spirit. There are different things that you need to recite to have power over the spirit to make it do what you want. This is often done in Voodoo, Obeah and Santeria magic.

You can identify with the spirit, and this happens when you take on the same qualities that the spirit has that you are calling to you can do this such as being ferocious like the spirit called Kali. When you do this, the spirit will come to you. This isn’t possession because it is less controlled and means more that you identify with the spirit. You are then part of the spirit and part of who you are.

Picking the Right Invocation

You need to decide what kind of invocation you want to use. You can ask a spirit to come to you and thank it for helping you. You can use the power of a spirit to make your spells successful. You can collect what you need to use invocation and then you need to have something to say. You can right the recitation yourself or you can find them in books or online. Do whatever gives you power with the spirits around you.

Starting Invoking Spirits

Once you hear a phrase and you want to use it to invoke the spirits, some think these are evil spirits, but they aren’t always. You can find peaceful and good spirits to call on. This can be done by chanting and by being peaceful.

You can talk to the spirits, and you can ask them to come to your life and help you with each thing you do every day.

You can invoke the spirits when you do spell work. This can be a god or goddess, or it can be another spirit. Don’t try to invoke a spirit that doesn’t want to be summoned. When this happens, consider talking to a higher frequency entity that is at a higher vibration. Make sure you are prepared for this.

Why Use Distinct Purpose?

People that start spell casting often think that they don’t have anything to worry about. But you need to make sure you are confident but that you are also summoning the Patron. This means you have to have a real purpose in mind and know what you want with the spirit. Focus on this.

A Patron will listen when it has attention to your presence. If it wants to give you attention, it will. It will answer questions and it will influence whatever is going on in your spell.

Invoking Spirits Ritual

Before you start any ritual, you need to make sure that you are cleansed in your own spirit. Meditate before you start. You might want to do a ritual for a different reason but make sure that you know why. Some will do this for money, guidance, love, and other things.

The first thing that you need to do is to pray for guidance. Ask the spirit to help you and always show them kindness and thankfulness.

Protect Yourself

Make sure that you ask the spirits to protect you from evil spirits and that you ask to be covered by a white light. Use your mind to make this white light cover you. Be kind and loving when you do this and imagine the light totally covering and protecting you.

You can take 40 candles and put them around you in a circle and this will protect you from evil spirits. Sit in the circle and say, “As I stand before you, please bless me and give me wisdom. Give me access to the spiritual world so that I can talk to you. Keep me safe as I enter and ask you questions. Let white light surround me and protect me while you guide me.”

After you do that, ask the spirit whatever you want to ask them.

Ending the Ritual

Once you are done and you get the answers you are seeking, the candles should keep burning until they go out on their own. Go out and dispose of them and never use them again.

Easy Spirit Invoking Spell

Everyone might need to invoke a spirit one time or another. There are different names that you can call on and some will call on their angels, their spirit guides, or other spirits. The spirits will show them if they are ready and if they want to be received.

If you feel that you need to ask the spirit for help, you can cast the Spirit Invocation Spell to get them to talk to you before you start. Do this spell on a Wednesday or during the Full or Dark Moon.

Ingredients for Easy Spirit Invoking Spell

  • A gift for the spirit such as tobacco, drink, food or whatever you choose.
  • White candle.
  • Smudge stick.
  • 1 cup of salt.

Casting an Easy Spirit Invoking Spell

Make sure that you have no negative energies around you when you start this spell. Take a cleansing bag and add salt to the water. Bath for at least 20 minutes and then dry off and put on something clean and comfortable.

Cast your circles and ask the quarters to bless you. Light the sage and get rid of anything negative around you. Leave the sage burning.

Put the candle in the holder and put the gifts for the spirits around. Close your eyes and focus on inviting the spirits and being welcoming. Light the candles and say, “Spirit guide, I wait on you. My heart and mind is open. Spirit guide, I ask you with open hands and a spirit that is willing. Spirit guide, I come with gifts to show you honor and welcome you here. Spirit guide, please come to me and share your wisdom and guide me.”

Take time to listen and be quiet until you get the blessings that you need. Then release them and close the circle. Pay attention to any signs or images that you might get in your dreams or around you.

Invoking Ancestors

You can do the same thing with your ancestors, and you can ask them to wake you up when you are sleeping. When you wake them, you can ask them questions that you have had for a while. Never invoke an evil spirit because this can be dangerous, especially if you are new to doing this.

Warning of Invoking Spirits

No matter what you want to ask the spiritual world, you need to use caution when you are invoking. You need to make sure that you don’t rush and that you are knowledgeable about what you are doing. This can help you to avoid problems. You will face consequences if you do this wrong.


Even if you don’t believe in the devil, the devil believes in you. You have a patron that you belong to even if you don’t believe it. Everyone has to go somewhere when they die and there are two ways to summon your Patron:

  • Talk to them in your head or out loud. Tell them what you are thinking and what you are focusing on.
  • Have a ritual for your Patrion that you want to come to you.


  • Summoning can happen when you recognize a Patron’s favorite thing.
  • Trust your intuition. It can be hard to follow invoking a spirit if you aren’t listening to your intuition. Make sure that your psychic site is developed and that you are able to have a strong gut reaction that you trust before you ever start doing this.

The Different Elements of Magic

Elements of Magic

Magic can use the four elements of earth, fire, air, and water. These elements work in harmony with your life to make things happy and good. People that cast spells will often use the elements as part of their rituals.

There are different elements that can be used with different spells. Some will be used such as fire with a candle, salt of the earth or water. Elements are used in witchcraft, Wicca, and other systems of magic. They work with everything that is of the universe. Some things can work with one element and then part of another element. Other things work with just part of one element.

The object of the elements is to work together to help you to see the world as a whole.

Air Element

Air is the element that is represented by clouds, wind, and the sky. There are also elements of mountains that work with the air because the mountains go into the sky. The animals of this element are the birds such as eagles, hawks and other birds that fly high in the sky.

The air element shows intelligence and knowledge. The ideas that come to your mind come from the air and this is an impractical element. The earth is practical, and the air is impractical because it moves in different directions. The direction of the air is east because of the sun rising in the east but it runs everywhere.

Air rules intuition, logic, theory, fertility, future, wisdom, plans and more. Some associate air with the morning and spring is also the season associated with it because it means new beginnings. The colors of the element are blue, yellow, and white and the tools are wands, rattles, bells, feathers, fans, and incense.

Elements of the Air

  • Direction: East.
  • Season: Spring.
  • Numbers: 5 & 11.
  • Time: Dawn.
  • Colors: White, blue, yellow.
  • Gender: Male.
  • Zodiac Signs: Libra, Aquarius, Gemini.
  • Planets: Mercury, Uranus, Neptune, Jupiter.
  • Tarot Cards: Suit of Swords.
  • Runes: Mannaz, Tiwaz, Dagaz, Algiz.
  • Chakra: Heart chakra.
  • Tools: Asthme, Wand, Censer, Incense.

Fire Element

The fire element is just by itself. It is considered an outsider because it has no real control. It doesn’t follow any kind of rules. This is associated with the desert and with volcanoes and is associated with the animals such as the tiger and lions because of their colored fur. This is also associated with the lizards and orange salamanders.

This is a magical element, and it works with cumin, hot chilis and other herbs that are hot. Fire is a male element and focuses on the self. It rules the energies of passion, healing, joy, and destruction.

Fire is stubborn and so is the power behind it. People that have violent tempers are often associated with this element. This is also a healing element that moves southward. It’s time is midday when the sun is the hottest. It also represents the germ that comes from seeds and the colors are yellow, orange, and red and the tool is a candle.

Elements of Fire

  • Direction: South.
  • Season: Summer.
  • Numbers: 1 & 3.
  • Time: Noon.
  • Colors: Red, orange, and yellow.
  • Gender: Male.
  • Zodiac Signs: Leo, Sagittarius, and Aries.
  • Planets: Mars and the sun.
  • Tarot Cards: Suit of Swords.
  • Runes: Dagaz, Nauthiz and Thurisaz.
  • Chakra: Solar plexus chakra.
  • Tools: Wands, candles, rod, and sword.

Water Element

Water is an element that represents bodies of waters such as the ocean or lakes. The moon works with the water because the moon helps to control the tides. The creatures that live in water are associated with this element such as whales, fish, and dolphins.

This element is a feminine element, and it is associated with strong emotions and mood swings. It also relates to giving birth because of the amniotic fluid in the mothers womb. The direction of the water is west, and the colors are silver and blue. It is used in representation by a bowl of water. Some will add shells to make it more like the ocean.

Water rules over intuition, the womb, love, divination, and feelings.

Elements of Water

  • Direction: West.
  • Season: Autumn.
  • Numbers: 2.
  • Time: Dusk.
  • Colors: Blue and silver.
  • Gender: Female.
  • Zodiac Signs: Scorpio, Pisces, and Cancer.
  • Planets: Moon, Jupiter, Saturn, Pluto, and Venus.
  • Tarot Cards: Suit of Cups.
  • Runes: Laguz, Eihwaz, Isa, Wunjo.
  • Chakra: Sacral chakra.
  • Tools: Cauldron and chalice.

Earth Element

The element of the earth is a representation of all of nature. It works with the soil, hills, rocks, land, sea, caves, and more. The animals that work with this element are pigs, bears, cattle, boar, goats and more.

The earth is a female energy and moves north. It is associated with midnight because under the earth is dark. It also works with fertility and pregnancy and the colors are black and brown. Wiccans use salt to represent the earth.

The earth rules the natural world and works with stability, wealth, silence, growth and phyiscal bodies.

Elements of Earth

  • Direction: North.
  • Season: Winter.
  • Numbers: 4 & 8.
  • Time: Midnight.
  • Colors: Green.
  • Gender: Female.
  • Zodiac Signs: Virgo, Taurus, Capricorn.
  • Planets: Earth, Saturn, Venus.
  • Tarot Cards: Suit of Pentacles.
  • Runes: Othala, Berkano, Jera, Fehu.
  • Chakra: Root chakra.
  • Tools: Crystal s and plants.

Spirit Element

The spirit element is also called the Ether or the Akasha. This isn’t really an element, but it is a magical element that is used and is the fifth point of the pentagram. This is a force that binds the elements together when using magic.

The spirit works to make everything, and it makes everything alive and lives in everything. It is always there. When doing a spell, the spell caster connects with the spiritual world so that they can make their spell reach from the phyiscal to the divine realm. The energy of the spirit goes through everything around it, but it doesn’t take a form.

This is the source of energy that helps to make up the four other elements of water, air, earth, and fire. The spirit works with transportation, mystery, and balance.

Elements of the Spirit

  • Direction: Center.
  • Season: Spring, Summer, Winter, Fall.
  • Numbers: All numbers.
  • Time: Eternity and now.
  • Colors: Purple.
  • Gender: Androgynous.
  • Zodiac Signs: All zodiac signs.
  • Planets: All planets.
  • Tarot Cards: All tarot cards.
  • Runes: All runes.
  • Chakra: Throat chakra.
  • Tools: Plants, unicorn, and sphinx.

Doing Voodoo Love Spells

Voodoo Love Spells

Voodoo is a kind of magic that came from cultures in Africa. It is also closely knitted with the African shamanism traditions and is influenced by Roman Catholicism. These are spells that use the spirits that are called Lwa, and they are done by Voodoo priests or priestesses or mambos or Hougans. The spirits are called on when a favor is needed. Voodoo magic is not considered good or evil.

When you first start trying to cast spells, you might want to try different magic systems. Voodoo is a magic that has been known all over the world and it is considered to be effective and good form of magic. You can ask a Voodoo priest to cast a love spell for you or you can try to do one on your own. You should try your best to understand this kind of magic before doing any spell.

Kinds of Love Voodoo Magic

There are different problems that can happen in romantic relationships. You might see that one person is more interested in the love than the other person. Once there are two people that are together in a relationship, you might find that one will cheat or get bored in the relationship, or they might decide they have fallen out of love.

Voodoo has love spells that focus on the problems that someone faces in their relationship. Even if you want to find a partner that is new to come into your life, there are spells that can be used.

What to Avoid in Voodoo Magic

Voodoo has been known to be associated with different kinds of dark magic and even though you can use these spells for good, you need to make sure that you are prepared in case any consequences come from it. If someone casts a spell for you, they will not be able to stop the powers from turning against you instead of the person that you want to cast the spell on.

If you have anger or other negative emotions, you need to try to get help getting rid of these feelings and once you do that it will be easier to do a love spell that will reach the highest good.

Voodoo is like other folk magic because it uses pictures, body parts, hair, or other things to bind the person that you are doing the spell on to you. Love spells will need to have these kinds of items as well. You might not care about being bound to another person in a positive way but when you cast these kinds of spells to ruin a relationship, make sure that you understand what you are getting.

Before you ask a Voodoo caster to cast a love spell for you, make sure that you know what you are giving you energy to.

Wrong Thoughts on Voodoo Love Spells

Some movies and shows look at Voodoo wrongly. The portray it as something evil. This doesn’t mean that Voodoo is evil, and the spells can be more powerful and more effective because it is closer to nature energies. When taking what nature has for you, it can make your intentions stronger, and it can cause results to happen faster.

How to Do Voodoo

There are different practices that are done in Voodoo. This can be used by spells, potions, incenses, candles, and other things. Spells start with giving thanks to the elements and the spirits and then there are tools such as Voodoo dolls that can be used.

There are dolls that can bring intention and energy and can store these things in the phyiscal so that a person can focus on their desires. Once the spell is done, the doll is undone, and the energy goes back into the universe.

Making Your Love Life Better

Voodoo spells can be used if you want to have peace in y our love life. Some people have problems in their relationships, and they go and do or get someone to do Voodoo spells to heal them and to support them. If you are getting counseling about your relationship, Voodoo can help to make the process stronger, and you can feal faster.

Finding Love with Voodoo

Some single people will use Voodoo to help them find a lover. You might not know the person at first, but they will come to you, and they will make you happy. True love can come from many places, and you can find your soulmate.

Voodoo and Marriage

Once you are married, you might think that things will go great but that isn’t always true. You can have troubles when you are married, and the troubles can last for a long time. You might find that you need energy to make your partner love you again.

Voodoo spells can help you to go back into your honeymoon phase and you can start loving each other where it started. You will want your partner now even more than you did at the beginning.

Love spells can help you to have love that you want in your life and if you do the spells right, you can find that you can have real love in your life.

The Spirits and Lwa

Spells can work when you do them. Voodoo uses one god, Bondye. This is a being where all things came from including life and energy. There is no distinction between anything living. It has no regard for what a person deserves or doesn’t deserve. There is a saying that says, “The sun shines on the good and evil.”

There are other spirits called Lwa which are there to help you create different circumstances and making there more power in your hands.

The spirits can be called on and asked to help you when you are doing spells and they will sometimes come and assist people. There is one god in this thought and the spirits thrive on the energy form this god.

Known Lwa Gods for Love

Here are some of the most known love deities:

Papa Legba

This is one you can call on when you need to get rid of things that are blocking you from reaching the things that you want in your life. He can help you with problems in love or clear your path and can unblock your power and intuition if something is blocking it.


This is the spirit of love that brings love, fertility, peace, joy, and beauty. She can give your life in your spirit and help you to love yourself more.

Damballah Wedo

This is one that is compassionate and is an elder. He looks out for his children and will get rid of negative energies out of your life.

Doing Voodoo Love Spells

Voodoo love spells are there when you call upon Lwa. You can do this to get rid of things that are blocking you from being able to do your spells. You can use the power of these to go in a trance or to get things that you need for your spells. After you cast a spell, you can see the power through a potion or a luck charm. Not all Voodoo spell casters will use potions or amulets, and some will not use anything representing something physically.

What Can Voodoo Love Spells Do for You?

Voodoo spells have different purposes, and it depends on what you want when you are doing your spells.

Most Popular Love Spells

The most popular spells are love spells. You can use the spells to make a relationship better, to bring love, and more. You can do this, but you must have an intention that isn’t being selfish. This can cause negative energies to come to you or can hurt you or damage the spell.

Make Someone Attracted to You Spell

Magic has a way of bringing good and bad consequences. If you are the subject of a love spell, you become linked to the spell caster. This can be forever or temporary. Don’t cast spells if you aren’t ready for anything to happen.

Have Someone Fall for You Spell

Some people use Voodoo to make someone fall in love with them. This can make you look desperate, or it can be something that you use as a last resort. This can make someone fall for you.

Return a Lost Love Spell

When you need an ex to come back to you, you might consider Voodoo magic. You can do this to fix a relationship, to get rid of someone in your life that is causing your harm or to break people up.

Preparing Before a Spell

Voodoo is a type of magic that you need to prepare for. There are spell kits that you can buy if you want to have help doing your Voodoo spell or you can do your own. This means that you will do chants and other things and you might need some kind of professional help with this.

It is a good idea to make sure that you are cleansed before you do any kind of Voodoo spell. This can get rid of negativity before you even get started doing the ritual.

Make Someone Fall in Love with You Spell

It doesn’t matter if you are just romantic or if you want to make someone fall in love with you. You can do spells to find love. Some people will resort to magic as their last shot. Some people want to have a partner that is going to love them and to be loyal to them and they will use spells. Other people want to get back an ex.

Doing a spell is powerful and if the spell caster focuses on the spell and what is needed then they will get the results that they want. If you don’t have the right ingredients and tools, you can still do this love spell with Voodoo magic.

Ingredients for a Make Someone Fall in Love with you Spell

  • Large white pillar candle.
  • Thorn from a rosebush.
  • 2 voodoo dolls.
  • A foot of blue yarn.

Casting a Make Someone Fall in Love with You Spell

Don’t do this spell until a full moon. Use the thorn and write, “my true love come to me,” 3 times in the candle and then light the candle. Focus on how you want your lover to feel about you.

Take the ribbon and tie a knot on the end and say, “My true love come to me.” Tie five more knots and then say the words each time.

Repeat the phrase and then take the voodoo dolls and tie them together with the yarn. Set them by the candle and then say the phrase until the candles burn out or when you need to blow it out.

Take the thorn, the dolls, the candle and tie them in the blue ribbon and then put them in your closet. The spell is not to manipulate anyone but to get someone to get your true love feelings. Let go of expectations and once you get your results, return the items to nature.

Easy Erzulie Love Spells

Write the persons name that you want to fall in love with on paper 13 times. Put a peacock feather the paper under your pillow at bedtime and say the person’s name 13 times.

Do this for 3 nights. On the fourth night, you need to light a red candle, take a bath for 13 minutes and think of the person that you want to fall in love with.

Dream about that person when you go to sleep and when you wake up you need to hide the paper and take the peacock feather somewhere that the person will touch it. This needs to be sure that they are the first one to touch it. Be careful with this spell.

These spells need to work with magic and shouldn’t be done to hurt anyone or to bring negativity.

Soulmate Voodoo Spell

This spell is good if you want to find your soulmate. If you want to use the items, you can but you can also use a candle for the spell that is full of your intentions. If you want to do the spell and find real love in your life, you won’t have some of the tools maybe that are needed. Don’t let that stop you from doing this spell. You can use the Voodoo power and the energies of the universe to find love.

Don’t joke or even talk about casting spells. Look at what you need and set good intentions. Make sure that you believe in the power of the spell. You can get a future spouse and find real love. It doesn’t matter how bad your love history is this can turn that all around.

Love spells can be amazing if you use them to find love and if you want to make the energies strong inside of you for love.

Ingredients for a Soulmate Voodoo Spell

  • Pink candle.
  • Pink construction paper.
  • Scissors.
  • Paper bag.
  • String.
  • Call upon Erzulie

Casting a Soulmate Voodoo Spell

Cleanse the candle and then cut out a Voodoo doll out of the construction paper. Write all the things that you want from your partner on one side. Write anything that you can think of and let the power build up.

Drip candle from the wax onto the doll and then when it is completely covered. Call on Erzulie to come to you and to bring you love. Be honest with what you want and make sure that you are building up a lot of energy. Take your time on this. Snuff out the candle and then repeat the last step for the next two days.

On the last day, the third day, put the doll in a paper bag and tie it with a string so it is totally closed. Hide this under your bed until your soulmate comes. Once they come, thank Erzulie and then return the package to the earth by burying it in the ground, putting it into a lake or a river or burning it.

Those Who Do Voodoo

If you aren’t able to reach your goals, you can use Voodoo magic. If you are fearful of doing this magic or it doesn’t seem to work for you, you can call on someone that is experienced to do this magic for you.

How Can a Voodoo Caster Help You?

  • They can see things the way that they are without being limited by human eyes.
  • They can harness the power in their bodies.
  • They can help you focus on your desire.
  • They can turn your goals into reality.

Some people are able to travel into the spiritual world while others aren’t able to. Since there are people that can’t, some will hire a Voodoo spell caster to help them cast their spells. You can hire someone if you need them to help you. In ancient times, people would hire someone that was a farmer or a butcher to do spells for them.

How many times will you need a love spell? The truth is this should only be one time. Don’t neglect your relationship and make sure that you nurture it.

Like other religions, Voodoo is often done because someone is greedy. Be careful who you give your money to in order to cast a spell for you. Make sure you aren’t wasting your money, or you aren’t hiring someone that will cause the spell to backfire on you or come back on you negatively.

Be sure of what your intent is and make sure that you are using this to make your life better and not to control someone. Humans that have the wrong intentions can face bad consequences. Always use integrity when hiring a Voodoo spell caster.

Understanding Black Magic

Black Magic

Black magic is something that should never be used to hurt someone else. It isn’t about devil worship and evil spells, and it can even bring people love into their lives. No one should be harmed in this kind of magic and if they aren’t then the spells normally work well.

This is a practice that uses different spirits that can bring harm if you do it wrong or if you destroy things but if you aren’t doing that then it also uses amulets, spells, incantations, and other rituals to get the spell to work.

Using Black Magic

People that like the idea of this kind of magic will use the spells to get rid of diseases and pests. They will use these forces to get rid of other spells that are offensive or elemental spells that are not working.

This isn’t a thing of good or evil, but it is a different kind of magic that is used to make spells come true.

Black Magic Theories

What is the difference between black and white magic?  Black magic draws on the powers that are given in a different view called the “left-handed” point of view. The powers are there to give a spell and the difference is normally the intent of the spell.

Black magic love spells are there to force love, but they are not evil. They are not the opposite of white magic and sometimes these magic forces are equal. Darker or black magic isn’t the opposite of white magic, it just has different goals.

White magic can fight against darkness and dark magic can have something positive happen when a spell is cast. Spells of white and black can just be a middle line of grey.

There are people that believe that black magic is done under the darkness of the moon and that white magic uses the different lunar phases because they are light. This isn’t anything to do with evil or good and there is nothing that should be done to harm someone through the use of either of these kinds of magic.

Practicing Black Magic

There are different names for the spells of black magic. This means that you can have control over a person and that you can do rituals that are immortal. These rituals can be done to a person’s life, and you have to use the energy of another person to make the energy last longer. This is why these are considered to be dark magic.

There are some black magic spells that call on the different gods or goddesses to get things done. This practice is sometimes chosen over white magic.

How to Learn Black Magic

You can work with the spiritual powers in order to get black magic to work. You don’t want to do a spell that is going to hurt another person. Depending on who is teaching you, you might be led to see that these black magic practices don’t work or that there isn’t any kind of magic that can bring harm.

You might find then that you aren’t sure if you should use black magic at all or if you should be against it. If you feel that someone is using black magic against you, you might want to understand it more.

Black Magic and Demons

You have to realize that black magic was around before demons were written about. When it comes to calling on demons to cause harm, this would only be done by people that believe in that. The majority of people that worship satan will call on the demons to help them to do things in the community.

Some traditions will also allow people to give things to the angry demons to please them and this can cause there to be problems all over the situation.

Causing Harm with Black Magic

If you are trying to cause harm to someone then this is not good. Black magic is normally used as a defensive magic, and it isn’t there to bring harm but to stop harm that has been put on someone else. Magic can be used to put a curse on someone that you don’t like but you might relate this to something that they deserve because of karma.

If you are on good terms with this person, then you might feel bad for them and be upset with the person that cast the spell or the person that represented them in the spell casting.

Black Versus White Magic

When you are hurt or upset, black magic might seem to be more powerful to you than white magic. This happens because white magic takes positive thoughts and feelings and is powerful to make a spell work. Black magic can take negative feelings that you are feeling and can cast a curse.

Neither magic is more powerful than the other but the person that shifts their energies is what matters. If you aren’t happy about your life and you are dealing with something hard in love, you might want to use black magic to shift what is going and to stop things.

On the other hand, if you want to attract something to you, you might choose to follow white magic and change your mindset from negative to positive.

Even if you don’t rely on either kind of magic, the black magic can help you if you are dealing with hard situations. You can use black magic when you want to change your mind about what you want. You might want to start with white magic but sometimes people think that when there are painful emotions involved, black magic will work the best to send the energies where they need to go without harm.

Black Magic Spells

There are people that have to deal with situations in their lives that are hard, and these people have strong feelings. Just because these feelings are there, it doesn’t mean that someone wants to use evil magic to get what they want.

Before you ever cast a black magic spell, you need to make sure that you understand the different changes that can happen, and that the outcome can be better for everyone rather they believe it or not.

Forcing Something to Happen

Have you ever been in a situation where you need to force something to happen? Maybe you have a boss at your job that picks on you, and you can’t afford to lose your job. If you use white magic, it might help you to see the person getting a promotion or it can create a good outcome without causing harm to anyone.

Even if you do this, it might be impossible for you to wish goodness to someone that is causing you pain.  Even though you are mirroring the energies of your own through other people, you might need to put a revenge spell out there to stop the reflection and to stop them from bothering you.

Black magic is a problem because it can cause the other person to lose their free will. The spells can do different things but once you learn more about who you are and what you want, it will be easier to stop problems and have positive outcomes.

Why Is it Bad to Take Away Free Will?

Free will means that you are free from something that is predestined to happen to you. This doesn’t mean that the choices are already going to be changed by the energies that come into your life. When you use black magic, you can still make someone make choices that you think will cause a specific outcome to happen.

If you aren’t willing to be subjected to the outcomes that other people force, then you can see that the efforts that you make to others will fail and it can end up coming back on you in a harmful way.

Black magic spells take away the free will of others. You need to make sure that you want the situation that you are facing to be reversed. That means that if you want to be forgiven or you want someone to be kind to you, you need to make sure that you consider that no matter what kind of spell that you cast.

Using Dark Magic

Some people want to avoid using dark or black magic, but some people will use it when they are hurt or angry. When you decide to use black magic spells, you will still have to choose the best path for you in the situation. Some of your choices will be based on what you think that other people should do and so you need to make sure that you know what you want as a person.

This might not be something easy for you to do but know that magic will bring you to a place where you learn a lesson over and over again.

Always be serious and think through any spell that you are wanting to cast. This is with white and black magic. This can help you to see things from a different perspective and make sure that you are doing what is good. If you are drawn to black magic and the black magic spells, make sure that you know what the meaning is for you and for everyone else around you.

Can Black Magic Be Dangerous?

Black magic isn’t evil, and neither is white magic. The energies can be dangerous though to anyone who doesn’t understand them. Since black magic focuses on creating a specific outcome, some think it is more dangerous than white magic is.

Make sure that you look at the situation in front of you and that you know about the energies that you are going to use before you ever decide if black magic is the right tool for you.

Nature and Black Magic

There are different energies that cause changes in the physical and the spiritual world. Scientists have even found that the different particles can be experimented with and that they change based on what is going on with these particles.

You can look at energy and call it dark matter, but the truth is that it can be used as positive or negative, depending on the person and what their intentions are.


physical matter is less than 1% of what makes up the universe. Some debate that there are different kinds of energies in different dimensions. People that use black and white magic work with different energies and they have been since ancient times.

Some are able to take energy from one dimension and use it to create a change in the physical matter around them. Black magic can be used as much as 25% of physical matter when casting spells and doing different rituals.

Systems and Black Magic

If you need a certain outcome to happen, you might want to focus on the different magical systems that help to control the energies around you. This includes things like Voodoo, Santeria, Curanderismo and Obeah magic. People that want to work with different kinds of magical systems will be interested in the ancient magic of the Egyptians, Hindu, and Mesopotamian systems.

Demon worship isn’t a part of black magic or white magic. Worshiping demons means that you are following a system and a personal aspect in your life. Using black magic focuses on destroying energies that cause there to be problems in your life or things that are blocking you.

Going into the spiritual realm is like understanding something deeply. You will see that you are going to learn things and if they seem dangerous or if they look like they can bring harm, then you need to make sure that you avoid that stuff.

When you are learning to cast spells, you can see that dark magic is similar to a disease. Once you understand the purpose behind black magic, you can see that you are not a victim of it anymore than someone that is a victim of a disease. After you figure this out, you will see that you can use black magic just like you can use white magic.

History of Black Magic

A person that will break their word or a promise might feel bad because they hurt you. The nature that you have inside of you will convince you that you need to get back at them for this. There are different families and societies that build up negative feelings about each other throughout their life.

When this happens, using black magic can happen. This normally comes when there are negative feelings. A hex or a curse is something that happens when someone is coping with negative energies, and it means that they are finding ways to resolve the problems that are hidden.

The history of black magic shows that you need to focus on things that build you up instead of those things that drag you down.

Where Did Black Magic Originate?

Some believe that black magic has been around as long as pain and suffering has been. Egyptian history shows that there were Heka or protective forces that were used to bring bad luck to the enemies of other nations.

Witchcraft will show you that there have been different things such as science, shamanism, magic, religion, witchcraft, and other things that bring harm to an enemy instead of resolving things without harm.

Dark Ages Black Magic

Black magic was not seen as evil until the Dark Ages. When this happened, things that were done outside of the church were considered witchcraft. Some claimed false things and said that witchcraft was teaming up with demons and it stopped some of the black magic from being able to be done.

Some believe that spells to this day are dark magic, and they don’t understand the intent behind any kind of energy or magic.

Black Magic Now

Some people don’t believe that black magic even exists, or they believe that all magic is black. If you have ever been sad or if you have ever wanted someone in your life to have to experience their own karma, it shows that dark magic is real.

People sometimes think that if they cast a curse on someone that they know what they are doing but most of the time people that do this have very little understanding of how magic works. They don’t realize that this is all based around negative emotions. Once you learn how to handle and understand negative emotions then you can get rid of energy that is negative and you will find black magic to be useful.

People Who Do Black Magic

You probably have met someone that has talents in casting spells. This can be someone that is naturally good at spell casting and rituals. When you learn about this kind of person, you need to find out if they are able to help you with what you need.

Kinds of Spells

Black magic spells use different energy that isn’t always easy. It can be done with banishing, curses, hexes, and other black magic that blocks good things from happening to someone or a group of people. This can also destroy something that was good for them.

Love and health spells can still be black magic spells depending on how they are cast. If you desire someone to be bound to you and if they aren’t then they will have to face consequences, this is a kind of black magic.

Black magic can bring abundance and bring bad luck to people such as bill collectors or someone that is trying to take your money. Black magic spells can also be used to get rid of diseases and to get rid of things that can cause you harm or sickness.

Deconstruction Versus Evil

There are black magic aspects that are hurtful because they undo something that the person might have in their life. If you are hurt because your lover chose someone over you, bad luck might strike them. Evil comes when there are energies that are used to cause harm to people for no reason.

Black magic can have a serious effect on people and on an outcome, but this can be better than something else happening to them. They might find someone else that they are more compatible with, or they might break up with the person to find something new. This is not evil.

Finding a Black Magic Spell Caster

Emotions play a huge role in black magic. Most of the time if you cast a black magic spell, you will see that the energies can come back on you. It is important that if you are serious about doing a spell that you find a spell caster that knows how to use these energies.

Depending on what you are going through, you can find someone that is in your community or online that knows how to help you. No matter what kind of black magic spell caster you use, take time to talk to them and listen to your intuition before you get them to help you.

People will tell you that you should not have anything to do with black magic. There are risks when you use this kind of magic, but fear is going to cause you more harm than any spell. If you need to get rid of negative emotions and you need something in your life to be gotten rid of or taken care of, black magic might be what you want to try. Find a spell caster that understands the rituals before you ever choose a spell. You can even try to find someone that does white magic before you talk to a black magic spell caster.

Using Herbs for Spells

Herbs for Spells

People that do magic often use different herbs to help make their magic stronger. These are things that might have been passed down from generation to generation. Herbs and plants can bring healing, but they are also good with magic.

Using herbs in your magic can make your spells more powerful. You will see if you add herbs to your spell then you will see the spell be more effective and it can be stronger than you ever imagined. Herbs and plants have their own energies and so this can make the energy of the spell go over the top. Herbs can protect you and you can use the energy of the herbs in your spell work.

Energy of Nature

Nature has its own energy, and it is important in your everyday life. This is the things that you eat and the things that give you energy. When you hold a plant, there is magic in the plant. You can use the energy of the plant to make things happen in your life. Plants are alive and they breath just like people do. Some people don’t remember this, and they don’t let their energy grow and be fruitful.

If you want to have more energy, you can use plants in your magic. Humans and plants go together. If one dies, the other will die as well.

There are different plants and what they can do such as a lavender plant can bring calmness and rest and Mugwort can give you visions. The energy that the plants have can go into your spells and make them more energetic and stronger.

Recipe for Doing Successful Spells

Pick the right herbs when you are doing magic. You need to see how the magic of the plant or herb relates to the spell that you are doing. Thinks about the energy when you start doing the spell and be peaceful. You will see that this can make the magic powerful. You should use plants that are peaceful.

If you want to reach a goal, you need to find herbs that have energies to reach goals. Certain plants will be called upon when you do a spell and make sure that you use the right ones.

Herbs and plants have been used in magic forever. It is part of the natural world, and they are there to help you and help you to make sense of your power.

Magic Herbs

  • Calling on spirits: Lavender.
  • Cleansing the aura: Thyme.
  • Getting rid of negativity and evil: Clove or Basil.
  • Beauty: Thyme and Lavender.
  • Breaking a spell: Patchouli.
  • Clairvoyance: Dandelion.
  • Courage: Catnip and Thyme.
  • Getting rid of enemies: Patchouli.
  • Exorcism: Sandalwood and Rosemary.
  • Fertility: Nutmeg and Hawthorne.
  • Friendship: Clove.
  • Gambling luck: Nutmeg and Chamomile.
  • Herbs: Saint John’s Wort and Thyme.
  • Curse Removal: Lemon or Wormwood.
  • Knowledge: Lilly of the Valley. Make sure to keep this from children, pets and yourself and never eat it. It is poison.
  • Love: Ginger, Jasmine, Nutmeg, Peppermint, Catnip, Dragon’s Blood, Rosemary, Rose petals, Thyme, and Yarrow.
  • Getting love: Juniper.
  • Attracting the opposite sex: Orris root.
  • Bring back love: Patchouli.
  • Keep them faithful: Rosemary.
  • Attract love: Rue.
  • Get love: Vervain.
  • Binding love: Yarrow.
  • Heighten sexuality: Foxglove.
  • Marriage: Marigold.
  • Luck: Dragon’s Blood.
  • Happiness: Rose petals, Saint John’s Wort.
  • Marriage: Chamomile.
  • Money: Dragon’s Blood and Ginger.
  • Power: Ginger.
  • Prosperity: Vervain and Nutmeg.
  • Protection: Rue, Basil, Dragon’s Blood, Lavender, Marjoram, Myrrh, Sage.
  • Psychic gifts: Jasmine flower, Marigold, Orris, Thyme.
  • Purifying: Myrrh, Pine, Rosemary, and Sage.
  • Getting rid of black magic: Wormwood.
  • Send away an unwanted lover: Verbena and Lemon.
  • Speeding up results: Mint.
  • Spirituality: Sandalwood and Myrrh.
  • Success: Ginger.
  • Willpower: Rue.
  • Wisdom: Sage and Rosemary.

Important Plants and Herbs

Herbs and magic are two things that go together perfectly. This is because they all have properties such as medicinal properties that can bring healing. Herbs have a magic, and they are able to make magic strong. This depends on the colors, the form of the plant and other things. The property of the root and the energy that it has will help with your magic. Some of the herbs such as sage, rosemary or lavender are powerful.

Herbs are able to help you in your witchcraft and here are some of the most common ones and the power behind them:

Aloe Vera

This is an African plant, and it is hung in the door to keep the people safe from evil and to bring good luck. It is used in witchcraft to stop fires or heat accidents. It brings healing and beauty to whoever uses it.

Properties of Aloe Vera

  • Element: Water.
  • Gender: Feminine.
  • Magic: Luck and Protection.
  • Astrology: Jupiter, Venus, and Moon.
  • Zodiac: Pisces, Cancer, and Libra.
  • Holiday: Lughnasadh.


When you need protection from nightmares, use Anise under your pillow. It can also be great for protection and emotional balance, fertility, and overall wellbeing. You can use this when you do bless ceremonies and when you need to get rid of the evil eye. This can be used to increase your psychic gifts.

Properties of Anise

  • Element: Air.
  • Gender: Masculine.
  • Magic: Protection, fertility, balance, purification.
  • Astrology: Jupiter, Mercury, and Mars.
  • Zodiac: Gemini, Leo, and Pisces.
  • Holiday: Walpurgis.


Basil is one that can bring wealth and love. It can also protect you. When you want someone to know that you love them, put this plant in the corner of your home. This can also protect your home from evil. You can use this at cash registers to bring luck to your life. It is also a love herb and can be used for peace in your relationship.

Properties for Basil

  • Element: Fire.
  • Gender: Masculine.
  • Magic: Tuesday.
  • Astrology: Love and Attraction, Peace, and Protection.
  • Zodiac: Scorpio and Aries.
  • Holiday: Imbolc.


This planet is good because it smells good, and it has leaves and flowers. You can use these to carry with you to have love and prosperity come for you. This is a plant that you can use for spells that bring courage, peace, and dreams.

Properties of Bergamot

  • Element: Air.
  • Gender: Feminine.
  • Magic: Breaking curses, positivity, and clarity.
  • Astrology: Venus and Mercury.
  • Zodiac: Virgo and Gemini.


Caraway seeds are often used to protect you and to help you to have a better memory. You can wear this around your neck or in a sachet. You can do this when you need to protect a child from a sickness by putting it under their bed. You can also use it to find new love or to make your lover keep you.

You can bake these in bread and have a good life. This can also keep your lover from cheating on you.

Properties of Caraway

  • Element: Air.
  • Gender: Masculine.
  • Magic: Faithfulness and Mental Powers.
  • Astrology: Mercury.


Catnip is good if you want to have love. You can burn it and make love wishes. It can also protect your pets and give you more psychic gits, bring you peace and harmony and happiness as well.

Properties of Catnip

  • Element: Water.
  • Gender: Feminine.
  • Magic: Love, attraction, beauty, and joy.
  • Direction: West.
  • Zodiac: Libra and Pisces.
  • Astrology: Venus.
  • Holiday: Samhain.


Chamomile is great to attract money, prosperity and to protect you from the evil eye. It can also break curses. It is known for its healing and calming effects.

Properties of Chamomile

  • Element: Water.
  • Gender: Masculine.
  • Magic: Sleep, protection, love, and prosperity.
  • Chakras: Solar Plexus chakra.
  • Astrology: Sun.
  • Zodiac: Leo and Caner.
  • Holiday: Yule.


Cinnamon is good if you want to have love, lust, security, passion, or other things. It can also be used in spells for psychic gifts, healing, dreamwork, purifying, divination, and peace.

Properties of Cinnamon

  • Element: Fire.
  • Gender: Masculine.
  • Magic: Love, attraction, money, and security.
  • Chakra: Solar Plexus.
  • Astrology: Sun.
  • Zodiac: Capricorn and Leo.


Clove is thought to bring money, love, and protection. It can get rid of negativity and break curses. It is often used in exorcisms. You can use this to see visions, to get truth, clairvoyance, increase your magic, inspire you and help you to attract the opposite sex.

Properties of Clove

  • Element: Fire.
  • Gender: Masculine.
  • Magic: Love, protection, and awareness.
  • Chakra: Throat chakra.
  • Astrology: Jupiter.
  • Zodiac: Scorpio and Pisces.


Clover can be used to bring friendship, money, love, and healing. You can use this, and it is a four-leaf clover, and it can bring you luck. Use in banishing spells, protection spells and to protect you from curses or to have fairy magic.

Properties of Clover

  • Element: Air.
  • Gender: Masculine.
  • Magic: Fertility and success.
  • Chakra: Root chakra.
  • Astrology: Mercury.
  • Zodiac: Gemini.


Dill is powerful to bring love. It can also get rid of stress, curses, nightmares, and spirits. You can use this in magic to have willpower, wealth, and support. It can also be used to put curses and protection on magic.

Properties of Dill

  • Element: Fire.
  • Gender: Masculine.
  • Magic: Money, love, and lust.
  • Astrology: Mercury.
  • Zodiac: Cancer, Gemini, Leo, and Scorpio.


Fennel is used to help bring security and money to your life. Grow it around your property and it will keep out evil. It will also keep out spiritual attacks. You can use this in spells to bring renewal, vitality, blessings, weight loss a more.

Properties of Fennel

  • Element: Fire.
  • Gender: Masculine.
  • Magic: Security and healing.
  • Astrology: Mercury.
  • Zodiac: Gemini, Virgo and Aries.


This herb can help you to get rid of negativity out of your life. It can get rid of bad spirits. You can use it in spells that you need blessings, clarity, growth, clairvoyance, psychic gifts, or changes.

Properties of Frankincense

  • Element: Fire and Air.
  • Gender: Masculine.
  • Magic: Protection, purifying, psychic gifts, and spirituality.
  • Astrology: Sun.
  • Zodiac: Sagittarius and Aquarius.


This herb can protect you from harm and bring good luck to your life. You can use this to keep the evil eye away. You can also use this when you need to have more psychic gifts and when you need to bless things or to bring courage and desire to your life.

Properties of Galangal

  • Element: Fire.
  • Gender: Masculine.
  • Magic: Love, protection, curse breaking and psychic gifts.
  • Astrology: Mars and the sun.
  • Zodiac: Scorpio and Aries.


Garlic and be used in spells. It is powerful and it can increase the power of the spell. You can use this to get rid of evil and you can wear it to protect you from drowning if you are going around water. You can peel garlic and put them around your house or wear them to stop people from stealing from you.

Properties of Garlic

  • Element: Fire.
  • Gender: Masculine.
  • Magic: Healing, getting rid of evil and protection.
  • Astrology: Mars.
  • Zodiac: Aries.


Ginger is great if you need to have more power in your spells. You can also use this when you do spells for love such as returning a lost lover or finding real love. It can also work in spells with romance, unity, pregnancy, courage, and moon magic.

Properties of Ginger

  • Element: Fire.
  • Gender: Masculine.
  • Magic: Love, unity, success, and power.
  • Astrology: Mars.
  • Zodiac: Scorpio and Sagittarius.


Burn this herb outside to make rain come. It can protect you from crimes that are violent and from spiritual attacks. You can use it in magic for psychic gifts, healing, growth, dream work, visions and in love, romance, passion and improving yourself.

Properties of Heather

  • Element: Water.
  • Gender: Feminine.
  • Magic: Protection, to make rain, dreaming and luck.
  • Astrology: Venus.
  • Zodiac: Scorpio and Taurus.

High John the Conqueror

This herb is great to bring you love and success. It can also get rid of curses and keep you from getting depressed. It is used to increase the power of spells and can also be a blessing herb. Use it for magic of happiness, protection, to give you power and to help with problems.

Properties of High John the Conqueror

  • Elements: Fire and Earth.
  • Gender: Masculine.
  • Astrology: Mars.


When you want to have a sedative herb, this is it. It can be an aphrodisiac. It can be used in love spells when you want to connect on a deeper plane with love and when you want to find a new lover. Jasmine can be used in spells of healing, spiritual power, dreams, visions, and emotional healing.

Properties of Jasmine

  • Element: Water and Earth.
  • Gender: Feminine.
  • Magic: Divination, dreams, and love.
  • Astrology: Mercury and Moon.
  • Zodiac: Pisces, Cancer, and Capricorn.


This herb can be used to give you strong emotions and protection. Plant it around your property. It can also help you to contact the spiritual world. It can be used in magic for sleep, purification, and grounding.

Properties of Lavender

  • Element: Air.
  • Gender: Masculine.
  • Magic: Love, protection, and sleep.
  • Astrology: Mercury and Moon.
  • Zodiac: Pisces, Cancer, and Capricorn.

Lemon Balm

Lemon Balm can be used for healing. You can keep it with you to keep sickness at bay. It helps with emotional problems and pain that comes with heartbreak. You can use it to increase fertility and to bring love and clear thinking. Use it to heal and to bring success.

Properties of Lemon Balm

  • Element: Water.
  • Gender: Feminine.
  • Magic: Fertility, healing, and love.
  • Astrology: Jupiter and Moon.
  • Zodiac: Cancer.


Lilac is used to keep evil out. You can plant it around your property, and you will be safe. Use it in magic for dreaming, banishing, love, protection, and luck. It is also known to get rid of curses and to contact spirits.

Properties of Lilac

  • Element: Water.
  • Gender: Feminine.
  • Magic: Exorcism and Protection.
  • Astrology: Venus and Mercury.
  • Zodiac: Libra and Taurus.


This herb can be dried and hung over the door to keep you safe from evil. You can put it under the bed to attract vivid dreams to your life. You can use it for protection or to get people to respect you. If you use it in magic, use it for dreams, psychic gifts, love, relationships and more.

Properties of Marigold

  • Element: Air and Fire.
  • Gender: Masculine.
  • Magic: Divination and Psychic gifts.
  • Astrology: Sun.
  • Zodiac: Leo and Cancer.


Marjoram is an herb that can bring love. You can add it to food and that can make your love stronger. You can wear it around the house to keep the property and house safe or you can use it to keep out evil. It can also protect you from spiritual attacks and can be used in spells for love, marriages, relationships, and healing.

Properties of Marjoram

  • Element: Air.
  • Gender: Masculine.
  • Magic: Peace, joy, and protection.
  • Astrology: Mercury.
  • Zodiac: Libra, Gemini, and Aries.


This herb is great when you need to have love. Kiss the person that you love under the mistletoe, and you will protect your love. You can also use it as an aphrodisiac. Wear it, burn it, or put it around your neck to protect you and give you courage and wellbeing.

Properties of Mistletoe

  • Element: Air.
  • Gender: Masculine.
  • Magic: Fertility and health.
  • Astrology: Sun and Mercury.
  • Zodiac: Leo.


Moonwort is great if you do money spells, and it can attract love. It can be used in magic for clairvoyance, psychic gifts, love, and honesty.

Properties of Moonwort

  • Element: Water.
  • Gender: Feminine.
  • Magic: Money, love, and angels.
  • Astrology: Moon.
  • Zodiac: Cancer.


Mugwort is a strong herb that can help you with your magic powers. It can help you sleep and get messages if you put it under your pillow. Use it to clean your tools and to increase your psychic gifts. You can use it in spells for clairvoyance, psychic gifts, love, and money.

Properties of Mugwort

  • Element: Air.
  • Gender: Feminine.
  • Magic: Strength, divination, psychic gifts, and dreams.
  • Astrology: Venus.
  • Zodiac: Cancer and Libra.


Myrrh is powerful and when you burn it can protect and purify your home. It can keep your home safe from negativity. It can also be used to purify your tools and places. Myrrh is a big thing in ceremonies, charms, and amulets. It can be used in magic to bring peace, energy, to attract spirits and to get rid of curses.

Properties of Myrrh

  • Elements: Air.
  • Gender: Feminine.
  • Magic: Purification and protection.
  • Astrology: Jupiter and the Moon.
  • Zodiac: Scorpio and Cancer.


Nutmeg is known because it can increase luck and good health. It can help with money spells, and it can increase your intuition and your divinity powers. You can also use it to increase your clair gifts.

Make sure that you have a partner that is faithful to you by cutting the nutmeg into four pieces and then burn the first to ashes, throw the second in the air, bury the third and boil the fourth piece for 10 minutes in water. Drink 3 teaspoons of the water and put the nutmeg under your pillow.

This can be used to break curses and to keep you safe from hexes, to have strength and luck.

Properties of Nutmeg

  • Elements: Fire and Air.
  • Gender: Masculine.
  • Magic: Finances, protection, and health.
  • Astrology: Moon and Jupiter.
  • Zodiac: Pisces and Leo.


Use this herb to increase your income. You can put it on money, and it will increase your wealth. Keep it in your wallet. Put it around your home to protect you from negativity and to keep spirits out. You can use it in magic to get lucky, have fertility, balance, lust, luck, and purification. This can be used in breakup spells as well.

Properties of Patchouli

  • Element: Earth.
  • Gender: Feminine.
  • Magic: Lust, protection, and home.
  • Astrology: Saturn.
  • Zodiac: Capricorn, Virgo and Scorpio.


Use Rose when you want to have love. You can use the petals to attract and make your love stronger. Use Rose oil or water in drinks or baths to help you to have dreams. You can use it in spells to attract love, peace, harmony, fidelity, protection, luck, emotions and more.

Properties of Rose

  • Element: Water.
  • Gender: Feminine.
  • Magic: Fidelity and Love.
  • Astrology: Venus.
  • Zodiac: Sagittarius and Taurus.


Use Rosemary when you want to purify or cleanse your life. Smudge your home with it and it can make your space safe and free of curses, nightmares, and spirits. You can use it in spells for creativity, knowledge, intelligence, inspiration, and love.

Properties of Rosemary

  • Element: Fire.
  • Gender: Masculine.
  • Magic: Purifying, sleeping, dreams, lust, knowledge, love, and marriage.
  • Astrology: Sun and Moon.
  • Zodiac: Leo and Virgo.


Saffron is used to attract love. Put it in a sachet and put it under your pillow if you want lust or love. You can use it in spells for healing, fertility, clairvoyance, stimulation, passion, and sexuality.

Properties of Saffron

  • Element: Fire.
  • Gender: Masculine.
  • Magic: Fertility, love, and Psychic gifts.
  • Astrology: Sun and moon.
  • Zodiac: Scorpio and Leo.


Sage can be used to heal and is used to bring wisdom and money. It can protect you, bless you and give you guidance. Use it when you need balance, power, and truth.

Properties of Sage

  • Element: Air and Earth.
  • Gender: Masculine.
  • Magic: Wishes, Wisdom and Protection.
  • Astrology: Mercury and Jupiter.
  • Zodiac: Aquarius and Pisces.


Sandalwood is great if you need to have more opportunities or be successful. It can help you to do astral traveling, to have dreams, clairvoyance, visions, psychic gifts, dream work and grounding. Use it for spells of love, emotions, truth, and romance.

Properties of Sandalwood

  • Elements: Water and Air.
  • Gender: Feminine.
  • Magic: Angels, moon, divination.
  • Astrology: Moon, Venus, and Mercury.
  • Zodiac: Cancer, Aquarius, and Pisces.

St. John’s Wort

Use this when you want to dream of the lover that is coming to you. Put it close to the window in a jar and it will keep you safe from fires. You can use it to get rid of evil spirits and to have protection, security, willpower, prosperity, and fertility.

Properties of St. John’s Wort

  • Element: Fire.
  • Gender: Masculine.
  • Magic: Divination, protection, and love.
  • Astrology: Sun.
  • Zodiac: Leo and Sagittarius.


This herb is great if you have nightmares, and you want to have sweet sleep. Put it under your pillow. You can also use it to increase your psychic giftings, to protect you and to heal. It can bring growth, strength, rebirth, and courage in your life.

Properties of Thyme

  • Element: Water and Air.
  • Gender: Feminine.
  • Magic: Love, psychic gifts, and sleep.
  • Astrology: Venus.
  • Zodiac: Aries, Taurus, and Libra.


Vervain is a protector from thunderbolts. You can hang it on the wall inside your home to bring peace, happiness, creativity, fertility, harmony, and protection. You can use it for healing and dreams and banishing.

Properties of Vervain

  • Element: Air, fire, and earth.
  • Gender: Feminine.
  • Magic: Love, healing purifying, fertility, money, and protection.
  • Astrology: Venus.
  • Zodiac: Capricorn and Gemini.


Wormwood can help you to be strong. You can hang it from the mirror in your car and wear it to increase your psychic gifts, visions, divination, clair gifts and to protect you from evil or from curses. You can use it to attract a lover by putting this under your bed or pillow. You can use it to banish or call on spirits, to have courage and to improve your life.

Properties of Wormwood

  • Element: Air.
  • Gender: Masculine.
  • Magic: Love, psychic gifts, spiritual communication.
  • Astrology: Mars.
  • Zodiac: Cancer and Gemini.


Yarrow can help you to protect your marriage and keep your love strong. It can return lost lovers, stop your partner from cheating and can get rid of negativity, evil or problems that you have in your life.

Properties of Yarrow

  • Element: Water.
  • Gender: Feminine.
  • Magic: Protection, exorcism, marriage, fidelity, and love.
  • Astrology: Venus.
  • Zodiac: Gemini.

Why Use Herbs in Spells?

Herbs are used in spells because they are powerful, and they can be made into potions and other things. They can help to clear your mind and heal you, protect you and help you to get love. They can work with your magic to bring significance to it and to help you to have powerful rituals and spells.

Herbs can increase the strength of your spells and they have magical properties that help them to have more energy and help them to give this energy by just touching the herbs.

How to Use Herbs in Spells

There are some things that you can do to add power to your herb spells:

  • Add herbs to the spell by imagining the way that their energy will pass to the spell. This can make them more powerful.
  • The best way to add herbs is to anoint the candle and roll it into the herb.
  • Burn the herbs on charcoal.
  • Put herbs on incense and burn it.
  • Burn sturdy herbs such as sage or Mugwort.
  • Set the herbs on fire for cleansing. Do this before and after the spell.
  • Make potions with the herbs.
  • Create oils, herb bags, incense and use them for months at a time when you are doing spells.

Using a little amount of herbs can give you the desire that you want because they are very powerful.

Understanding Magic Spells

Magic Spells

Magic is something that many people don’t believe in, but it is real. It is something that is around you all the time and you don’t even realize it. When you are manifesting the things that you desire, you are using magic.

If you want to manifest things better, you have to look at the powers that you have within yourself and the more you desire something, the stronger the spell can be. The energy of a spell is the energy that goes by what you are wanting.

Having an intent or a wish or even a desires is what goes out to the universe. The universe will then decide if the energies that you have should be guided to you by your spirit guides, angels, ancestors, goddesses, gods, or something else.


As you decide what is in your heart and once you desire something, you can see that this is part of your life destiny. The desire that you have will then turn into you taking some kind of action. The actions that you take will then make your desires come true. Without taking any kind of action, you are not going to have your desires come true.

Spells and Misunderstandings

Spells are not always understood because people think that a spell is just saying something or doing something of power. The truth is that even a wish that is bad is one that will come back for some kind of sacrifice by the wisher.

If you wish for something that is part of your life path or destiny though, it won’t require a sacrifice like a bad wish will. The sacrifice can be some kind of money or something that our love.

Your Life Destiny

The life destiny that you have is within your abilities. You can see how worthy that you are to get what you want and once you believe in yourself, your confidence will help you to get what you desire.

A wish doesn’t have to be something complicated, but it can be something as easy as writing a letter. What gives it power is the confidence that you have in getting what you want. If you have no confidence, your wish will never come true and it’s just a lost cause.

If you have confidence and you try to make your outcome true, you will see it happen for you and this will change your feelings and make you see that your energy is everywhere, and it flows everywhere.

Power of the Spell

The power behind the spell is how much you believe. If you want to see a spell, come true for someone else, you have to find someone that has an open mind. A closed mind will not let a spell work for you or for that person.

The chances that a spell will come true with a closed heart is almost zero. This will block the spell from coming true and you won’t get what you desire. But if you have an open heart and an open mind, you will see that you are welcoming energy and that you are connected to the powers that give you the energy that you want.

You will see that the connection is there, and the communication and energy will give you a desire that is consistent with what is going on in your heart and your feelings.

Everything around you will have the same energy and it will come from love, from the heart, from feelings, from energy from fearlessness. By having these things, you will see that you can have the desired spell. You must be positive and have good intentions so that you don’t lose sight of what you want.

Be confident, have faith and stay connected so that you can get the desires of your heart. Don’t give up if you don’t see things happen right away but keep putting forth an effort and you will see that you can get what you want.

Do Love Spells Really Work?

Love spells can work. You can see that a love spell is part of what your heart desires and the energy that you send out is love. This is a great energy and when you have love, it will pump through your heart and will make all things possible.

Once you put the love with other energies, you will see that the power to connect with this energy is inside of you. Love is more important than anything else and when you want to manifest love, you can. Love is what was there at the beginning and the best way to start a love spell is to look in the mirror at yourself.

Do this each day and see who you are and how your energies are growing. Love yourself, put an effort to align your mind and your emotions with who you are and how wonderful your life is.

Powerful Love Spells

The first thing that you have to do is to get rid of anything that causes you doubt. Be the best that you can be, and you can attract love to your life. Don’t be around people that are negative but get what you want by being positive.

Light a candle, say what you want, put some perfume on and pamper yourself. Let your life have peace and concentrate on how much love you already have in your life. Notice how beautiful that you are and look in the mirror. Call to love to come to you. Ask love to be there for you and don’t demand it.  By doing this, you are calling out into the spiritual world, and you are sharing a place that is sacred with yourself and with others. Do this with an open heart and an open soul and let passion drive you.

The best kind of love spells are powered by the love that you have for yourself.