Using Herbs for Spells

Herbs for Spells

People that do magic often use different herbs to help make their magic stronger. These are things that might have been passed down from generation to generation. Herbs and plants can bring healing, but they are also good with magic.

Using herbs in your magic can make your spells more powerful. You will see if you add herbs to your spell then you will see the spell be more effective and it can be stronger than you ever imagined. Herbs and plants have their own energies and so this can make the energy of the spell go over the top. Herbs can protect you and you can use the energy of the herbs in your spell work.

Energy of Nature

Nature has its own energy, and it is important in your everyday life. This is the things that you eat and the things that give you energy. When you hold a plant, there is magic in the plant. You can use the energy of the plant to make things happen in your life. Plants are alive and they breath just like people do. Some people don’t remember this, and they don’t let their energy grow and be fruitful.

If you want to have more energy, you can use plants in your magic. Humans and plants go together. If one dies, the other will die as well.

There are different plants and what they can do such as a lavender plant can bring calmness and rest and Mugwort can give you visions. The energy that the plants have can go into your spells and make them more energetic and stronger.

Recipe for Doing Successful Spells

Pick the right herbs when you are doing magic. You need to see how the magic of the plant or herb relates to the spell that you are doing. Thinks about the energy when you start doing the spell and be peaceful. You will see that this can make the magic powerful. You should use plants that are peaceful.

If you want to reach a goal, you need to find herbs that have energies to reach goals. Certain plants will be called upon when you do a spell and make sure that you use the right ones.

Herbs and plants have been used in magic forever. It is part of the natural world, and they are there to help you and help you to make sense of your power.

Magic Herbs

  • Calling on spirits: Lavender.
  • Cleansing the aura: Thyme.
  • Getting rid of negativity and evil: Clove or Basil.
  • Beauty: Thyme and Lavender.
  • Breaking a spell: Patchouli.
  • Clairvoyance: Dandelion.
  • Courage: Catnip and Thyme.
  • Getting rid of enemies: Patchouli.
  • Exorcism: Sandalwood and Rosemary.
  • Fertility: Nutmeg and Hawthorne.
  • Friendship: Clove.
  • Gambling luck: Nutmeg and Chamomile.
  • Herbs: Saint John’s Wort and Thyme.
  • Curse Removal: Lemon or Wormwood.
  • Knowledge: Lilly of the Valley. Make sure to keep this from children, pets and yourself and never eat it. It is poison.
  • Love: Ginger, Jasmine, Nutmeg, Peppermint, Catnip, Dragon’s Blood, Rosemary, Rose petals, Thyme, and Yarrow.
  • Getting love: Juniper.
  • Attracting the opposite sex: Orris root.
  • Bring back love: Patchouli.
  • Keep them faithful: Rosemary.
  • Attract love: Rue.
  • Get love: Vervain.
  • Binding love: Yarrow.
  • Heighten sexuality: Foxglove.
  • Marriage: Marigold.
  • Luck: Dragon’s Blood.
  • Happiness: Rose petals, Saint John’s Wort.
  • Marriage: Chamomile.
  • Money: Dragon’s Blood and Ginger.
  • Power: Ginger.
  • Prosperity: Vervain and Nutmeg.
  • Protection: Rue, Basil, Dragon’s Blood, Lavender, Marjoram, Myrrh, Sage.
  • Psychic gifts: Jasmine flower, Marigold, Orris, Thyme.
  • Purifying: Myrrh, Pine, Rosemary, and Sage.
  • Getting rid of black magic: Wormwood.
  • Send away an unwanted lover: Verbena and Lemon.
  • Speeding up results: Mint.
  • Spirituality: Sandalwood and Myrrh.
  • Success: Ginger.
  • Willpower: Rue.
  • Wisdom: Sage and Rosemary.

Important Plants and Herbs

Herbs and magic are two things that go together perfectly. This is because they all have properties such as medicinal properties that can bring healing. Herbs have a magic, and they are able to make magic strong. This depends on the colors, the form of the plant and other things. The property of the root and the energy that it has will help with your magic. Some of the herbs such as sage, rosemary or lavender are powerful.

Herbs are able to help you in your witchcraft and here are some of the most common ones and the power behind them:

Aloe Vera

This is an African plant, and it is hung in the door to keep the people safe from evil and to bring good luck. It is used in witchcraft to stop fires or heat accidents. It brings healing and beauty to whoever uses it.

Properties of Aloe Vera

  • Element: Water.
  • Gender: Feminine.
  • Magic: Luck and Protection.
  • Astrology: Jupiter, Venus, and Moon.
  • Zodiac: Pisces, Cancer, and Libra.
  • Holiday: Lughnasadh.


When you need protection from nightmares, use Anise under your pillow. It can also be great for protection and emotional balance, fertility, and overall wellbeing. You can use this when you do bless ceremonies and when you need to get rid of the evil eye. This can be used to increase your psychic gifts.

Properties of Anise

  • Element: Air.
  • Gender: Masculine.
  • Magic: Protection, fertility, balance, purification.
  • Astrology: Jupiter, Mercury, and Mars.
  • Zodiac: Gemini, Leo, and Pisces.
  • Holiday: Walpurgis.


Basil is one that can bring wealth and love. It can also protect you. When you want someone to know that you love them, put this plant in the corner of your home. This can also protect your home from evil. You can use this at cash registers to bring luck to your life. It is also a love herb and can be used for peace in your relationship.

Properties for Basil

  • Element: Fire.
  • Gender: Masculine.
  • Magic: Tuesday.
  • Astrology: Love and Attraction, Peace, and Protection.
  • Zodiac: Scorpio and Aries.
  • Holiday: Imbolc.


This planet is good because it smells good, and it has leaves and flowers. You can use these to carry with you to have love and prosperity come for you. This is a plant that you can use for spells that bring courage, peace, and dreams.

Properties of Bergamot

  • Element: Air.
  • Gender: Feminine.
  • Magic: Breaking curses, positivity, and clarity.
  • Astrology: Venus and Mercury.
  • Zodiac: Virgo and Gemini.


Caraway seeds are often used to protect you and to help you to have a better memory. You can wear this around your neck or in a sachet. You can do this when you need to protect a child from a sickness by putting it under their bed. You can also use it to find new love or to make your lover keep you.

You can bake these in bread and have a good life. This can also keep your lover from cheating on you.

Properties of Caraway

  • Element: Air.
  • Gender: Masculine.
  • Magic: Faithfulness and Mental Powers.
  • Astrology: Mercury.


Catnip is good if you want to have love. You can burn it and make love wishes. It can also protect your pets and give you more psychic gits, bring you peace and harmony and happiness as well.

Properties of Catnip

  • Element: Water.
  • Gender: Feminine.
  • Magic: Love, attraction, beauty, and joy.
  • Direction: West.
  • Zodiac: Libra and Pisces.
  • Astrology: Venus.
  • Holiday: Samhain.


Chamomile is great to attract money, prosperity and to protect you from the evil eye. It can also break curses. It is known for its healing and calming effects.

Properties of Chamomile

  • Element: Water.
  • Gender: Masculine.
  • Magic: Sleep, protection, love, and prosperity.
  • Chakras: Solar Plexus chakra.
  • Astrology: Sun.
  • Zodiac: Leo and Caner.
  • Holiday: Yule.


Cinnamon is good if you want to have love, lust, security, passion, or other things. It can also be used in spells for psychic gifts, healing, dreamwork, purifying, divination, and peace.

Properties of Cinnamon

  • Element: Fire.
  • Gender: Masculine.
  • Magic: Love, attraction, money, and security.
  • Chakra: Solar Plexus.
  • Astrology: Sun.
  • Zodiac: Capricorn and Leo.


Clove is thought to bring money, love, and protection. It can get rid of negativity and break curses. It is often used in exorcisms. You can use this to see visions, to get truth, clairvoyance, increase your magic, inspire you and help you to attract the opposite sex.

Properties of Clove

  • Element: Fire.
  • Gender: Masculine.
  • Magic: Love, protection, and awareness.
  • Chakra: Throat chakra.
  • Astrology: Jupiter.
  • Zodiac: Scorpio and Pisces.


Clover can be used to bring friendship, money, love, and healing. You can use this, and it is a four-leaf clover, and it can bring you luck. Use in banishing spells, protection spells and to protect you from curses or to have fairy magic.

Properties of Clover

  • Element: Air.
  • Gender: Masculine.
  • Magic: Fertility and success.
  • Chakra: Root chakra.
  • Astrology: Mercury.
  • Zodiac: Gemini.


Dill is powerful to bring love. It can also get rid of stress, curses, nightmares, and spirits. You can use this in magic to have willpower, wealth, and support. It can also be used to put curses and protection on magic.

Properties of Dill

  • Element: Fire.
  • Gender: Masculine.
  • Magic: Money, love, and lust.
  • Astrology: Mercury.
  • Zodiac: Cancer, Gemini, Leo, and Scorpio.


Fennel is used to help bring security and money to your life. Grow it around your property and it will keep out evil. It will also keep out spiritual attacks. You can use this in spells to bring renewal, vitality, blessings, weight loss a more.

Properties of Fennel

  • Element: Fire.
  • Gender: Masculine.
  • Magic: Security and healing.
  • Astrology: Mercury.
  • Zodiac: Gemini, Virgo and Aries.


This herb can help you to get rid of negativity out of your life. It can get rid of bad spirits. You can use it in spells that you need blessings, clarity, growth, clairvoyance, psychic gifts, or changes.

Properties of Frankincense

  • Element: Fire and Air.
  • Gender: Masculine.
  • Magic: Protection, purifying, psychic gifts, and spirituality.
  • Astrology: Sun.
  • Zodiac: Sagittarius and Aquarius.


This herb can protect you from harm and bring good luck to your life. You can use this to keep the evil eye away. You can also use this when you need to have more psychic gifts and when you need to bless things or to bring courage and desire to your life.

Properties of Galangal

  • Element: Fire.
  • Gender: Masculine.
  • Magic: Love, protection, curse breaking and psychic gifts.
  • Astrology: Mars and the sun.
  • Zodiac: Scorpio and Aries.


Garlic and be used in spells. It is powerful and it can increase the power of the spell. You can use this to get rid of evil and you can wear it to protect you from drowning if you are going around water. You can peel garlic and put them around your house or wear them to stop people from stealing from you.

Properties of Garlic

  • Element: Fire.
  • Gender: Masculine.
  • Magic: Healing, getting rid of evil and protection.
  • Astrology: Mars.
  • Zodiac: Aries.


Ginger is great if you need to have more power in your spells. You can also use this when you do spells for love such as returning a lost lover or finding real love. It can also work in spells with romance, unity, pregnancy, courage, and moon magic.

Properties of Ginger

  • Element: Fire.
  • Gender: Masculine.
  • Magic: Love, unity, success, and power.
  • Astrology: Mars.
  • Zodiac: Scorpio and Sagittarius.


Burn this herb outside to make rain come. It can protect you from crimes that are violent and from spiritual attacks. You can use it in magic for psychic gifts, healing, growth, dream work, visions and in love, romance, passion and improving yourself.

Properties of Heather

  • Element: Water.
  • Gender: Feminine.
  • Magic: Protection, to make rain, dreaming and luck.
  • Astrology: Venus.
  • Zodiac: Scorpio and Taurus.

High John the Conqueror

This herb is great to bring you love and success. It can also get rid of curses and keep you from getting depressed. It is used to increase the power of spells and can also be a blessing herb. Use it for magic of happiness, protection, to give you power and to help with problems.

Properties of High John the Conqueror

  • Elements: Fire and Earth.
  • Gender: Masculine.
  • Astrology: Mars.


When you want to have a sedative herb, this is it. It can be an aphrodisiac. It can be used in love spells when you want to connect on a deeper plane with love and when you want to find a new lover. Jasmine can be used in spells of healing, spiritual power, dreams, visions, and emotional healing.

Properties of Jasmine

  • Element: Water and Earth.
  • Gender: Feminine.
  • Magic: Divination, dreams, and love.
  • Astrology: Mercury and Moon.
  • Zodiac: Pisces, Cancer, and Capricorn.


This herb can be used to give you strong emotions and protection. Plant it around your property. It can also help you to contact the spiritual world. It can be used in magic for sleep, purification, and grounding.

Properties of Lavender

  • Element: Air.
  • Gender: Masculine.
  • Magic: Love, protection, and sleep.
  • Astrology: Mercury and Moon.
  • Zodiac: Pisces, Cancer, and Capricorn.

Lemon Balm

Lemon Balm can be used for healing. You can keep it with you to keep sickness at bay. It helps with emotional problems and pain that comes with heartbreak. You can use it to increase fertility and to bring love and clear thinking. Use it to heal and to bring success.

Properties of Lemon Balm

  • Element: Water.
  • Gender: Feminine.
  • Magic: Fertility, healing, and love.
  • Astrology: Jupiter and Moon.
  • Zodiac: Cancer.


Lilac is used to keep evil out. You can plant it around your property, and you will be safe. Use it in magic for dreaming, banishing, love, protection, and luck. It is also known to get rid of curses and to contact spirits.

Properties of Lilac

  • Element: Water.
  • Gender: Feminine.
  • Magic: Exorcism and Protection.
  • Astrology: Venus and Mercury.
  • Zodiac: Libra and Taurus.


This herb can be dried and hung over the door to keep you safe from evil. You can put it under the bed to attract vivid dreams to your life. You can use it for protection or to get people to respect you. If you use it in magic, use it for dreams, psychic gifts, love, relationships and more.

Properties of Marigold

  • Element: Air and Fire.
  • Gender: Masculine.
  • Magic: Divination and Psychic gifts.
  • Astrology: Sun.
  • Zodiac: Leo and Cancer.


Marjoram is an herb that can bring love. You can add it to food and that can make your love stronger. You can wear it around the house to keep the property and house safe or you can use it to keep out evil. It can also protect you from spiritual attacks and can be used in spells for love, marriages, relationships, and healing.

Properties of Marjoram

  • Element: Air.
  • Gender: Masculine.
  • Magic: Peace, joy, and protection.
  • Astrology: Mercury.
  • Zodiac: Libra, Gemini, and Aries.


This herb is great when you need to have love. Kiss the person that you love under the mistletoe, and you will protect your love. You can also use it as an aphrodisiac. Wear it, burn it, or put it around your neck to protect you and give you courage and wellbeing.

Properties of Mistletoe

  • Element: Air.
  • Gender: Masculine.
  • Magic: Fertility and health.
  • Astrology: Sun and Mercury.
  • Zodiac: Leo.


Moonwort is great if you do money spells, and it can attract love. It can be used in magic for clairvoyance, psychic gifts, love, and honesty.

Properties of Moonwort

  • Element: Water.
  • Gender: Feminine.
  • Magic: Money, love, and angels.
  • Astrology: Moon.
  • Zodiac: Cancer.


Mugwort is a strong herb that can help you with your magic powers. It can help you sleep and get messages if you put it under your pillow. Use it to clean your tools and to increase your psychic gifts. You can use it in spells for clairvoyance, psychic gifts, love, and money.

Properties of Mugwort

  • Element: Air.
  • Gender: Feminine.
  • Magic: Strength, divination, psychic gifts, and dreams.
  • Astrology: Venus.
  • Zodiac: Cancer and Libra.


Myrrh is powerful and when you burn it can protect and purify your home. It can keep your home safe from negativity. It can also be used to purify your tools and places. Myrrh is a big thing in ceremonies, charms, and amulets. It can be used in magic to bring peace, energy, to attract spirits and to get rid of curses.

Properties of Myrrh

  • Elements: Air.
  • Gender: Feminine.
  • Magic: Purification and protection.
  • Astrology: Jupiter and the Moon.
  • Zodiac: Scorpio and Cancer.


Nutmeg is known because it can increase luck and good health. It can help with money spells, and it can increase your intuition and your divinity powers. You can also use it to increase your clair gifts.

Make sure that you have a partner that is faithful to you by cutting the nutmeg into four pieces and then burn the first to ashes, throw the second in the air, bury the third and boil the fourth piece for 10 minutes in water. Drink 3 teaspoons of the water and put the nutmeg under your pillow.

This can be used to break curses and to keep you safe from hexes, to have strength and luck.

Properties of Nutmeg

  • Elements: Fire and Air.
  • Gender: Masculine.
  • Magic: Finances, protection, and health.
  • Astrology: Moon and Jupiter.
  • Zodiac: Pisces and Leo.


Use this herb to increase your income. You can put it on money, and it will increase your wealth. Keep it in your wallet. Put it around your home to protect you from negativity and to keep spirits out. You can use it in magic to get lucky, have fertility, balance, lust, luck, and purification. This can be used in breakup spells as well.

Properties of Patchouli

  • Element: Earth.
  • Gender: Feminine.
  • Magic: Lust, protection, and home.
  • Astrology: Saturn.
  • Zodiac: Capricorn, Virgo and Scorpio.


Use Rose when you want to have love. You can use the petals to attract and make your love stronger. Use Rose oil or water in drinks or baths to help you to have dreams. You can use it in spells to attract love, peace, harmony, fidelity, protection, luck, emotions and more.

Properties of Rose

  • Element: Water.
  • Gender: Feminine.
  • Magic: Fidelity and Love.
  • Astrology: Venus.
  • Zodiac: Sagittarius and Taurus.


Use Rosemary when you want to purify or cleanse your life. Smudge your home with it and it can make your space safe and free of curses, nightmares, and spirits. You can use it in spells for creativity, knowledge, intelligence, inspiration, and love.

Properties of Rosemary

  • Element: Fire.
  • Gender: Masculine.
  • Magic: Purifying, sleeping, dreams, lust, knowledge, love, and marriage.
  • Astrology: Sun and Moon.
  • Zodiac: Leo and Virgo.


Saffron is used to attract love. Put it in a sachet and put it under your pillow if you want lust or love. You can use it in spells for healing, fertility, clairvoyance, stimulation, passion, and sexuality.

Properties of Saffron

  • Element: Fire.
  • Gender: Masculine.
  • Magic: Fertility, love, and Psychic gifts.
  • Astrology: Sun and moon.
  • Zodiac: Scorpio and Leo.


Sage can be used to heal and is used to bring wisdom and money. It can protect you, bless you and give you guidance. Use it when you need balance, power, and truth.

Properties of Sage

  • Element: Air and Earth.
  • Gender: Masculine.
  • Magic: Wishes, Wisdom and Protection.
  • Astrology: Mercury and Jupiter.
  • Zodiac: Aquarius and Pisces.


Sandalwood is great if you need to have more opportunities or be successful. It can help you to do astral traveling, to have dreams, clairvoyance, visions, psychic gifts, dream work and grounding. Use it for spells of love, emotions, truth, and romance.

Properties of Sandalwood

  • Elements: Water and Air.
  • Gender: Feminine.
  • Magic: Angels, moon, divination.
  • Astrology: Moon, Venus, and Mercury.
  • Zodiac: Cancer, Aquarius, and Pisces.

St. John’s Wort

Use this when you want to dream of the lover that is coming to you. Put it close to the window in a jar and it will keep you safe from fires. You can use it to get rid of evil spirits and to have protection, security, willpower, prosperity, and fertility.

Properties of St. John’s Wort

  • Element: Fire.
  • Gender: Masculine.
  • Magic: Divination, protection, and love.
  • Astrology: Sun.
  • Zodiac: Leo and Sagittarius.


This herb is great if you have nightmares, and you want to have sweet sleep. Put it under your pillow. You can also use it to increase your psychic giftings, to protect you and to heal. It can bring growth, strength, rebirth, and courage in your life.

Properties of Thyme

  • Element: Water and Air.
  • Gender: Feminine.
  • Magic: Love, psychic gifts, and sleep.
  • Astrology: Venus.
  • Zodiac: Aries, Taurus, and Libra.


Vervain is a protector from thunderbolts. You can hang it on the wall inside your home to bring peace, happiness, creativity, fertility, harmony, and protection. You can use it for healing and dreams and banishing.

Properties of Vervain

  • Element: Air, fire, and earth.
  • Gender: Feminine.
  • Magic: Love, healing purifying, fertility, money, and protection.
  • Astrology: Venus.
  • Zodiac: Capricorn and Gemini.


Wormwood can help you to be strong. You can hang it from the mirror in your car and wear it to increase your psychic gifts, visions, divination, clair gifts and to protect you from evil or from curses. You can use it to attract a lover by putting this under your bed or pillow. You can use it to banish or call on spirits, to have courage and to improve your life.

Properties of Wormwood

  • Element: Air.
  • Gender: Masculine.
  • Magic: Love, psychic gifts, spiritual communication.
  • Astrology: Mars.
  • Zodiac: Cancer and Gemini.


Yarrow can help you to protect your marriage and keep your love strong. It can return lost lovers, stop your partner from cheating and can get rid of negativity, evil or problems that you have in your life.

Properties of Yarrow

  • Element: Water.
  • Gender: Feminine.
  • Magic: Protection, exorcism, marriage, fidelity, and love.
  • Astrology: Venus.
  • Zodiac: Gemini.

Why Use Herbs in Spells?

Herbs are used in spells because they are powerful, and they can be made into potions and other things. They can help to clear your mind and heal you, protect you and help you to get love. They can work with your magic to bring significance to it and to help you to have powerful rituals and spells.

Herbs can increase the strength of your spells and they have magical properties that help them to have more energy and help them to give this energy by just touching the herbs.

How to Use Herbs in Spells

There are some things that you can do to add power to your herb spells:

  • Add herbs to the spell by imagining the way that their energy will pass to the spell. This can make them more powerful.
  • The best way to add herbs is to anoint the candle and roll it into the herb.
  • Burn the herbs on charcoal.
  • Put herbs on incense and burn it.
  • Burn sturdy herbs such as sage or Mugwort.
  • Set the herbs on fire for cleansing. Do this before and after the spell.
  • Make potions with the herbs.
  • Create oils, herb bags, incense and use them for months at a time when you are doing spells.

Using a little amount of herbs can give you the desire that you want because they are very powerful.


  1. I appreciate the detailed list of herbs and their uses, but I’m curious about the safety precautions, particularly concerning toxic plants like Foxglove and Lilly of the Valley. There should be more emphasis on safe handling.

    • Good point Gator, safety is paramount when dealng with potentnally toxic plants. A section on how to safely use these herbs without harm would be indeed beneficial.

  2. The article’s detailed description of herbs and their uses in magic is quite comprehensive. However, it would be interesting to know if there are any scientific studies backing up these claims, especially concerning the energy properties assigned to these plants.

  3. The article mentions specific plants like Aloe Vera and Anise. How do the elemntal and astrlogical associatons impact thier effectiveness in magic? More clarity on that could be helpful.

    • Agree with you Shorty, it would be interesting to know if these associations are based on traditional belefs or modern interpretations. Maybe some historical context will help.

  4. This article has a lot of information on the topic, but it lacks a scientific perspective. It would be beneficial to include some references to historical and cultural contexts in which these herbs were used. Additionally, some part seem a bit repetitive.

  5. While the article is informative, the structure could be improved for better readability. The list of herbs and their properties is useful, but the transitions between sections are somewhat abrupt.


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