Spells to Bring Back an Ex

Bring Back an Ex

Is your heart broken because your relationship ended? Did your love choose someone else over you? Do you feel that you could do anything to bring them back? You can use some magic spells to help and bring your lover back to you.

Sometimes a relationship will end before it should. When this happens or when problems come into your relationship, it can cause there to be a breakup. This kind of spell can help you and can get rid of any negative energies that is causing your relationship to not work out for you. This can help if there has been toxic feelings, cheating, family interferences, trust issues and more.

The spells will work for long-distance relationships as well or relationships that ended a long time ago. It is best to do these spells during a full moon, a new moon or on a Friday.

Ingredients for a Bring Back and Ex Spell

  • Pink candle.
  • Vanilla incense.
  • 1 Tbsp. Coriander seeds.
  • Parchment paper.
  • 1 Tbsp. Poppy seeds.
  • Pink ink pen.
  • 1 Tbsp. Dried basil.
  • Matches.
  • Jasmine oil.
  • Fire proof dish or cauldron.

Casting a Bring Back an Ex-Spell

Light the pink candle after you cast your circle and invite your quarters. Put the candle in the middle of the altar and light the vanilla incense. Put the candle there and the incense on the right side of the altar.

Write the name of your lover and your name on the parchment paper with the pink pen. Put it in the center of the altar. Drip 7 drops of wax on the names and imagine that you are with your ex.

Put the coriander and the poppy seeds and the basil on the wax and then put 3 drops of Jasmine oil on top. Drip 7 more drops of wax on top.

Meditate on what you want and how you see your relationship coming back. Build up your energy. See your ex coming back to you and your relationship working out once again.

Fold the paper 7 times and put all the ingredients inside so that they won’t fall out. Put the paper and the mixture in the fireproof bowl and light it. Let it burn out.

Thank the gods and goddesses and close the circle. Take the ashes and the other things in the cauldron and get rid of them in a moving body of water.

Tips for Casting a Bring Your Ex-Back Spell

Casting a spell to bring you ex back can be an easy spell to complete. Yu have to believe in the spell, and you have to have faith for it to work. Before you can see it successful, trust the person that gave you the spell and put your faith in them and in yourself. Doubt will not let the magic happen.

Spells are full of energy, and you have to direct your energy in the right direction. Focus on the positive things that you want this spell to do and make sure that your energies are aligned with what your heart wants.

Do love spells really work? Most of the time they will but that means that you had the right ingredients, followed the rules, and did the spell when it was meant to be cast. Using substitute items can make the spell not work as strong and it might take longer. Always follow the ingredients and instructions perfectly. Doing anything else can damage the spell.


  1. A intriguing read, but I must notice a syntactical errors. For instance “Yu have to believe in the spell” should be “You have to believe in the spell” and “bring you ex back” should be “bring your ex back”. Despite these, the instructions are clear enough to understand.

  2. While the article is comprehensive, I have concerns about the practical efficacy of such spells. From a scientific perspective, there is no evidence to support the existence or effectiveness of magic. These activities might offer psychological comfort but should be approached with scepticism.

  3. This article provides a very detailed guide on casting a bring-back an ex-spell. My query relates to the significance of each ingredient – is there a specific reason for using pink ink pen and jasmine oil? I’m curious about the symbolism behind these choices.

  4. I appreciate the step-by-step instructions provided here. It’s essential for those who believe in such practices to follow precise guidelines. However, I am curious about alternative methods or similar spells that might cater to different situations. Any recommendations?

  5. The idea of utilizing magic spells to bring back a lost lover is fascinating. However, I wonder about the ethical implications and whether these spells infringe upon free will. Can someone provide insight on that?

    • It’s an interesting point, Joan. Ethical concerns are significant, as manipulating someone’s feelings or decisions could be problematic. It’s essential to consider these factors before performing any spell.


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