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Changing Your Ritual after Casting

Ritual after Casting

Did you cast your spell? Waiting for the right moon phase and having the perfect supplies to make sure that your spell works? Now you find that you are left with the remains of the stuff that you did your work with.

Maybe you have done your spells and you saw them come true or you did them and you don’t see anything happening. There are things that you can do to release or refuse the spells that you did in the past. You can also choose to honor or release your spells and objects the right way.

Releasing Your Spells

Doing a spell is a ritual that gives you desires that you send out to the universe. You will need to release or repurpose your spell and this won’t ruin or mess anything up. There are some things that you might have to do to keep your spell going. There are some things that you will have to do to keep the spell working but you will need to trust your intuition on this one.

Remember, there are methods and options that you can use to repurpose your spells and your objects, and some of these objects will only work with some of the methods and not all of them.

Here is what to do:

  • Burn Them

You can take a tool and you can set it on fire, and you can change things. Doing this goes beyond making a spell. Once the spell comes to an end, it can change, and you can use this method to help you to understand the outcome of your spell.

Remember, fire is a powerful thing, and you can do a burning ritual to get rid of things like your candles, papers and other objects that will burn. Most candles are made with paraffin, and this means that it is not a good thing to bury, and you can’t really reuse it and it’s better to just get a new one. Burning it is the best way to get rid of it.

Get you a large cauldron and a dish that is fireproof. You can do this where your spell was done so that you don’t have to carry everything outside. You don’t want to make a big bunch of fire or smoke either. Trust the energy as your burn these things and see that it can transform your objects.

  • Release Them to the Earth

Another thing that you can do after your spell ends is to release the items back to the earth. You can take the items that you have that will be biodegradable and bury them. As said above, paraffin candles are not a good thing to put back to the earth and neither are things like glass jars.

Herbs, plants, papers, and crystals can be buried and put back to the earth. Here are some things NOT to send back to the earth:

  • Salt: This ingredient can kill plants.
  • Candle wax made out of paraffin.
  • Nothing that isn’t biodegradable.

The things that are biodegradable can be buried in the back yard or put close to a body of water. You can even put these items into the water and the water can carry them away. Another thing you can do is to burn these items. Make sure that you are thankful for the items that you have in front of you and thank Mother Earth for taking them back.

  • Reuse The Items

Some things can be reused for other spells or other things. Crystals, jars, and other things can be cleansed of their energy and then they can be reused. If the energy that you put into the items is super negative, you shouldn’t reuse the item and you should find another way to get rid of them.

If you did a spell to get rid of past relationships, you can use the same tools again. Always cleanse your items and then use them again. Here is how to cleanse them:

  • Put in salt overnight.
  • Cleanse with smoke, smudging. Do this with rosemary, sage, or lavender.
  • Put in water as long as they don’t get ruined in water.
  • Ask your guides to cleanse them.
  • Cleanse in the moonlight.

Final Thoughts

Doing spells is something that some people love to do, and you can do them and then reuse or repurpose your items. Items that you need to get rid of can be burned or buried but always pay attention to how you get rid of your items.

What is Candle Magic?

Candle Magic

People often wonder what magic is and if its real. This has been a question that has been around for what seems like a lifetime. Magic is something that people and creatures use, and it is a natural thing that people use to better their life. You might think that you don’t know or use magic but when you make a wish on your birthday candles or you make a wish and blow a flower, this is all magic.

When someone tells you that you can’t do something or that something is impossible to achieve and you keep telling them that you can do it and it works out, you believed and made it happen, this is magic. Have you ever visualized something around you and then you really saw it in real life? This is magic, too.

What is the Difference Between Magic and Magick?

There is a difference between the energies of magic and magick. Magick is a kind of energy that is coined by occultist groups and means that anything you try to get to correspond with your true will such as doing rituals is magick. This is something that can be as easy as blowing your nose or blowing out a candle. There is a difference between your will and your true will.

When you really believe in your higher power and you focus on it, or when you reach your destiny, this is magick. This is something that is often passed on from generation to generation and it shows a state of conformity that you have.

Candle magic is the kind of magic that is used for spells and is the other kind of magic. This is something that can push and pull in energies that are positive and negative. There are different things that you can do to make magic happen and this has to do with the different techniques that you use.

Energy work is a kind of magic that uses spells and that uses both positive and negative energy.

Candle Magic

Candle magic is important because it’s a kind of magic that you can use that uses something other than sage or honey. It can be used without herbs or without having to bless all of your tools. The thing is, fire is a magical tool in its own right and so when you light a candle, you Can focus on the flame, and you can use the flame to bring magic.

Lighting a candle can be a ritual that you can use to set your mindset to do sacred work. When you do magic and you light a candle, you focus on what is going on in front of you instead of the world around you. You are able to use this to make your energy more powerful and to draw in energies that are positive. Lighting a candle can cause there to be a bond or a connection between you and the universe. Some will light a candle before something like talking to the dead or other rituals.

Colors of Candles

The color of the candle can be just as important as anything when doing candle magic. Here is what they mean:

  • Red

This color can be used to represent love, passion, or anger. You can use it to help someone that is tired to have more energy and to bring more luck into y our life. This can also help someone to stand up against someone that is speaking negatively about them.

Red candles can but put on the west side of an altar to represent fire and to be used when doing some kind of spell or ritual. This can also represent destruction and so when you want to get over a job or over a person, light this kind of candle.

Breaking up with a toxic partner or moving past a bad friendship can be hard but you can use a red candle to help you to do that. Write down what you want to stop doing and then burn it in the red candle flame and see how this can be a ritual that releases you. After you finish burning what you need to burn, release the ashes into the wind and allow yourself to quit and to have more strength.

  • Turquois

This color candle can mean to have a clear mind and healing. It can help you to be more aware of your emotions and it can help you to have stability. You can use this candle when you need to learn how to handle your emotions and when you want to grow in your spiritual self. It also helps you to have love and compassion for other people.

This is a great candle to use when you need to learn something, to study or to meditate. Clear your mind and light this candle and let positive energy fill the room. If you’re dealing with hard emotions, you can focus on your breathing and you can focus on good things around your life and let the turquois candle guide you to something better.

  • Purple

Purple candles can give you power and can help you to be a better leader. They can also call wealth into your life. When you need to have more creativity, this is the color candle to burn. Use this to represent magic and surround yourself with this color when doing rituals.

Purple candles can be used in spell work and can be used to help your ritual come to life. You can use this when you are trying to get a raise or become a manager and use the purple candle to bless yourself. It can also help you to become a better leader and it can help you to have resources with money and other things to make yourself richer.

  • Noise Candles

Noise candles such as candles for birthday parties are sometimes used to celebrate things but these are magical except for the fact that they can be magical when a wish is made. These are fun candles to use, and they can be exciting when throwing a party.

Using Candles for Love

If you want to find love you can use candles to help you with this. Candles can help you to find new love or they can help you to have better relationships. When you’re in a relationship that is struggling or one that is hard, lighting a candle and setting an intention can help you with your desires.

Pick a candle that you want to burn and when you burn the new candle, make sure that you don’t hold back as to what you want. This can help you to have a happy relationship. Before the candle burns out, you can manifest everything that you want in your life. Be open to love and make sure that your heart and your mind are open to whatever the universe wants for you. If your candle burns out before you get to say or manifest what you want, light the candle, and say the magic words over and over until you feel your desires taking place.

  • Fixing Love

Candle magic can be used to fix love that has become broken. If you are connected emotionally to someone then the energy of the candle can help to rekindle this broken love. The candle can represent the magic that you need. Write down the persons name on a piece of paper and then you can say out loud, “I call you to come to me. Reunite us to have love together. So be it.”

Since this is a kind of magic that is strong, you can’t force them to love you, but you can send into the universe the connection that you need, and you can ask them to bond with you to rekindle this relationship. Ask the universe to put behind you whatever was negative in the past and bring forth energy that is positive so that they can love you and you can love them.

  • To Find Love That is Passionate

Passionate love is important when you really want to be loved and candle magic can help with this. No matter what kind of love that you want, each time you light the candle, and you blow it out, you can call love to you. You can buy however many candles that you want, and the candles can be scented or not. They can be red or any other color.

Use these kinds of candles to help your sex life to get better. Send your energies into the candle and let the candle absorb them. You can use these candles to light your love over and over.

  • Letting Go of Those That No Longer Serve You

Do you have a past lover that is no longer serving you in your life? This is probably a cord that you have connected to you through the energies of the times that you were together. This is probably someone that has taught you a lesson and showed you something that you needed at the time but now it might be time to let them go.

If you need to get someone out of your life that no longer serves you, you can light a candle and you can put their picture close to the candle and say, “I am using this candle to get rid of the cord that ties me to this bad relationship. I light this candle to help me move forward and to help my heart heal.” You can ask that the relationship doesn’t have a hold on you anymore. Light the candle and let it illuminate your heart. Once you do this, burn the picture, and let it go.

  • Making Your Lover Stay

Do you want to have your lover to stay with you forever and ever? Love can make things last, but the good thing is that you can use candles to make the lover stronger along the way. You can bring your lover closer to you by lighting a candle with two matches. You can light this in representation of you and your lover. Light the candle with the two matches together and say how much you love them and how you want the relationship to last. This might be a start to a marriage celebration.

  • Getting Rid of a Lover

When you don’t want someone in your life anymore and you want to let go of them, the best thing that you can do is to get rid of them. Don’t let them keep coming back to you and you have to learn to tell them no. You need to communicate with this person and tell them that you’re no longer interested in what they want.

One thing that you can do to get rid of the negative feelings that is connected to this breakup is to light a candle. If you feel that you’re in some kind of danger though or that they won’t go away, talk to someone in law enforcement to help you. Tell them that you don’t want them to come around you anymore and stick to your guns.

If you keep telling someone that you’re finished with them, but they won’t go away, light a candle and say, “I told you the answer is no. Now go away and leave me alone! Stay gone and stop coming around.” Then break the candle and bury it outside.

Voodoo Candles

Some people choose to use dark magic or voodoo magic. This is a kind of magic that can come back to hurt you and so you need to be very careful when you decide to use it. This kind of magic uses things like herbs, oils, supplies, and other things. There are voodoo candles that you can buy, and you can buy the other ingredients that you need when using this kind of dark magic.

You will be able to find tools that can carve your candles and you will be able to find things that can help to make your voodoo magic strong. Remember, when you do this kind of magic it can backfire and come back to haunt you.

Easy Candle Magic

There is easy candle magic, and this kind of magic is the kind that you use on your own and in your own way. You can use the candle for anything that you want. You can use candle magic for any purpose in your life from finding love to attracting money to your life.

Figure out what kind of magic that you want and hold the candle in your hand. Tell the candle what you want and then light it. Make sure that you are in a safe place to light your candle and to leave it burning until it burns out completely. Use a fireproof dish to put your candle in so that it can burn safely.

If you want to use a candle that will burn out fast, use a birthday candle. If you want one that will last longer, votive candles can last a little longer. If you can’t keep burning the candle at the moment, snuff it out but don’t ever blow it out. You can light a candle that you snuff out the right way.

Sometimes you need to wait for the wax to get hard again and then you can put the candle away and use it again when you’re ready to continue with your spell. You can pray over and bless your candle or anoint it with some kind of oil depending on what you’re trying to do.

Final Thoughts

Candle magic is a kind of magic that can be both easy and hard depending on what you’re trying to accomplish. There are some candles that you can buy in metaphysical stores so that you can use them specifically for magic, but you can use any kind of candle for your own magic.

Some candles are handmade, and some have a blend of oils or herbs put in them. When you decide to do your own candle magic, you can write down the spell that you want to do and then do it to get the results that you want. If you aren’t sure what you want to say or do with your candle magic, you can look up spells online or you can try your own.

Magic is a big part of the lives of many people and even if you don’t realize it, you’re probably using magic in your life right now. Doing things like candle magic can help you to walk with a purpose and can help you to get the things that you want in your life.

You may have burned a million candles on the altar that you have without getting everything that you desire and that’s okay. There are many other candles that you can get to keep pushing and moving forward in your magic. If you need help doing candle magic, talk to an expert and let them help you with your spells.

Using candle magic can help you to get things in your life that you want from a better job, more energy, love and so much more!

Using the Full Moon to Release Things

Full Moon to Release Things

Having things in your life that you are holding on to can be unhealthy. There needs to be a place where you can let go of these things. One way that you can do this is to use the moon to help you. Lunar abundance is when you use the moon phases to set your intentions and you use it as a time to release things.

The sun will be reflective, and the full moon will help your inner world to work with your life in order to reveal things to you that you need to let go of, or you need to change. Pay attention to the things that aren’t helping you and that are only hurting you and learn to let them go. You can even meditate during this time to help you through things that are hard.

Why Let Things Go?

When you hold on to things that are negative, it can cause you to miss out on things that can help you to live a better life. With Lunar abundance, you can use the full moon as an action point to help you to take action to make your life better.

As you develop and learn, focus on what you can benefit from if you learn to let go of things that aren’t going to make you better. Once you feel these things and once you let go of these emotions that are attached to it, you will see that you can live a better life.

Some of the things that you need to let go are past traumas, childhood situations or even things that are stuck in your mind that keep you feeling not good enough.

Cleanse It and Get Rid of It

Know what you want to get rid of. Set your intentions and journal it. As you do this, you can feel better about it by just knowing what you need to get rid of. Then, it is time to cleanse yourself and get rid of these things that have held you back for so long.

One way that you can cleanse yourself is to take a bath or a shower. Add some salts and some essential oils to your bath. Soak as long as you need to and think about the things that have hurt you that you have held on to for so long. Take time to cry, scream or to yell at the top of your lungs. Do this until you feel better. Crying isn’t bad as long as you are using it to let go of things.

After you get out your tears, let the pain go. This will help you to get rid of the things that have kept you down for so long.

Burn It

One way to get rid of things that are holding you back is to burn it. You need to start by writing down things that you need to get rid of. Here are some things you can look for in your life:

  • What is keeping you stuck?
  • What is making you fearful?
  • Who are you mad at?
  • Who has caused you to feel used or mistreated?
  • What makes you angry or frustrated?
  • What is keeping you from setting intentions
  • Who do you need to let go out of your life and forgive? You might even need to add yourself to that picture.

Get out a pen and your paper and write all these things down. Use as much of the paper that you need and make sure that you get it all written down. You can bring other people to this burning ceremony with you, and they can do the same ritual. Share paper and pens if you want to and let them write down their things that they need to let go of as well.

You can decide to do this by a bon fire with other people or you can just get a candle and you can burn your paper in that. Put the list into the flame until it catches fire and turns to dust.

Dance It Out

Dance, dance and dance. Dance and laugh and do whatever makes you feel good. Listen to songs that you love to sing and that you love to listen to. Laugh through this because laughter is like a medicine. Keep dancing until you feel good from head to foot.

What Did You Get Rid of?

Now, take time to reflect on the things that you let go of and released out of your life. This can create a space inside of you for new things to come in that are good for you.

Pay Attention

Pay attention to good things that start happening in your life. This can be changes that start to take place or where things start shifting. If you need to let things go, do it. You can find someone that can guide you and help you through this like a counselor or a psychic. They can help you to let go of things by using the rituals of the moon.

Using Powerful Love Spells

Love Spells

Are you looking to try a love spell and you wonder if they really work?  Casting a love spell means that you are being positive and that you are not trying to change the free will of someone.

If you believe in energy or you are an energy worker, you might see that spell casting doesn’t use spells that are meant to send bad energy to others but should be a good and positive thing. The Lw of Threefold says that whatever you send to the universe will come back to you three times and this is how magic works.

Love spells can help you to figure out how to get love and can put the universe on your side when it comes to love. A spell is a way to ask what you want. You might see that love spells can be chanted, cast or they can use different ingredients. Here is what you need to cast a spell:

  • An intentions.
  • Invoking a ritual.
  • Setting intentions into action.

Before you ever do a spell though, you need to make sure that you are doing this for the right reasons. Make sure that you really love this person or that you are ready to attract love.

Self-Love Ritual

Here is what you need:

  • Red candle.
  • Rosewater.
  • Paper.
  • Pen.
  • Red ribbon.
  • Herbs such as rose petals, lavender, or sandalwood.

Light the red candle and write a love letter to yourself on things that you want to fix. This can help you to see your self-worth. Share this letter with just yourself and add rosewater to the paper and put herbs over it. As the herbs fall say, “I am worthy of love, and I open my heart to receiving level.” Once you finish the ritual, put the candle out and put the paper under your pillow.

The next day, roll the paper up and tie it with the ribbon. Save it for a day or hang it on the window to remind yourself to remain true to yourself.

Love Spells

After you do the self-love spell you can see how powerful love spells are. You can set your intentions and cast spells or rituals that work with the cycles of the moon or with ingredients.

New Moon Love Ritual

The New Moon is a time to set your intentions because it is a time to encourage you to start something new. You can use this time to attract love. One thing that you can do is to take a magic bath. This is when you fill your bathtub, and you add sea salts to it and put out some candles and your favorite music. While you are bathing say, “I am going to find someone that is attracted to me and that loves me” and really visualize this.

Full Moon Love Ritual

Here is what you need for this spell:

  • 2 red candles.
  • 1 rose.

Have you met someone that you desire, and you want to have them respond to you with love? Get your rose and the candles and do this during the full moon before you go to sleep. Put the red candles on each side of the rose and light them. The next morning at sunrise, take the rose outside and inhale the scent of it while you say, “This rose will bring me true love. Come to me now.” 

Go back inside and light the candles and as they burn, visualize the love in your heart burning. Keep them lit as long as you can. After they go out, bury them with the rose.

Choosing a Day for Spells

You need to find a day that you can choose to do a love spell and sometimes doing one on Friday is the best because this is Venus day. The energies that you have and that you set can increase your desires. It is important to be mindful of how you talk and what you say.

Fridays are the best day to do spells and you should do them in the morning if you want the spell to be the strongest. Use Venus and honor the goddess of love while you do this. Wake up making sure that you love yourself and are being positive.

Powerful Spells

Spells have been used since ancient times and here are some that are powerful:

Honey Jar Spell

Here are the ingredients that you need for this. Do this during the waxing moon to make it strangest:

  • Glass jar with a lid.
  • Honey.
  • Rose petals.
  • Pink candle.
  • Matches.
  • Pen.
  • Paper.
  • Lavender.

Take the ingredients and make sure that you are grounded and that you set your intentions. You can even smudge your room before you start. Breathe in and out while you decide why you are doing this spell. If you want to make the relationship sweeter or you want something new, write it down on the paper and fold it up. Put the paper in the jar and then add the rose petals and some honey. Seal this and keep remembering what you want.

As the honey fills the jar and covers your writing, remember what you want and bless the magic. Say, “I bless this honey in love, and I ask it to bring me love. So, mote it be.” Light the candle and set it on the closed jar.

Mediate while you are imagining what you want in your love life and let it burn out on its own. Have self-love.

Marriage Spell

This spell is one that can help your lover to propose to you. If you want to be engaged, try this love spell. Here is what you need:

  • Lovers Tarot Card.
  • Ring that is gold.
  • An orange.
  • Sugar.
  • Jasmine flowers.
  • Pink and white candle.

Write the name of the person that you want to love you and the person that you want to marry you. Write the qualities of other person down and how committed you want toe relationship to be. Roll the paper up from the bottom to the top and put the ring on it. Hollow out the center of the orange and put the ring with the paper in the orange.

Seal the bottom of the orange with wax and then drip wax of the white and pink candle on it and let it stay like that for at least 6 hours. Peel the fruit open and then run a ritual bath, adding the oranges to the water. Remove the ring and the oranges and wear the ring as a symbol.

Final Thoughts

Love spells are often done to bring love into your life. If you are looking to have a healthy relationship, try a love spell to see what happens. You can always ask a psychic to help you with your spells.

Quick Working Love Spells

Love Spells

Most people are searching for someone to love them, and this can be hard. This is why some people decide to use love spells to try and get love. Love spells can help you to set strong intentions and then help you to be able to manifest love to your life. Not only can these spells help you to love others, but they can also help you to love yourself.

How Can a Love Spell Help?

Having an open heart and an open mind can help you to find love. You can set your intentions but make sure that you are being honest with what you want. Here is what a love spell can do for you:

  • Let the universe know that you are ready to find love.
  • Getting yourself ready for love.
  • Finding your lover.
  • Attracting love into your life.
  • Making love come to you faster.
  • Helping you to understand love signs.

Things to Understand About Love Spells

Here are some things that you need to understand before doing love spells:

  • Love works on its own time. The spirit guides will help to spread the messages, but things will happen when the universe decides it is going to happen.
  • Having worry or fear will cause your spell to not work. Don’t let negativity ruin your spell.
  • You can’t take away the freewill of someone to make them love you. 

Honey Jar Love Spell

Here is how to make a Honey Jar Love Spell work:


  • Glass jar with lid.
  • Paper.
  • Pen.
  • Honey.

How to Do a Honey Jar Love Spell

  • Write down the name of the person that you like so that they can have sweet thoughts about you.
  • Put the paper in the jar and pour in honey so that the whole piece of paper is covered by the honey.
  • Meditate your intentions and concentrate on what you want to happen between you and that person.
  • Say, “Just like the honey in this jar is sweet, let (say their name) think of me. So, mote it be.”
  • Put the lid back on the jar and hide it in a secret spot where no one will bother it.

Picture Love Spell

This is how to do a Picture Love Spell:


  • Picture of who you like.
  • Picture of yourself.
  • Red thread.
  • Pen.

How to do a Picture Love Spell

  • Put the picture of the person that you like and your picture face to face on each other.
  • Use the red thread to tie the pictures together.
  • Write “When (say their name) has thoughts of me, let them like what look at. Make them unable to stop thinking about me. So, mote it be.”
  • Put the pictures in a safe place so no one bothers them.

Candle Love Magic Spell

Here is how to do a Candle Love Magic Spell:


  • Pink candle.
  • White candle.
  • Candle burner or plate.
  • Knife.
  • Matches or a lighter.
  • Rose oil.

How to do a Candle Love Magic Spell

  • Use the rose oil to anoint your pink candle. 
  • Take the knife and carve the name of the person that you like in the candle.
  • Anoint the white candle with rose oil and then carve your name into the white candle with the knife.
  • Have intentions and set them. Be honest of what you want to happen. Say, “Bring me love and let the universe help them and have freewill. May the feelings they have be expressed openly. So, mote it be.”
  • Put the candles on the plate or the candle burner and light them until they die out.
  • Never leave the candles unattended and if you have to leave don’t blow them out but snuff them out.
  • You can do this on a Friday to make the love spell longer.

Love Mirror Spell

Here is how to do a Love Mirror Spell


  • A mirror.
  • Lipstick.

Doing a Love Mirror Spell

  • Buy a mirror that you can hold in your hand and use for this spell.
  • Put on your favorite color of lipstick while looking in the mirror.
  • Say things like, “I love who I am, I am beautify, I have goodness in me.” 
  • Kiss the mirror and repeat anything positive you want to say.
  • This spell can help you to love yourself more.

Final Thoughts

You have to be open to love if you want love to come to you. Love comes in different forms, and you can manifest love with someone that you have in your intentions, or you can let the universe bring you love that is best for you. Use the spells to bring love, romance, and attraction into your life.

Everyone at one point or another wants to have some kind of love and a love spell can help to make this happen. Love spells can even help you to have a specific kind of love that you are seeking.

Fast Love Spells that Work

Love Spells

Do you believe in magic and love spells? You might not have ever done a spell before but if you are someone that casts spells, you never stop being someone that can. Don’t worry about casting a spell or being afraid of it, you can make the spell work.

Whenever you think about your crush or about love, know that your thoughts are powerful and that you can set intentions that can help you to be able to cast spells and rituals that will work for you.

Find the ingredients and tools that you have around your home and if you need to use certain things like a full moon, wait for this before you do the spell and you can have the romance that you want in your life. You might be surprised at how fast these spells work.

Sometimes people are nervous about doing love spells because they worry that the spell can be dangerous. Spells are not dangerous if they don’t take away the free will of the people. Love spells aren’t always successful, and they depend on more than just the ingredients. 

Make sure that you have a strong intention and that you are connecting to the right things when you are doing these spells. You might find that casting a spell will help you to find your twin flame or your soulmate or it might even help to get your ex back.

1. Honey Jar Love Spell

This is a spell that can help to make your love even sweeter. When you need a sweet love in your life, the honey jar spell can help you to get that. It can help to make your love sweeter, and it can help you to trust your partner more and to be able to communicate better.


  • Honey in a jar.
  • Pen.
  • Paper.

Casting a Honey Jar Love Spell

Write down the person that you want to sweeten your love for three times. This number is important because it means wholeness. Write down the intentions that you have and make sure that you are clear with what you want.

Fold the paper three times and put it in the honey jar. Don’t close the jar yet until you take out a spoon of honey and add it to your tea. Drink the tea and say, “As I drink this tea, you will be sweeter to me.”

Finish your tea and this will set the spell. Put the lid on the jar of honey and bury it somewhere that it will be safe, best would be by flowers or herbs. If these things are blooming, this will help to make the spell stronger.

2. Full Moon Spell

This is a love spell that can help you to attract the perfect person for you. Doing this spell during a full moon can help you to complete your journey. You will see that this spell can help you if you are tired of dating and trying to find someone.

A full moon can affect your emotions, and this is an intense time for people. This spell can be used to your advantage by using the Law of Attraction to attract strong energy.

You need to have a strong desire of your partner and you need to set your intention on what you want from this spell. Don’t let sadness find its way in but always be positive.


  • Rose petals.
  • Full moon.

Casting a Full Moon Spell

Write down what you want from your perfect partner and be detailed in it. If you are someone that wants some kind of stability, wait for Capricorn, Virgo or Taurus to be part of the full moon, otherwise if you aren’t looking for that, any full moon will work.

A full moon can help you to have strong energy. By combining the full moon with the rose petals, you will see that this spell can be strong.

Fold the paper that you wrote on and hold it by your heart. Go outside and take the rose petals and go around your home three times while you drop a rose petal here and there. Say things like, “Come to me, I am waiting for you.”

3. Candle Love Spell

Choose whatever candle that you want for whatever you hope will happen. You can change this spell up by using a different colored candle. Here is what the colors can mean for the spell:

  • White: Purity and balance.
  • Red: Lust, passion.
  • Blue: Peace, healing, and serenity.
  • Black: Protection.
  • Purple: Self-confidence.
  • Pink: Compassion and self-love.


  • Any colored candle you want.

Casting a Candle Love Spell

Light the candle that you have chosen and say over and over, “Love is full.” Feel the love come to you and let it make you feel peaceful. The love that you want will come to you if you believe in it.

Let the candle burn until it is completely gone, and the spell will be set. 

4. Saffron Love Spell

This spell can make your sex life stronger. It can help you to have passion that you didn’t have before. Since saffron is an aphrodisiac, it can be used to make your love spell stronger. Rather you want to have more sex, or you want to find a lover, make sure that you are passionate about this spell to make it work.


  • Saffron.
  • A bag or sachet.
  • Red candle.
  • Pillow.

Casting a Saffron Love Spell

Do this spell at night and make sure that you have all the lights off. Light the candle and meditate on what kind of sexual encounters you would like to have. If you have a partner now, wish that they would do certain things to you in bed. Let the dreams take over your mind, body, and soul. Feel the sensations that you would have if they were doing these things to you. Embrace the energy of it.

When finished sending out this energy, put the saffron in the bag or sachet and put it in your underwear draw or in your pillow case while you sleep. 

5. Getting Your Ex-Back Love Spell

This spell will help you to get your ex back if you have broken up with them. If you didn’t really know why you broke up with your partner or if you are doing a no contact, the spell can help your ex to think about you.


  • Picture of your ex.
  • Picture of just you.
  • Rose oil.
  • Red candle.

Casting a Getting Your Ex-Back Love Spell

Put oil on the candle, dressing it. Put the picture of you and the picture of your ex together and put them under the candle. 

Imagine the times that you were with your ex, and you were happy together. Try to send a message to your ex’s mind. Let the candle be lit and let it burn all day. At the end of the day, take drops of wax and put them on the picture of your ex. Put your picture over their picture and seal them together with the hot wax. 

Put the pictures in an envelope and hide them until your ex gets in touch with you.

Fast Working Love Spells


Many people choose to use love spells when they want someone to fall in love for them. You should always be careful when you are casting spells because when you want to do this, you need to make sure that you are setting intentions, and you are casting your spell right away.

Using Love Spells

Here are some of the best tips for using love spells:

  • Be Careful of Your Intentions

Make sure that you have someone in your life that you love that has feelings for you because when you set your intentions, the person might fall in love with you, and you don’t want to take away their free will.

  • Use Rituals

You need to learn the spell and the rituals that are needed before you ever do a love spell. This will depend on what kind of spell that you want to cast. Make sure that you are being positive and that your motives are kind and loving.

Using invocation is part of the ritual and when you do this, you will be calling on the partner that you want in your life. This is a very important part of the process of casting spells.

  • Take Action

You have to take action and have faith when you are doing a love spell. Text the person that you are interested in and be open to love and romance.

Create Love Spells

Most of the love spells require some kind of ingredients and this is how you create your love spell.

How to Cast Love Spells

Here is how you can cast love spells. Remember, all spells are different, and they will have different effects on different people. Never do this with a closed heart or mind.

Candle Love Spells

You can show your intentions to the universe by using a candle. When you want to have love, you can let the candle burn and say things like, “Let the love of my life come to me as this candle burns out.”

Say these things out loud or in your mind but make sure that what you are saying is something that you really believe in. Let the candle burn until it is gone and be patient.

Ribbon Love Spells

You can use a ribbon like pink or red colors that symbolize love when doing a love spell. This spell is best done during a New Moon. You can also find two objects that has to be in a pair and this needs to be something that you have a connection with.

Let one of the pairs represent you and the other your lover. Tie the objects together with the ribbon and say, “When I tie these things together, let my lover come to me.”

Each night, move the objects closer to each other and then tie the ribbon again as you repeat the above. Do this until the objects are touching each other and then leave it for a week.

Orange Dream Love Spells

Using dried orange peels can help to bring your lover to your life. Orange peels can also help you to have a clear mind. Take a dried orange peel and put it in a cloth and tie it with ribbon. Say something like, “Let me know how to find real love.”

Put the orange peel in the wrapper under your pillow while you are sleeping, and you will have dreams that will help you to find your lover.

Rose Love Spell

Find some rose petals and take them to a place where water moves like a creek. If you have to, you can use tap water but outside water is better. Visualize the partner that you want in your life and the qualities that you want them to have.

Think of the lover of your dreams and say, “Please universe, give me my desires and send my dream lover to me.”  Make sure that your desires are pure.

Finding Love Spells

It can be dangerous to just try any love spell and so you need to make sure that you find a professional to get your love spells from. Casting a love spell can be tricky and it might not work if you do it on your own and it can be dangerous or negative.

Tips on Love Spell Casting

Here are some tips to help you to cast love spells:

  • Believe in what you are wishing for. This is the energy behind your love spell, and it won’t work without it.
  • Be specific on what you want but also have an open mind. If the universe decides to send you someone that you don’t know but has the qualities that you want, be open to this.
  • Magic is limited. You can’t use these kinds of spells to make someone love you that doesn’t or to break someone up that has a good relationship.
  • Casting love spells has the best times so find out which is the best time to cast your love spell before you start.

Do Love Spells Really Work?

Yes. Love spells can work but you have to make sure that you are focusing on what you want and that you are stating your intentions. Be clear and make sure that you have the right ingredients and tools for the job.

Spells don’t always work right away and so you need to make sure that you are being patient. After you cast your love spell, take steps to get the person to know you and to notice you. This can help you to reach your lover.

Can a Spell Backfire?

Yes. This is one of the main reasons that hiring a professional spellcaster can help you. When you do black magic, it can come back on you three-fold and so you want to be careful that you aren’t sending out negative spells into the universe.

Final Thoughts

Love spells aren’t always going to be successful but in order for you to have a better chance, you need to make sure that you are choosing materials that are meaningful when you do the spell, that you are stating your intentions in a clear way and that you are keeping your mind open.

If you want to find love and you feel that you need to use a spell, find one that can help this to happen for you. You can always hire a professional if you think that you need help to cast your spell right.

Why a Love Spell Might Not Work

Why Do Some Spells Not Work

Most people are looking for love but having love and keeping love can be hard. If there is a person that you like and they aren’t feeling the same for you, you might decide to do whatever it takes to get this love to work, including doing a love spell.

Love spells have become more popular recently and people that are struggling to find love will sometimes find themselves doing a love spell or hiring someone else to do one for them.

Love spells can be complicated and sometimes you have to understand them better in order to see them actually work. Someone that is a professional spell caster can help you to cast a spell and they will be able to help you because they have done this before.

There might be times though that the spell doesn’t work. Sometimes they go completely wrong and something bad happens that makes the spell backfire on you.

Why Do Some Spells Not Work?

If you have done a spell before and you saw that it worked, great. But what happens when a spell doesn’t do what it’s supposed to do? This might frustrate you and leave you wondering what went wrong.

There are many reasons that a love spell can go wrong and there are different influences that can decide if a spell will work or not.

Here are some of the reasons:

  • Expertise Level

A spell can be hard to do and if you don’t have any expertise in casting love spells, it might not work the way that you want it to. Sometimes a spell can actually work in reverse if you aren’t careful.

There are spell casters that can make a spell work even if they don’t have any experience and the thing is that magic takes a lot of practice to get good at. Some people are good naturally but even they can make mistakes. You need to have experience when casting a spell and expecting it to work.

  • Using the Right Spell

Another reason that some spells fail is that the spell caster doesn’t use the right spell. You have to look at the magic and know that the magic isn’t the only thing that makes a spell work. No matter how much you try to make a spell work, if you aren’t using the right one, it won’t be successful.

There are some charms that are great to use when doing a spell and spellcasters are great at finding spells that work with certain things.

Some spells require that you do them at certain times and if you aren’t following this, it will probably fail. This is why sometimes you have to have a spellcaster help you. They will know if there are multiple spells that need to be done in order to get what you want, and they will know the correct spells to use for your situation.

  • Spell Strength

Some spells are stronger than others and a spell that is more potent is one that will be more successful than one that isn’t. These spells take more time to do and if you are trying to find a spellcaster to cast a spell for you, make sure that they are making it fit your needs.

Choosing someone that doesn’t do your spell right is going to cause the spell to fail. Make sure that you find someone that is a real spell caster and not one that is fake. You need to find a spellcaster that has knowledge and expertise and not one just trying to get your money.

  • Ingredients

There are certain ingredients and materials that need to be used in order to make a spell work. Some of these things won’t work if you substitute the ingredients and the spell will just fail. The same goes with the equipment.

Some spells require a spellcaster to call upon the spell to make it work and if someone doesn’t do the right ritual or use the right ingredients, it will fail miserably.

  • Intentions

The person that is casting the spell has to set strong intentions and have strong energy to make a spell succeed. You have to make sure that you find a spell caster that is able to get enough energy generated to cast the spell right.

It takes a spell caster time to be able to put this much power into a spell and so it is important that you have one that is going to prepare.

  • Universe

The universe has a lot to do if a spell is going to work or not. The universe has the final spell. This means a spell could take a few days or it could take weeks or months for a spell to work. The universe will decide if the spell is going to be granted or not.

  • Curses

Curses are one way that can cause a spell to not work. A real spell caster will warn you that a curse can come on you if you aren’t protected when you are doing magic. There are also curses that come from karma and things that you do in your life, and this can cause your spells to not work.

If you are in a situation when you are cursed and you are using black magic, this can cause the spell to backfire and come back on you. This is especially true if you are using spells that are manipulative and ones that are trying to take away the free will of someone.

Curses can mess up good energy and since everything is made up of energy, negative energy will push away the good and this will cause the spell to fail. Before you ever buy a spell, make sure that you notice if the spell seems cursed or not.

Fake Spells

There are also spells that might be fake and there are also fake spell casters. Pay attention to someone that you hire to cast a spell for you and make sure that they aren’t a fraud. Here are some ways that you can know if you have found a real spell caster or a fake:

  • They can’t prove their expertise level. Just like any professional such as a lawyer, there should be some kind of information or documents that shows that your spell caster has experience in what they do.

If you find someone that is good at casting spells, you will see that they have knowledge and skills, and this means that they are real. You should always look for proof and find websites that have guarantees on their psychics and their spell casters.

  • Strange honors or awards: There are some websites that show different awards about the success of their spell casters. This can mean that they are fake. Notice if there are any articles that make the website seem real or if it makes you feel like they are keeping secrets and being sneaky.

Final Thoughts

Spells can work but they can also fail. If you have a desire to have a love spell cast and you have a lot of energy behind your love and you are trying to do something that doesn’t take away the free will of someone else, cast a love spell and see it do its magic.

Be wise in what you choose and make sure that you are wise when it comes to hiring a spellcaster that can help you. If you are trying to find someone to help you cast a love spell, there are legitimate spell casters online that will help you and try to make your love spell come true.

How to Make Spell Casting Safe

Spell Casting

Spellcasting is a way that you cast spells like love spells. You should only cast love spells or any other kind of spell if you know how to do it and if you have read up on how to do them right. Spellcasters offer to do love spells for you to help make sure that you can be safe.

What is a Love Spell?

Almost everyone has had some kind of heartbreak in their life. There can be a n emotion that is powerful that can make a person feel good or can break their heart. When two people fall in love, the connection has to be there so that they can be compatible with each other.

The people that fall in love need to have feelings for each other that are mutual but sometimes only one person will have these feelings. If you find that you’re falling in love with someone that doesn’t have the same feelings for you, a love spell might come to mind.

Spellcasters can help to make the connection work between two people by using white magic. When a spellcaster learns to do this magic, it can help people to get with the people that they love or to find past lovers and reunite them. They will do different rituals to make this happen and sometimes use potions.

Spells have been used since ancient times and they can accomplish many different things. These spells can fight dark forces of nature and can help to change energies of the chakras to help the connection be there.

If you wonder if love spells are real, they are but you need to notice that these are binding spells that can create a spark and cause emotions to grow. You will see that you can use these to get with someone that you are crushing on.

Are Love Spells Safe?

You need to understand that you have to have real feelings towards a certain person before you ever cast a spell. White love spells are strong, and they can change things in your life. But they can also change and not work or cause things to become disrupted.

There has to be some kind of feeling between both people for the spell to really work because love is a fundamental part of love spells. Sometimes a love spell can make someone obsessed with you and so you need to make sure that your love for that person is strong and real.

Some people have been doing spells for years and they will offer to do love spells for you. You can find them online and they will charge a certain amount to do them, or you can learn to do them yourself.

Doing White Magic Love Spells

Love spells have been used for many years. They are there to help bring love back and to keep love safe. Here are some things you need to do to cast love spells safely:

  • Set your mood and intention towards what you want the spell to do.
  • Gather up as much energy as you can.
  • Make sure your energy is pure.
  • Set up an altar.
  • Protect yourself and your family by making a circle and this can keep negativity from the spell from coming to you.
  • Change your energy to send it to the spell.
  • Use talismans to make the bond stronger.

If you choose to do a spell, make sure that you find one that is white magic. Casting a spell can be done right or done wrong and it can work or won’t work. If you do a spell that backfires, it can come back on you, and this is why its important to find a good spellcaster or to know the spell before you ever do it.

White magic is easy to cast and if you have the right energies then you can do them. You can be successful and get the results that you want. The idea is to make a channel between you and the person that you want to love you.

There are different items that people will use in order to cast the spell and it is important that you always have the ingredients and the casting instructions before you ever get started. Don’t replace ingredients unless the directions tell you that you can.

Casting Safe Love Spells

Here are some ways that you can cast safe and effective love spells:

  • Have the right mindset.
  • Purify your energy.
  • Set up your altar.
  • Put up an energy shield.
  • Create an energy shell.
  • Make love move and keep it safe.
  • Stay calm and relaxed.
  • Set your intentions and keep them strong.

Final Thoughts

Love spells are strong, but they aren’t unsafe unless you do them wrong. Always make sure that you know what you are doing before you cast a spell or talk to a professional spellcaster to help you.

Using Magic to Make Love Strong

Using Magic to Make Love Strong

Are you wanting to make your love stronger, but you don’t feel like this can happen? You might feel that the world is against your love. The thing is love is one of the best things that can happen in your life, and it makes you feel strong and makes you feel that you aren’t alone. Love can show you what life is all about and it can take away anything that has hurt you and replace it with restful feelings.

Yin and yang is what love is all about. Love can be something that is amazing and something that you don’t want to ever lose. Humans are strange people though and people will do what it takes to understand love. They will try to figure out what people feel in their heart and try to understand the meaning of love. Why would someone want to win over a lonely heart? Love is something that can make something broken and lonely, beautiful and it is worth it.

How can you make love stronger? Some people will seek out things in the heart, but other people will try magic to make their love stronger.

What is Love Magic?

Love magic is something that can be done no matter what religion that you are or what you are part of. This can work for any culture. There are different uses of the spells, and everyone can do love spells and practice it. This can be hard and requires knowledge, but it can be effective in bringing love to your life.

Categories of Love Spells

Love spells are practices that can create feelings for people. It can be something easy like lighting a candle and speaking what you want, or it can be something that is a stronger ritual. Love spells are magic that can bring people closer. You can manifest your desires and your wishes that you have for others by performing a love spell.

Here is what a love spell can do:

  • Bring a lost lover back into your life.
  • Help you find new love.
  • Increase passion between lovers.
  • Cause someone to fall in love with someone else.

Love spells can be either white or black magic and black magic is dangerous and shouldn’t be used because it can come back to hurt you, but white magic is safe and is only something that is good for everyone involved. Whatever you send into the universe can come back to you, so you need to consider this when you are thinking about doing magic.

Casting love spells can bring power into your life and give you what you need. Love spells are not meant to be about manipulation and controlling others, which is what black magic does, but it is meant to help energies align and to bring spirits together that are willing to have love. Magic can be part of nature and love spells can help bring love and help to breakup those that are in unhealthy or harmful relationships.

Love spells can be used for family members, friends, lovers and more. Spells and magic are two words that can be interchanged, and the word magic can mean a spell being cast.

Spells are a ritual that can make something happen. This can be spiritual and can help your mental health if you are successful in it.

Attraction Love Spells

Attraction love spells can be used to make someone attracted to you. This can be used to get attention from someone and can increase the romantic and emotional feelings that you have for someone or that they have for you.

This kind of spell is one that will only last for a while and it is meant to make the person want to commit to you in the long run, but this has to be what they want.

Attraction and Love

Attraction and love are great to have and when they work together then they can make love strong. This can create a bond between two people and is effective when bringing people together. Some use attraction spells for:

  • Making themselves more attractive to other people.
  • Help attract a job or a career that they want.

Attraction Spells

Here are some of the most known attraction spells:

  • Honey Jar Spell: This spell is meant to make the love between you and someone else sweeter. You can use honey and cast a spell by putting their name in the jar and thinking positive about them each day. They will then hopefully be sweet on you.
  • Sachet Love Spell: This love spell uses herbs such as rose, pomegranate, sage, and lavender. You can put the herbs in the sachet and then put them under your pillow to bring your lover to your dreams.

Crush Love Spells

Love spells that are meant to attract a crush to you are called crush love spells. These can help someone to have a deeper attraction for you. These spells are often known to fail or to backfire on someone and they can result in negative things in your life.

There are some crush spells that will be hard to remove and if you cast one on someone and they fall for you, you might be stuck with them. 

Love Catcher Spell

This is an easy spell for beginners to try:

  • Get paper, red thread and a pen.
  • Write down the names of your crush and yourself.
  • Draw a square around each name if you want a physical relationship and circle the names if you want a non-physical relationship.
  • Cut the pieces of the paper and put your favorite perfume on them. 
  • Hold this close to you or under your pillow while you sleep.

This spell means that your crush will notice you.

Commitment Love Spells

These are spells that should make your partner more loyal to you and make it so that they won’t cheat on you. They might also ask you to marry them if this love spell works right.

Full Moon Love Spell

This is a love spell that can make your partner be honest and not to cheat on you. You can use the full moon to bind your partner to you and help them to commit to you so that your relationship can be healthy and happy.

This is a strong love spell, and it can help to make your relationship stronger. It can help you to make sure that other people don’t ruin your relationship. This spell should be used during the Lunar Cycle, and this is a commitment spell that works by using the moon. 

This spell uses astrology and is used with the phases of the moon, and it is a great time to start something new such as projects or to make things deeper with the universe. Since you are using the new moon, you can have new beginnings in your relationship. This can make your partner more committed to your relationship and by using this as a binding spell, you will see that this can work for romantic and non-romantic relationships.

What You Need

Here are the things you need for a Full Moon Love Spell

  • Red or pink candle.
  • One red candle.
  • Red string.
  • 2 poppets.

A poppet is a handmade doll or item that represents the person that you are casting the spell on. With this spell, you will need 2 poppets so that one can represent you and one can represent the other person. You can create your own poppet by melting a candle and letting it create a wax figure.

Casting the Spell

Here is how to cast the Full Moon Love Spell:

  • Put the candle between the poppets.
  • Wrap them with string so they are wrapped together.
  • Tie the poppets together tightly and use a knot.
  • Make sure that you have string left over.
  • On the full moon, light the candle.
  • Think about what you want and concentrate on this.
  • Wrap the string around the figures another time and say, “I am bound to thee, and I bind you to me.”
  • Let the candle burn for at least 20 minutes.
  • Do the first five steps for the next 5-8 days.
  • On the third night, let the candle burn all the way out.
  • Don’t get rid of the materials.

This relationship will stay bound as long as you keep the wax and don’t get rid of it

Marriage Love Spells

Some people will look at the phases of their life and they will come to a time where they want something more than to just date. But sometimes only one partner is ready for this kind of commitment. 

This spell is one of the most powerful spells because it can make marriage happen. A marriage is one that should only come after a long-term commitment. When the couple cannot get this to happen, doing a love spell might work.

You can tell that marriage spells are powerful by looking at the materials that are needed to cast a spell. These can include things like fingernail clippings or hair of the person you love.

There are different kinds of marriage spells and here are some things you might need:

  • Two poppets.
  • Candles.
  • Thread.
  • Pictures of you and your partner.
  • Altar.
  • Cups of water.

You can use incantations when you do this spell, and you should talk to a spellcaster to help you to cast a marriage spell if you are new to spell casting.

Obsession Love Spells

These are another type of love spell that can be dangerous and often uses black instead of white magic. Obsession is something that can end up hurting you or causing you problems. If you are someone that isn’t experienced in spellcasting, you might not want to do this spell on your own.

Obsession spells can make someone crazy about you. They might be someone that will come into your life and will become obsessed with everything about you, and they might even refuse to leave. 

Being obsessed with someone isn’t something that you should take lightly and if you choose to do black magic then you need to be prepared that this can happen.

Where Did Love Spells Originate?

Love spells have been around since ancient times, and they were often used during ancient Egyptian times. This happened in the 19th or 20th century and is something that has become widespread. 

Love spells are often found in writings such as folklore and is part of different cultures. There is different magic that is written about such as witchcraft and other religious works. There are some groups that have ties to spells.

There are different types of love spells and each of them serve a different purpose. Good intentions should be used when doing a love spell and they should be pure and should not have bad intentions.

Helping the Love Spell Work

To have a successful love spell you need to make sure that you do your research and that you take your time in making it work. Finding the right person to send the love spell should be part of your research.

There are things that you can do to make the love spell more successful such as to change the responses that you get form others and making sure that you are keeping your energy working in a positive way. Make sure that you have an overall wellbeing in your behavior, your appearance, and your mindset.

  • Behavior

You need to make sure that you are behaving correctly, and you are being respectful. Be mindful of other people and if there are things that you need to change and not be rude or a jerk, change these things.

  • Appearance

You should not base who you love on what they look like. You need to make sure that you are keeping yourself clean and well-kept but that you aren’t only expecting someone else to be beautiful. Be clean if you want to have a chance at love.

  • Mindset

You need to make sure that you have a positive mindset when it comes to love and anything in your life, for that matter. Having a positive mindset can help you to be more positive when you think about love and when you try to make someone fall for you.

How Long Do Love Spells Last?

There are different times that a love spell can last, and this is a question that is hard to answer. Here are some factors to consider:

  • Lunar calendar: The moon has a lot of power over love spells and when you do them at the right time, it can make the spell last longer.
  • Level of spellcasting: If you are experienced then you might be able to have a longer lasting love spell.
  • Tools: There are different tools and ingredients that are used in love spells, and you need to make sure that you have the right ones before you do the spell.

Are Love Spells Dangerous?

There are ways that you can cause danger in a love spell, but the thing is if you are using a pure heart and you aren’t trying to control someone then the love spell probably won’t go wrong. Love spells don’t work on everyone and there are energies that might not work on some people.

Remember that energies are what helps to make a love spell work and if a love spell is going to last, you need to learn all that you can about love spells before you cast one.

Do Love Spell Work?

Yes, love spells can work but they don’t always work. This depends on the ritual that you used and the energy behind it.

Kinds of Spellcasting

There are different kinds of spellcasting’s such as rituals and words. Some will chant and some will burn candles. There are different tools that different spells require, and this also works with time and energy.

There are also negative energies that use manipulation. This can be ESP, clair gifts and other things that can manipulate the powers around you.

Picking the Right Love Spell

Picking the right love spell can be hard and if you are new at it, you might want to talk to a professional spellcaster to help you. Magic is something that is all around you and here are some things that you can do to boost your love spells:

  • Categorize 

Categorize the love spells and find out which ones work for what you want to happen. There are different categories of love spells for a reason, and you need to find ones that meet your needs.

  • Be Diligent

Set your mindset on your energies before you ever start doing magic. Make sure that you are doing spells that are positive.

  • Know the Spell

Know everything that there is about the spell including gestures, tools, symbols, and actions that you have to take. This is important if you want the love spell to work.

  • Repeat

Sometimes you might need to repeat the spell. You can also practice it before you ever really cast it so that you can know that you are going to make it successful.

Candle Magic

Candle magic can be used to make love spells work. Most people do these at night because this is when they work the best. Notice the flame and visualize what it is going to do for you. Focus on it and don’t let things be interrupted. Repeat this each night until you get it where you want it.

Once a candle burns out, the energy of the flame will go into the universe, and this is what helps to make the spell work. There are different things when it comes to love magic, and you need to make sure that you are focused on the spell that can make the energy align with your energy.

The moon phases will play a big role in your magic spells, and you need to make sure that you are doing it at the right time. Some psychics say that you should burn the candle all the way down and not throw them away to make the magic stronger.

Candle magic is a good beginner magic spellcasting. It is easy to come up with the materials and once you do then you can find the right color candle:

  • Green: Luck and success.
  • Pink: Love and intimacy.
  • Red: Courage and willpower.
  • Blue: Healing and emotions.
  • Purple: Meditation and wisdom.
  • Brown: Stability and balance.
  • Black: Negative energies.

Final Thoughts

Magic can have many different steps to it and if you are thinking about spellcasting then you need to make sure that you keep your heart in it and that you are casting spells that bring love and hope to others. Love spells can make your soul happy and can comfort your heart and make your mind strong.