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Love Spells for Beginners

Love Spells

There are tons of people that do witchcraft but then there are also a large number that see witchcraft as something bad and evil. This has been portrayed in a negative light since the beginning of times but now has become something that more people believe and like. There are different kinds of magic that has been put into movies like “Harry Potter,” and it has made witchcraft seem more exciting.

Witches are seen differently throughout the world, but they have changed for the better over the last few years. This is something that has grown in the United States and different countries with people practicing witchcraft in England, United States, UK, and other places around the world. This is now considered a traditional religion in some places.

The practices that witches do is one thing that helps to decide of they are popular or not and much of it has to do with love spells.

Understanding Love Spells

Love spells are a kind of magic that is used to bring love to someone. The spells can be used with potions, sayings, written words, dolls, or other things. Love spells are a practice that isn’t really new but has become new to many people in the past few years.

Even since the 15th century, witchcraft was something that was known. People would go to witches to get problems solved and the witches would use potions of herbs and other things and would use the phases of the moon to grant their desires.

Relationships and finding the right person is one thing that has sparred the idea of having love spells. Love spells can help people to find love or to even get their ex back into their lives.

Doing Love Spells

There are so many love spells that you would never be able to use them all. You cannot make someone to love you though and you should never try to use a spell for that. In order for a spell to work, you need to have that person that you want to love you in your mind, and you need to get them to see you differently.

A love spell is meant to make your connection with that person stronger and it is meant to raise your energies and your vibrations so that you can find love that will bring you peace and happiness.

Some spells will use the phases of the moon and here are some of the most known love spells:

  • Candle Spells

You can put two candles, red specifically, in front of you and one can represent yourself and the other represent the love that you want in your life. Put oils such as rose petals, patchouli oil, frangipani, dragon’s blood, and chamomile together and then mix them.

Anoint your candles and then light them while you imagine that love of your life coming to you. Move the candles together closer in the evening and keep doing this until they burn out.

  • Poppet Magic Spells

You can put the picture of the person that you want to be with on a doll and a picture of yourself on another doll. Put rose petals and crystal quartz next to the dolls so that they can have energy to get what you want and then wrap them together with ribbon or string.

By combining the dolls with the roses and the crystals, you can make energies happen and this is what brings your love together.

Final Thoughts

Love spells have been around for years and years and if you want to do your own love spell, you can or you can always talk to a spell caster to help you make your spell work better.

Fast Working Love Spells

Love Spells

Casting a love spell can help you to feel energized and can help you to get the desires of your heart. Here are some love spells that are easy to use and seem to work fast for most. There are some things that you need to understand before you ever do any kind of magic and that is that love spells should never use black magic. 

Black magic can help you to get what you desire in your life, but this can be hurtful to others. Everyone has free will and when you take away the free will of someone you are using black magic, and this can end up going bad for you.

Another thing to remember is that spells don’t always work. This will depend on your own personal vibrations and on the connection that you have with the person that you are putting the spell on. If you are trying to call your soulmate or your twin flame into your life, these spells should work perfectly for you. Here are the spells:

Honey Jar Spell

This is a spell that can help you to have stronger love for the person that you are with, or it can make someone fall in love with you or have sweet feelings for you. This is a spell that uses honey to attract a new mate to your life or to make your existing relationship better. 

If you have problems communicating with your partner, do this spell to help open that up and make things stronger.


  • Jar of honey.
  • Pen.
  • Paper.

How to Cast a Honey Jar Spell

First, write the name of the person that you want to be with down three times on paper. This is important because the number 3 means wholeness. Then, write down the intention that you have for the spell and be as detailed as possible.

Fold the paper three times and make sure that it will fit in the jar of honey. Before you ever close the jar, take out some honey and put it in the tea. Drink the tea and say, “As I drink this tea, be sweet to me.”

After the tea is gone, the spell is done, and you need to close the spell by putting the lid on the honey and burying it somewhere that no one will find it. If there is a place of herbs or flowers, bury it close to that.

Full Moon Spell

This is a spell that uses the full moon and so you need to prepare your spell for that time. This spell can help you to find the perfect mate for your life. Full moons are all about love and emotions and they have such strong emotions that they use the Law of Attraction with this spell. 

The strength of your energy can get you what you want. Focus on the desires that you have for your partner and set your intentions on what you want this spell to do for you. Make sure that you only put out positive energies.


  • Rose petals.
  • Full moon.

How to Cast a Full Moon Spell

Start by writing down what you want out of a partner. Be detailed and make sure that you make a list of personality traits and looks. Wait for the full moon when you do this spell.

The full moon will allow the powers of the spell to be stronger and after you write down what you want, fold the paper, and put it close to your heart. Go outside and take the rose petals. Go around your house three times and drop a little of the petals each time you walk. Say, “Come to me, I am waiting for you.”

Candle Love Spell

This Candle Love Spell is one that can give you what you want depending on what color candle that you use. Each color of candle can have a different meaning and so it is important which one you choose. Here are the colors of the candles and what they mean:

  • White: Purity, peace, and balance.
  • Pink: Love, compassion, self-love.
  • Black: Protection.
  • Red: Lust, passion, and sex.
  • Purple: Self-confidence and power.


  • Whatever color candle that you want to choose. 
  • Lighter or matches.

Casting a Candle Love Spell

Start by lighting the candle and saying, “Love is all around me.” Let the candle burn until it is completely gone and then the spell will be set in place.

Saffron Herb Love Spell

This is a love spell that can make your sex life better. If you feel that there is no spark in the bed anymore, you need to do this spell. This herb will work as an aphrodisiac and will be used in magic spells that will wake up the senses and emotions.

If you want to make new love happen in the bedroom or you want to find new love, this magic spell can help. The important thing to remember is that you need to get your energies strong and use visualization to make your passion strong.


  • Saffron herb.
  • Sachet.
  • Red candle.
  • Pillow.

Casting a Saffron Herb Love Spell

This is an easy spell to cast but you should do this spell at night. Turn off all the lights and light the red candle. Meditate on the light of the candle and think about all the sexual pleasures that you love. Think about being with your partner and what you wish he or she would do to you in bed.

Let your dreams cover your mind and your body and really feel the emotions behind this. Make sure that you are being positive.

Next, put the Saffron in the sachet and put the sachet in your underwear drawer or inside of your pillow.

Get Your Ex-Back Love Spell

This love spell can make your ex want to come back to you. If you have gone through a hard breakup and you need to get your ex back, you can do this spell.


  • A picture of your ex.
  • A picture of you.
  • Rose oil.
  • Red candle.
  • Envelope.

Casting a Get Your Ex-Back Love Spell

In the morning, get up and dress the candle by putting oil on it. Put your picture and the picture of your ex together and put them under the candle holder.

Imagine the times that you have spent with your ex and how happy you were. Be specific about the times that were good. Then, set your intentions on what you want this spell to do for you. Light the candle and then let it burn until it is burnt out.

Drip candle wax over your ex’s picture and put your picture with theirs so that it is sealed with the wax. Put the pictures in an envelope until they get ahold of you.

Questions About Love Spells

Here are some common questions about love spells:

  • Do love spells really work? Yes. Many people have done love spells and have seen them work successfully.
  • Can love spells go wrong? Yes. It is important that you follow the directions and have the right ingredients when you do any kind of spell.
  • What is the difference between black and white magic? Black magic takes away the free will of someone or is used to bring harm and white magic keeps free will and only brings love and peace.
  • Are love spells evil? No. People use love spells to help make love stronger and better. As long as they are white magic, they aren’t going to hurt anyone.

Fast Break Up Spells

Break Up Spells

When you need to break up with someone such as your boyfriend or your spouse being in a relationship with someone else, then there are some spells that you can do that are fast and won’t hurt anyone. 

What Can a Break Up Spell Do?

Here are some things a break up spell can do:

  • Make things that seem impossible to handle possible.
  • Break up a marriage or a relationship.
  • Make someone regret how they treated you.
  • Bring back an ex.

You don’t have to hire someone to do these spells for you but if you aren’t sure how to do spells then you might want to consider talking to someone else.

Are Break Up Spells Powerful?

Break up spells have been around since ancient times, and they are considered to be intense and powerful. You have to be patient when you are doing the spells and make sure that you follow them correctly and use the right ingredients.

Casting a Relationship Spell

You can cast a spell yourself or you can find a spell cater that can help you to do this. They are experienced and know what they are doing. If you are nervous about casting a spell, then talk to one of them to help you.

Lemon Salt Break Up Spell

This is a spell that is easy to use and can end a relationship that isn’t healthy. The power of the spell comes from the lemon and the salt. These are ways to get rid of negativity and to bring positivity into life.

Ingredients for a Lemon Salt Break Up Spell

  • One lemon.
  • Sea salt.
  • White candle.
  • Plate.
  • Matches.
  • Pen.
  • Paper.

Casting a Lemon Salt Break Up Spell

Start by lighting a candle and getting rid of any negative emotion that you have. Set your intention and imagine the relationship that you are trying to end.

Pour the sea salt onto the plate and imagine all the pain that you have and the emotions leaving your body and letting the salt take in all the negativity. Once this is gone, you can take the lemon and squeeze it over the salt. Imagine that the juice of the lemon is making energies cleansing and removing negativity that has been caused by this relationship.

Squeeze the lemon until there is no juice left and then set the ingredients aside. Imagine yourself being set free from the relationship and say three times, “I am releasing myself from this relationship.”

Once you say this three times, blow out the candle. Write down the names of the people that you want to break up on the paper and then burn it or put it in water.

Voodoo Break Up Spell

When you want to use Voodoo to break up with someone then this can be a spell that works for you. It uses the magic of the moon and should be done during the waning moon.

Ingredients for a Voodoo Break Up Spell

  • Picture of the couple you want to break up with.
  • Lemon.
  • Salt.
  • Athame.
  • White candle.
  • Pen.
  • Paper.

Casting a Voodoo Break Up Spell

Take the athame and cut open the lemon. Put salt and lemon juice together and mix it with your finger while you set your intentions on what you want the spell to do. After you mix it, light the candle and drip wax on the picture of the couple.

Write the names of the couple and draw two circles around the names. Keep focusing on your intentions. Drop some of the lemon and salt mixture on the circle while you say, “This couple needs to no longer be together. They will part ways.” Do this three times and then fold up your paper three times so no one can see it.

Put the paper on the picture of the couple and put them under a tree or bury them so no one finds them. 

Final Thoughts

If you are looking for spells that are fast and easy, these are some of the break up spells that you can cast that work quickly.

What is a Witch, Wizard, and a Warlock?


If you are someone that is new to Wicca then you might not know that there is a difference between a witch, wizard, and a warlock. Some will look at these things as gender specific such as a warlock being a male and a witch being a female.  But this isn’t necessarily true.

What is a Witch?

A witch is a person that practices what is called witchcraft. This can be anyone that is male or female and has the power that is naturally inborn inside of them.

Being a witch can be hereditary and this means that if you are a witch then chances are that someone in your family was a witch and had the natural abilities to do magic and spells.

What is a Wizard?

A wizard is someone that is male and female and has gifts that have special skills. This can be something that mixes both science and magic, and some will even use a lab to mix things up. They love to make potions and to try out their skills by doing experiments.

Wizards will use nature and science in order to do their magic and their spells.

What is a Warlock?

A warlock is not someone that is a male witch, and this is one myth that has been around for years. Many of the male witches that do magic will only do white magic and so this isn’t a name that they want to be associated with.

A warlock is a male that practices black magic. They do evil magic and are considered to be liars and traitors. They will go to anyone that will form a bond with them in their magic. Warlocks want to have power and they don’t care about wicca or nature.

What is a Sorcerer and Sorceress?

Sorcerers or sorceresses are the most powerful magic practitioners that there are. They are hard to find because becoming a sorcerer is not easy and you have to have this in your blood line to even be considered one.

The genes of the magic in a sorcerer are already there when you are born and so in order to even take on this title, you need to make sure that it is in your blood line.

A sorcerer is someone that can move to the dark side and become someone that practices only black magic, but this isn’t something that is natural for them and most of them will use their magic for good.

If you want to be a sorcerer, you can actually train for this, but you just won’t be one that is natural or that is tied into the blood line of a sorcerer.

The Magic Behind the Honey Jar

Love Spells

Magic is something that can feel blah, or it can feel supernatural to you. If you love magic, then you might have a strong drive to try out new magic things such as spells or other things. Those that hate magic on the other hand might be fearful of it.

The occult is something that has attracted people for years and it is something that is often talked about in homes. Maybe you have been someone that your family practiced magic with, and you think that it is special and important.

Even those that don’t practice magic might use it without realizing it such as manipulating others, making wishes, using your own ideas and more. If you are this person, then you are a magic practitioner as well.

Doing Spells

You might be someone that wants to do spells and you may have researched Wicca as a place to start. With this kind of magic, you can use candles and make a wish, but this isn’t always the most alluring or powerful magic.

Hoodoo on the other hand is another kind of magic that works with being grounded. Wicca promises to bring the idea of love to you, but Hoodoo has spells that allow you to use items like candles, oils, powders, and other things and promises that you can deal with relationships, love that isn’t given back, cheating, arguing, and getting back together.

Hoodoo might cost more to cast spells but what is more important to you, magic, or money?

Using a Honey Jar Spell

Honey jar spells are a magic that is supposed to make your partner sweeter to you. This can take the feelings that you have and the feelings that your partner has and make them stronger for each other. All you need with this spell is a candle, a jar of honey, paper and a pen, a hair from yourself and your crush. You can do this as a spell that has been around for centuries.

What If You Don’t Have the Ingredients?

If you don’t have the right ingredients to do a spell, here are some things that you can do:

  • Get a brown paper bag.
  • Tear the bag so it is one giant bag that lays flat.
  • Write your name on it 3 times with red ink.
  • Write his name on it 3 times with red ink.
  • Circle your names with one circle.
  • Don’t lift your pen when you are putting the circle. If you do, start over.
  • Take the paper and put the hairs on it (if you have them).
  • Fold the paper towards you and say, “Love me and be sweet to me.”
  • Fold it again and put it on a white plate.
  • Take sugar or molasses syrup or honey and put a ring around the paper.
  • Light a new candle and let it burn on top of the paper until it burns all the way down.
  • Snuff the candle out with your fingers (never blow it out).

Even if you don’t have the hairs, you can still do the spell, but this can make the spell weaker. You can make the spell stronger by putting stronger intentions behind your desire.

Crushing Desire

The object of a crush isn’t the person, it is just the desire that you have. You don’t have to have someone love you, but you need them to be yours. After you do the spell, you might see that you can use the magic to influence someone to come to you. Even if the spell doesn’t work for you, you can still keep trying to win over your crushes and keep doing things that make you feel happy and bring you peace. The universe always knows best.

Using a Bring Back a Lover Spell

Lover Spell

Love magic is something that is often looked at as something dark and minacing. The truth is, this is white magic, and it doesn’t control thoughts, feelings or free will of anyone. The spell won’t make someone fall in love, but it will be magic that brings love naturally.

With white magic spells, the magic will never manipulate anyone. If you are with someone that has feelings for you and you were once deeply in love with each other, this is a spell that can take away the negative energies and can replace it with positive thoughts and feelings.

The partner will then feel the love in their heart again and it will cause them to fall back in love with you. The spell will make your bond stronger, and you will see that the negative energy will leave that caused the breakup in the beginning. You will be able to make your relationship stronger than ever before.

How Can This Spell Help?

Here is how this spell can help you:

  • Bring back love from an old lover.
  • Get rid of negative energies.
  • Make the bond stronger.
  • Bring your lover back.
  • Let the relationship start over.
  • Make you want to reunite with your ex.

Ingredients for Bring Back a Lover Spell

  • 1 thick white candle.
  • 1 thick pink candle.
  • Egyptian musk oil.
  • Matches.
  • Knife.
  • Parchment paper.
  • Pencil.

Casting a Bring Back a Lover Spell

Start by casting your circle and inviting the quarters to come. Use the knife and carve your own name into the white candle and the name of your ex into the pink candle.

Anoint both of the candles with the Egyptian musk oil from the center of the candle to the ends of the candle. Light the white candle with the match and then take the flame of the white candle and light the pink candle.

Let it burn for 30 minutes while you think of your ex and what you want the spell to do for you. Imagine how much you wish for this spell to work to bring back your lost lover to you.

Put parchment paper in front of you and draw 3 hearts on it. Drip wax from the white candle on the hearts while you focus on bettering yourself and how much love you are going to give to your lost partner. Once the hearts are covered with wax, snuff out the white candle.

Take the pink candle and drip wax on the heart as you focus on the feelings that you want your lost love to have for you. Open up your energy and cover the hearts with wax and then snuff out the pink candle.

Do this for the next 6 days, a total of 7 days, using the same parchment paper but drawing new hearts for each day. On the 7th day, let the candles burn out. Hide the parchment paper somewhere that no one will find it and after your lover comes back, return the parchment paper back to nature.

Tips to Make Love Spells Work

Here are some ways to make your love spells work:

  • If the wax falls off the paper, it won’t hurt the spell.
  • If you don’t have parchment paper, use a brown paper back or baking paper.
  • Know your intentions and make sure you are being loving and kind.
  • You can use a pink candle or a white candle but without the pink candle it might not be as strong.
  • If the candle burns out before the 7th day, you can use a new candle, but you must cleanse it before you start and inscribe it again.
  • Do this on a Friday or during a Waxing moon phase to make it stronger.
  • You don’t have to repeat the spell at the same time the remainder of the days.
  • Don’t miss a day but if you do, add another day at the end.
  • If you can’t find Egyptian musk oil, use Rose and Jasmine oil mixed.

Spells to Make Sexual Attraction

Sexual Attraction

Black magic is a kind of magic that uses manipulation in order to get what you want. This kind of magic though uses dark energy, and this can be hurtful to you in the end. Before you ever use this black magic spell or another one, you need to make sure that you understand the harm that can come to you.

But, if you feel that you have done everything that you can do to get what you want and it isn’t working out, black magic might be what you feel is the only solution to help you get your desires. Once you do this spell though, there is no going back, and you can end up wishing you chose a different plan.

If you understand the harm that can come from this and you still decide to use this spell, you can use this kind of black magic spell to make your partner have sexual desire for you. Rather you want them to lust after you or rather you are trying to find someone else to lust after you, this spell can help.

Remember though, black magic can fail, and you need to be prepared for any risks that are associated with this before you ever cast this spell or any other black magic spell.

Ingredients for Spells to Make Sexual Attraction Black Magic

  • 2 red candles.
  • 1 black candle.
  • Ginger oil.
  • Sterile needle.
  • 3 drops of your own blood.
  • Semen or vaginal mucus.
  • Yarn, thread, or string.
  • Wood matches.
  • Picture of who you want to cast the spell on.
  • Paper.
  • Pin or needle.

Casting a Spell to Make Sexual Attraction

Start by casting your circle and then use the pin to engrave the Sigil of Demon Bornogo into the black candle. Anoint all of the candles with ginger oil.

Make an altar and put the black candle on it. Put the red on the left of it and the other red on the right of it. Light the black candle with the match and then light the red candle with the black candle flame.

Put the parchment paper in front of the candles and the picture of who you are casting the spell on, on top of the picture. Sprinkle some of the ginger oil on the picture and imagine what you want the spell to do and think upon it. Drip some of the black candle wax on the paper, 3 drops.

Say, “Bebitalo Stakaki Kek Kek Kek” and then do it with both red candles and drop 3 drops of wax with the first and 3 drops of wax with the second red candle. Put a cotton ball that was prepared with your semen or vaginal mucus on the picture.

Use the sterile needle and prick your finger and add the blood. Take the black candle and drip 3 more drops of wax on the paper and say, “Bebitalo Stakaki Kek Kek Kek.”

Use the red candle and do it again, chanting and dripping the wax and then do it with the other red candle. Wrap all the stuff up in the parchment paper and tie it closed with the string. Put the package in front of the candles until they totally burn down and then bury the package in front of a tree.

Return a Love Santeria Spell

Love Santeria Spell

Santeria is a kind of magic that is earth based and works with nature. It has roots to Nigeria. Using a return, a lover spell can work with your faith, but this is not just any kind of spell. In the past, it was done by priests and priestesses but now it can be done by anyone. You can do this to bring good changes to your life and the lives of others.

To have a lover come back to you, you might want to use a spell. This spell is meant to bring your ex back. You can use this spell when you want someone to come back to you that has left you such as a friend or a lover.

This kind of spell doesn’t use black magic and therefore it doesn’t use manipulation or take away free will and so it is safe to do. There won’t be any harm that comes to you if you use this spell. This spell works by getting rid of negative energies and replace them with positive things in your relationship.

Ingredients for a Return a Love Santeria Spell

  • 9 red candles.
  • Vanilla oil.
  • Small metal tray.
  • Dash of yellow or orange rosebuds.
  • Picture of yourself.
  • Picture of your partner that is lost.
  • Construction pink heart.
  • Small brown paper bag.
  • Fireproof dish.
  • Call up on Oshun.
  • The best time to do the spell is Saturday or Friday.

Casting a Return, a Love Santeria Spell

Start by cleansing your candle and then anoint the candle with the vanilla oil. Put the 9 candles in the form of a triangle. Burn the rose leaves on the metal, try and then wave both of the pictures through the smoke.

Write what you want the spell to do for you and the goals on the heart that is cut out of construction paper. Be detailed. Put the heart in front of the candles and then put your picture on the left and their picture on the right.

Light all the candles and honor Oshun as you do. Start lighting at the point and then go clockwise.

Focus on the pictures in front of you and ask Oshun to help you. Be as honest as you can and make sure that you are sending good things into the universe. Say the wishes and goals out loud so that Oshun can hear you. Bring as much energy as you can.

Take the top candle and drip 5 drops of wax on the heart and then do this in a clockwise fashion with all the candles and focus on what you want the spell to do. Once you do this, take the heart, and put it in the bag. Add both pictures but put them face to face first. Throw them into the fireproof dish and burn them.

Snuff out the candles and thank the universe and Oshun for helping you and put the ashes into the wind.

Using This Spell

This spell works on earth magic. It works by taking energies from the gods and goddesses and sending them to the person that you are trying to get back to you. Sometimes they might not acknowledge this, and you might have to do the spell again later.

This Santeria magic works by taking the desires of your lover that are hidden and bringing them to light. They can let their emotions come free. This spell will not manipulate your lover to try and force them to come back but will entice their feelings.

Tips for This Spell

You don’t have to let the candles all burn out on their own for this spell to work, but you can do this. You also can light them the next couple of days to offer a gift to Oshun until they burn out. Don’t throw them out though and use them for other spells or burn them to Oshun.

Reuniting Witchcraft Spells


Some relationships end and when you have lost this love, it might make you feel that your world is over. Crying and letting your heart be broken might sound like the best thing to do at the time, but there are spells that can help to reunite your ex back to you.

You can fall in love with your ex again and you can create a love that is stronger than it was at the beginning. This can be a bond that never ends, and you can bring this love back to your life by trying these love spells. Doing these spells right can help to reunite a love and will never try to take away the free will of someone.

Ingredients for a Reuniting Witchcraft Spell

  • 3 large candles.
  • 3 votive candles in pink, violet and white.
  • Rue.
  • 7 nails.
  • Musk oil.
  • Patchouli incense.
  • Rose Quartz.
  • Moss Agate.
  • Clear Quartz.
  • Lapis Lazuli.
  • Parchment paper.
  • Wood pencil.
  • Wood matches.
  • Athame.
  • Cauldron.
  • Do this spell on a Friday during a Waxing moon or at night of the Full moon. If you do it on a Friday, do it after the sun sets.

Casting a Reuniting Witchcraft Spell

Start by casting your circle and cleansing the candles. Anoint the candles with musk oil from the wick to the end of the candle and then put rue on the candle. Poke nails into the red candle and divide the candle into 7 equal parts from top to bottom. The 7th pin can go to the main bottom of the candle.

Set up the altar by putting the red candle in the center. Put the votive candles with pink, white and violet. On the right side of the candle put a piece of the parchment paper and then surround it with crystals. The clear quartz will go on the top, the rose quartz to the right and the lapis lazuli on the bottom and the moss agate to the left.

Light the incense and the candles and then write down everything you want this spell to do on the parchment paper. Write down everything you want and be super detailed. You will want your ex to do all of these things so make sure that you put all your wishes down.

Turn the paper clockwise, 90 degrees and then write your full name over the wishes 7 times. Seal the wishes by using 7 drops of wax from each of the candles anywhere on the paper. Start with the red, pink, white and then the violet candle.

Say, “With this power of the universe times 3, hear me (say your lover’s name) and come back to me. With the power of the universe times 3, hear me (say your lovers name) and come back to me. With the power of the universe times 3, hear me (say your lovers name) and come back to me. With he power of the universe times 3, hear me (say your lovers name) and come back to me. So, I will transfer my will, the spell has been heard and so mote it be.”

Allow the candles to burn out until the red candle reaches the first nail and then put them all out. Do this for the next nights and light the candles at the same time and do the chant again. Let the candles burn until the next nail.

On the last night, the 7th night, let the candles burn out totally and put the remaining wax in the cauldron and burn it with the parchment paper. Go outside and throw the ashes into the wind.

The spell is done, and the magic is working. Let the spell work.

Repairing Your Relationship with Spells

Relationship with Spells

All relationships, no matter how good, have problems sometimes. When you have been going through hard times in your relationship, you might need to use witchcraft to help fix the situation and get rid of problems that you and your partner are having. You can use this spell even to help out someone that you love that needs help with problems in their own relationship.

All relationships have problems here and there and you can handle these problems in ways that can make your relationship even stronger and better than it was before the problems started. If you are having problems with someone you care about, try this spell to fix them.

Ingredients for Repairing Your Relationship Spell

  • 1 pink candle for each person involved in the problem.
  • Paper.
  • Picture of you when you were happy with your partner.
  • Pen.
  • Do this spell during the Full or Waxing moon phase.

Casting a Repairing Your Relationship Spell

You can start by casting your circle and then put all the candles and the pictures on the altar. Write the name of those that are involved on the paper and then light the candles.

Imagine the people that are involved in the problems coming together and fixing the problems, bringing peace and happiness. Imagine a blue light surrounding the people you are thinking about.

Let go of any bad feelings in your heart and say, “Now that the dust is settled and the heat is gone, help us to be together and to make peace that will last. Fighting is over, let the healing start. Let all involved know that the fighting happened, and no one can win. Help us to put our hurt and anger aside and let pride not hold us, let us mend this fight and let harmony rule this day.”

Close the circles and thank the quarters, let the candles burn out. Take an action step in apologizing to anyone involved and then forgiving them. This can help to make the first step go towards the spell being stronger.

How This Spell Works

This spell is a witchcraft spell, and it will not create feelings or manipulate anyone to have certain thoughts. This spell works to bring peace and to take away any fear or hurt that might have come into the relationship. Anything that is hurting your relationship can be taken away with this spell.

Using witchcraft means that you are doing a spell that brings hope and peace and never to take away free will. You are helping your partner to remember the things that have been ignored such as the love that they have for you.

Witchcraft is similar to the Wiccan spell casting, and this works to bring goodness to all people. Love spells of this sort cannot be used to hurt other people because it uses white magic. The witchcraft works by allowing the spell caster to reach into their higher energy and to do the spell to bring peace with nature, the universe, and other elemental powers to help get rid of problems.