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Casting Magick Spells: What to Know

Casting Magick Spells

We all have little rituals and traditions in life, like picking off petals for the love me not daisies, throwing coins in a wishing well, or splitting a wishbone, but these simple acts are more profound than you could imagine. They are all magick spells which means if you have ever partaken, you have been a spellcaster to some degree.

The term “magick” originated with Aleister Crowley who changed the spelling to differentiate what he was doing from stage magic. Crowley counded the occultist religion, Thelema, in the early 1900s and believed magick was unique because it helped push people toward their destiny instead of meddling in the universe and hurting the natural course of the universe which can happen with regular magic. There are three different types of magick that include:

  • Celestial Magick – This is when you are influencing the connection between the celestial and tangible stratums.
  • Ceremonial Magick – This is when magick is performed by a righteous figure who has spiritual authority, often ritualistic and for a large group of people.
  • Natural Magick – This is utilizing natural resources and properties to conduct energy for or during spell work.

Much like other forms of divination, spell work is focused on the idea that within all of us exists an intricate cosmos of energy that is linked to the energy of the rest of the universe. Some believe this energy reflects the universe’s energy. This means that our feelings, thoughts, and actions are influenced by celestial activity. Keeping this in mind, spell work recognizes your energy and magnifies it to direct it to a specific person or issue. Spell casting does not require specific training or rules to be effective. Most prefer a more organic route using earthly ingredients and let their intentions take over. The focus on intention is what differentiates a normal action from a spell. The act of lighting a candle, a verbal incantation, or even burning sage is only spell casting when the action is acknowledged as such. The rituals and meaningful articles are vehicles for channeling our energy to fulfill the intention of the time. They are not magickal alone.

It is important to remember that spells can be cast by anyone and while tips or training are not needed, it is useful to know a few tips to boost your spell from wish to manifestation. A few of these tips and tricks will be shared below.

  • Clear Purpose – There must be a clear purpose behind each spell in order to reap positive benefits. The most successful spells are cast when there is a strong yearning behind the channeled energy and a clear cut request made. Do not overcomplicate the purposes or you will receive diluted results.
  • Avoid Heightened Emotions – When emotions run high, we often have a clouded sense of reason. This can result in desires lacking legitimacy and we can receive manifestations that are not beneficial. When engaging in spell work, we need to be clear headed and neutral emotionally speaking.
  • Avoid Distractions – To effectively channel energy and keep intentions clear, we need to spell cast during a time that is shut off from external stimuli.

Each of the tips below are incredibly helpful for beginner spell casters, but it is also important to know the different spell attributes of a spell to understand how they come together. These are shared below.

  • Identifying Celestial Links – In this universe, all that is invisible and tangible is interconnected in some way. We can begin implementing these laws into spell work by working with celestial bodies that are connected to the spell, like focusing on Venus when casting for love.
  • Making Purposive Actions – Intentions are the key to successful spell work. Any object we choose to use or ritual performed will have a profound effect if they are meaningful to the caster in some way. For example, if the goal is to bring back an old lover than use two candles that are lit separately and then slowly brought together while an incantation is chanted. The two flames can then be brought together as one to symbolize reunification.
  • Forming Contagion – For many spells, the concept of contagion is desirable because it forms a connection between two items with the purpose of gifting it to someone, we hold dear. For example, a locket given to a loved one with intention creates an unbreakable bond that always exists. Holding an item linked to the person at the spell’s center will lead to powerful manifestations.
  • Repetition – A repetitive action serve to build energy even in spells and divination. When we repeat our intentions and remain persistent the odds of manifestation are greater. Also helpful is incorporating rhythm into a spell or verbal rhyming.
  • Protect Yourself – Spell casting leaves the caster in a vulnerable position for attack from external energies. With the soul open, anyone can gain access. To protect yourself, learn to form a defensive armor. Some do this by spell casting in front of a mirror to reflect away evil energies while others use protective crystals.

Ultimately, casting your first spell can be daunting, but do not let it keep you from reaching your full spell work potential. Spells must be cast for good, never harm and with an unemotional state of mind. Remember, your magick intentions are reflective of your soul, so make sure you are channeling positivity and love.

Cast Your Most Powerful Spell Today

Most Powerful Spell

You need patience to cast an effective love spell.  Begin by researching and performing simple spells and gradually build to more complex or powerful ones.  As you see easy love spells work, you can cultivate the ritual discipline to understand how magic influences behaviors and actions.

We have created a 12-step guide to help you perform successful love spells starting today:

Step 1:  Be patient

No love spell works instantly!  The only fast, but successful, love spell occurs in movies.  In the real world, it can take days, weeks, months, or even years for you to see results from your love spell.

Step 2:  Focus on quality

Prior to casting a spell, have a focused intention.  Ensure you are sure of your abilities or your spell might not work as you intend.  If you are not confident, you can enlist the help of a professional spellcaster to help guide and protect you from any danger.  Listen and honor your intuition before performing any rite.  It is important to only perform a spell when you are 100% confident.

Step 3: Be meticulous

A successful love spell should be succinct and focus.  Never perform spell work just for fun or power!  Enjoy you understand all the aspects of your love spell and language that is clear to you.

Step 4:  Get in touch with your feelings

It’s ok to be emotional, this ensure your heart is open and receptive to love.  Staying attached to your spell helps you avoid any confusion or misinterpretations.  Keep your chakras cleansed and balanced.  This is the step that any beginner should seek out professional spellcaster for assistance.

Step 5:  Gather your tools

Make sure you have everything your need and understand the spell instructions thoroughly.  Perhaps you need the right photograph or magical instrument.  Reread your instructions from any spellcaster that is helping you, since any misstep can produce horrendous consequences like infertility, loneliness, or sexual dysfunction.

Step 6:  Perform predictions

Before you cast a spell or perform any magic it is important you do some fortune-telling.  This way you know how this spell or ritual will impact your life or that of your object.  The answer you receive will help you decide if it is safe to perform the ritual much like how a doctor must examine their patient before prescribing medication.

Step 7: Set the space

Have sacred space, like an altar, to perform magic.  If you don’t have a preexisting sacred space, now is an excellent time to create one.

Step 8:  Dedicate time for the spell

Pick a specific day for the spell casting and treat it as special day.  This means you won’t leave your home on this particular day or perform any taxing activity.  It is also important receive visitors that day.  Avoid alcohol, drugs, or sexual activities that day.  If you are a female, select a date as far away from your menstruation as possible.

Step 9:  Cleanse yourself

It is important that you are clean and balanced for the spell to work.  Ensure the moon is in a waning phase for the spell to be successful.

Step 10:  Fast

Fasting during a new moon will help you not spoil anything.  It’s ok if you have never fasted before.  Avoid eating or drinking anything except for water.  It is important you abstain from smoking and sex as well.

Step 11:  Perform the spell

Now is the time to cast your spell.  Make sure you have honored each of the previous steps for your spell to work.  Ensure the moon is now in a waxing phase.  Perform the spell and wait, if you don’t feel any energy shifting, perform it again.

Step 12:  Perform a prediction again.

Fortune-telling after a spell casting helps confirm the spells outcome by the following.

  • You will sense if it’s successful
  • It will reveal if you have hurt yourself or the object of the ritual
  • It shows the potential of your love spell and possible magical repercussions
  • It will uncover if the object of your love spell has shifted their attitudes towards you.

This last step is essential to help you understand the outcomes of your love spell.  It will also help you get another chance to get aid from professional spellcasters as nothing should be left to chance or else you risk dire consequences.

Understanding the Spiritual Gap

Understanding the Spiritual Gap

Mediums enjoy helping people make contact with deceased loved one to get much needed direction or closure.  Even though they are not able to meet up in physical form, the person can still “feel” the love of the deceased.  The person walks away knowing that also as they have an open mind, they can find unique ways to connect.

If you think about it, reaching out to spirits is a lot like navigating a Zoom call (a ubiquitous act in the Covid era).  Technology like Zoom or Skype helps families that live far away share in special moments like trading recipes, stories or even playing games together.  Sure, its not the same as sharing the same physical room, but the important things still remain the same, experience love and memories in real time.

Deceased beings are comprised of celestial energy that mediums can tap into to relay important messages.  This is a powerful act of enduring love.  To reach a spirit all that is needed is a truly receptive person that can process unique connections to your deceased loved ones.

Tips for contacting spirits

  • Proactively ask for divine signs: Begin your day by having a silent conversation to your loved one and ask them to send you a sign.  Feel empowered to get specific about asking for something specific to the both of you. Then pay attention and notices what happens!
  • Invite the spirit to join you for an activity you both enjoy: It’s ok to be either simple or complicated.  You could watch a television show, listen to music, or take a walk.  As you partake in the activity, focus on your loved one.  Begin a dialogue with them in your mind, and notice the thoughts and answers that come through.
  • Create sacred space: Allocate a section of your home to your loved one.  Include a photo of them and anything that reminds you of them.  Whenever you see it, greet your special spirit and notice how you feel more connected to them.
  • Discuss your loved one: Sharing special stories and memories help you feel close to them and helps to heal any lingering pains.
  • Reflect on memories: Say a prayer that was special for you both.  Write about them in your journal.  Tell them through these moments how grateful you are to them and the lessons they imparted in your life.

Just as the pandemic taught us, we need to connect with our living loved ones in new ways, so too can we get creative in sensing the presence of deceased loved ones.  The love you all share is eternal.  Even in death you both can connect, just in a different style.

Use Telepathy to Talk to Your Pets

Use Telepathy to Talk to Your Pets

Pet owners are bound to wonder what their pets are thinking at one time or another. Sometimes, they look at their pet and think they know. It’s a bond like no other.

While pets can achieve some type of verbal communication with humans to understand certain words, tones, and actions, that isn’t the only way they communicate. Animals can also communicate on a vibrational level and you can communicate with them telepathically.

It’s in Their Eyes

Everyone with pets has had that moment where their pets stare into their ideas as if they are trying to tell them something. Looking deep into their eyes can lead you to understand their needs.

Animals just seem to know things without being told. They know when people are sick and some even know when people are going to die. Years ago, there was a story about a cat that lived in a nursing home. It would go sleep with certain people and that person died within hours.

The idea is that the dying person was giving off heat or vibrations that drew the cat to them to comfort them in their final moments.

Animals are masters at telepathy. They can send thoughts, images, and feelings. How many times have you felt intense love when your pet looks at you? You can also determine they are sick or in pain by looking at their face too.

Improving Your Pet Telepathy

Like anything else, communicating with your pet using telepathy takes practice. You must be sure your visual thoughts and spoken word thoughts match so your pet understands what you are asking. This can take some time to develop since some of our visual thoughts are involuntary.

Communicating telepathically can resolve some issues with problem pets. Some have used it to find their pets who have wandered off or to encourage their pets to behave, take their medicine, and do other things.

How It Can Resolve Problems

Some “pet whisperers” can identify why pets are acting badly so you can resolve the root cause. Anything you can do to understand your pet will help you create a deeper bond with them.

That is what using telepathy is all about, building a greater bond with your pet. You’ll find it isn’t as difficult as it seems. You probably have already done it without realizing it.

A key factor is to spend time with your pet. Time always brings knowledge about them and them about you. That bond can’t be broken and will last well past their eventual passing.

Using a Spell to Break up a Relationship

Using a Spell to Break up a Relationship

In the past people would describe something that looked strong but was not built well as “stands on a nail.” This expression showed us that this can work for buildings or other things, but it can also work when describing relationships.

Some people will look at a relationship and will think that it looks perfect, but the relationship might be hard and seem that it is not together very strongly.

Couples that stay together out of being afraid of being alone or over other fear will be in relationships that are toxic and that they no longer want to be in. These couples are not uncommon, and they really do not have the love that they need.

There are some spells that you can cast that can help you to break up bad relationships. This break up of a relationship is amotion that happens because the relationship is weak, and the spells can be effective if they are done by people that are spellcasters and have experience in casting spells.

Doing home magic will more than likely not break up couples that are strong and love each other, but instead, it can hurt you.

A couple that is strong will be able to push the energy of your spell away and it can come back to you and cause you pain.

Since you are the spellcaster, you won’t be able to protect yourself form the energy coming back to you and this can cause you to be lonely and make it to where you cannot find love or peace.

Spellcasters know that black magic can cause you to be cursed if you are the spellcaster and you have to make sure that you are using good intentions and that you are doing the ritual right.

The best idea is to find a professional spellcaster to do your breakup spell so that you can avoid any risks that come with spellcaster.

Rituals have to be followed by a different love spell and the love spell has to be done right away before the person falls in love with someone else that is bad for them.

Simple Spells to Break a Couple Up

The easiest cast to spell doesn’t need ingredients all it needs is a picture of the couple, rose petals and clothes that they have worn:

  • Cut off a piece of the clothing and put it next to a black candle that is lit.
  • Put the picture of the couple in the middle of the table.
  • Burn the rose petals and put the burnt petal ashes on the faces of the partner.
  • Tear up the picture in pieces but make sure none of the pieces go on the floor or the spell will not work and will come back on you.
  • Put the pieces of the picture on a plate and cut the pieces of the clothes and put them on the plate.
  • Put the scissors that you used on top of the plate and then set the pieces of paper on fire with the candle while saying, “Break this person up. They will never be together because they are going different ways in life. The path that they take will be to opposite ends of the earth and they will never love each other again.”
  • Let this burn until it is gone.
  • Collect the ashes and sprinkle them on their front door.
  • Put a piece of raw meat on the plate and put it by a stray dog and let them eat it.
  • This will cause the dog or cat to take the negative effects of the ritual.
  • This should be a plate that you nor anyone you know used.
  • Don’t bring the plate home.

Ordering a Spell

There are ways to cast spells and you should never do a breakup spell on your own unless you are a professional.

Each time you use black magic, you let scary things come into your life such as diseases, depression and more.

The spirits want you to contact them so that you can be their victim and they will come to you and haunt you because of the negative energy that you put out when you did the spell. Let a professional do the spell for you so that you can stay out of danger.

Spellcasters can use spells to break people up but most of them are against them because the spell can cause there to be bad karma and bad energy. If you decide to do a black magic spell, avoid doing spells that are on websites that are shady so that you do not risk getting hurt or having spirits come to your life.

Comprehensive Guide to Casting a Love Spell or a Curse

Love Spell or a Curse

The internet is an excellent to learn about powerful love spells or curses.  Although it can be helpful to enlist the aid of professional, you can perform these rituals at home if you have the proper tools.  Here’s a list of impactful love spells and curses that have worked wonders for psychics for centuries.

Love Spells

  1. Honey Jar: An enduring perception is that witches incorporate honey into love spells due to its sweetness.  This sweetness can facilitate affection between people ensuring they maintain kind words and actions to each other.  Use this spell to improve a bond between an existing couple to make their relationship even stronger.
  2. Pink Candle: Pink is a color closely entwined with love energy due to its associated with the heart chakra.  This wields powerful results especially when intentions are pure since it seldom has any ties to low vibrations.
  3. Reclaim an Ex: Often people regret leaving a former love.  To win back an ex, it is most helpful to enlist the aid of a professional and not perform a home ritual.  The professional will work with you to purge linger negative energy without usurping your ex’s freewill in order to boost the odds of a successful reconciliation.  Moreover, these spells often have the added benefit of improving your self-confidence resulting in you being perceived as more attractive by others.
  4. Hasten a Marriage: If you have been with your partner a long time and wish to strengthen your bond, select a marriage spell.  Even if you are previously married this will bolster the love and harmony between you and your spouse.  When set with pure intention it can help calm turbid waters between a couple so long as freewill between both partners is assured.
  5. No Tools Required: Many online love spells don’t necessitate using components.  Simple spells can work wonders.


  1. Quick and Dirty: It is never advisable to perform black magic in your home.  Quick curses are helpful to use as protective shield from nefarious individuals.
  2. Long-lasting: Longer-lasting curses require planning, as well as ample energy and materials.  These items can include personal artifacts such as hair, a photo, or a fingernail clipping to create a physical tie to the target.  You may opt to hire a professional who will chant or channel energy over the item.
  3. Binding Ties: A curse that involves binding or an object is used when you want to influence future interactions with a living being.  This is why you can often find cursed objects in antique stores, flea markets, or generation homes.  The curse can have rippling effects, spreading to unknowing people that touch or employ them.  If this resonates with you, visit a witch or professional medium to remove the spell safely.

Undoing a Love Spell

It is possible to break a love spell, but it requires multiple steps and patience.  Begin by evaluating the situation and gathering as much information as possible.  Pay special attention to the origin of the spell and methods used.  Next, find time for the caster to reflect the spell.  Here, you will send the spell back to its original owner, but it is important to use magical safeguard so the caster and participants won’t accidentally receive any spiritual backlash.  Now, you are ready to perform the ritual.  There is an array of ways you can conduct your spiritual work, but the following attributes might be helpful for you.

  • Select a setting near natural water sources like a river, pond, or ocean
  • Release all negative energy from your body
  • Burn two bay leaves, one at dawn and one at sunset
  • Incorporate the crystal selenite, to erode the love spell’s impact
  • Cleanse yourself in a spiritual bath where water is infused with herbs like fennel, bay leaves, jasmine, or rosemary
  • Similarly blend water and some or all of the above herbs and sprinkle the tincture in all corners of your home and spiritual space.
  • Opt for online spell casting so you can fully remove the spell and gain a number of insights that you could review later.

What Color Candle Should I Use for a Certain Spell?


If you are looking to have an effective spell and you plan to use a candle, it is imperative you select the proper color.  Each color conveys a unique vibrational frequency (measured in terahertz) and wavelength (measured in nanometers) that will resonate best with a particular type of spell.  Colors that you are able to perceive fall between a wavelength ranging from 390-700 nanometers, or 430-770 terahertz.  Items we are unable to naturally perceives is considered ultraviolet (higher frequency) or infrared (lower frequency).  Wavelengths are tied to the speed the energy manifest in the physical world, with lower frequencies traveling faster.  Beyond the colors of the rainbow, humans have deemed two shades “white” and “black.”  White is a mixture of all the colors in the visual spectrum and possesses the highest possible vibrational frequencies.  Black meanwhile is the absence of light and thus hold the lowest possible vibrational frequency.

Candle colors in spell casting

  • Black: This color has such a low vibrational pattern it is not a part of the visual spectrum.  This absence of light absorbs everything around it, including energy.  Black candles are best use when you are looking to “pull in” or “attract” something into your life.  Select the color black when you are working with issues involving karma, divination, stability, binding, or natural cycles.
  • Red: Measuring 700-635nm and 430-480THz, it is the lowest vibrating color in the visible spectrum.  Red is a wonderful option when you are looking to manifest a goal and can hasten along results.  If you are working with issues involving health, love, passion, lust, action, courage, life and good fortune, a red candle is a true asset.
  • Orange: Measuring 635-590nm and 480-510THz this color blends the properties of primary colors red and yellow.  Orange candles are excellent when you are looking to improve creativity, luck, opportunities, career grow, selling an item, alertness, overcoming obstacles or legal challenges or sealing any spell.
  • Yellow: Measuring 590-560nm and 510-540THz this primary color is considered to a be positive shade.  Choose a yellow candle when working with spells of concentration, knowledge, and bolstering joy in your life.
  • Green: This midpoint in the visual spectrum resonates at 560-520nm and 510-540THz.  It unites the properties of yellow and blue.  Green candles are a popular option since it connects with spells involving money, prosperity, healing and nature.  You may also select a green candle when looking to manifest positive strides in your life involving luck, fertility, creativity, art, beauty and luxury.
  • Blue: Resonating at 490-450nm and 610-670THz this is a calming shade. People typically find success using blue candles for spells concerning intuition, wisdom, mental health, healing, peace, and divine wisdom.
  • Purple: The highest vibrational visible color measures 450-400nm and 670-750THz.  Ensure you select a purple candle when spell casting for spirituality, religion, improving psychic gifts, divination, meditation, and intuition.  This color is also helpful when trying to process terminal illness, but make sure you consider to work with any licensed medical professionals.
  • White: This blend of all the visible colors possesses the highest possible vibrations.  Since it contains all known colors, white is an all-purpose option that you can use in any situation or as a substitute.  It is most used for blessing a marriage, baby or new beginning, but can also be the optimal solution for spells involving in divinity, enlightenment or purification.

Although this is a guide for candle, use this article as a reference with working with colors on bags, cords, fabrics, clothing, or object.  It is important that you never limit yourself as you continue your exploration into magick and divination.

Understanding Heyoka Empathy

Heyoka Empathy

Empaths are people with highly acute sensitive to other’s feelings and can be more spiritual than others.  They can perceive what others are thinking or experiencing and can be more susceptible to the fluctuation of vibrations of others more easily than other individuals.  Empathy is a gift that is something one is born with rather than something learned.  However, empaths must be careful to practice grounding techniques so they don’t let the influx of negative energy to cause them physical or mental strain.

Heyoka – The most powerful type of empath

Heyoka empaths have a distinct ability to reflect the negative traits of others. Heyoka translates to “sacred clown” revealing these individuals serve as expressive mirrors to people in their particular environment.  Common traits include dyslexia, a young appearance, and an innate ability to help people express their less desirable traits.  Their intention can be misinterpreted as intrusive or meddlesome to those uncomfortable with the way their negative emotions are being reflected back.  Yet, those same people can feel more reassurance and confidence when they see their positive thoughts mirrored back.  Even though, it can be uncomfortable at times, people can learn numerous lessons from Heyoka empaths.  Work to maintain an open-mind an open mindset when interacting with a Heyoka.  Lean into both your negative traits as well as your positive attributes to learn new ways to grow.  Working with the Heyoka can help you further your quest for spiritual enlightenment and hone your innate gifts.  They will provide you gracious and loving support to help you become the best version of yourself.

Keep Your Marriage Negativity Free

Keep Your Marriage Negativity Free

Negativity comes in many forms. It can come out as whining, pessimism, cynicism, perfectionism, discontent, or even hyper intensity. No matter what the behavior that occurs, it pushes people away which can include a spouse. Some research has shown that there is a magic ratio to keep relationships healthy. This is the 5 to 1 ratio meaning that for every negative interaction, there needs to be at least 5 positive ones for things to remain stable. This can mean different things for a relationship and you may question if your marriage can survive if there is a high degree of negativity. It is possible, with lots of work for someone to overcome a negative outlook, but first you must understand if you are naturally negative.

Are You Negative?

You may wonder if you are a negative person or just naturally lean toward the negative. Ask yourself the following questions to make that determination.

  • Are you a perfectionist?
  • If someone says “Good morning” do you immediately wonder what is good about it, no matter what?
  • Do you automatically look for the negative when something is happening?
  • Are you critical of everyone you know?
  • Are you quick to say no, regardless of the request?
  • Are you in a bad mood more than not?
  • Do you dwell on the negative and painful?

If you can answer yes to more than four or five of these questions then you are a negative person and it can affect your relationship.

Changing Your Negative Thinking Pattern

If you really are chronically negative, it is possible to change your thought patterns. This is a personal decision that you must make on your own. No one can make the changes for you. Try the things below to start changing your thought patterns.

  • Surround yourself with positive people
  • Avoid negative self-talk and replace it with positive affirmations
  • Be open-minded
  • Practice gratitude and mindfulness
  • Eat healthy and exercise
  • Do something to make you smile
  • Help others
  • Forgive yourself and others
  • Seek professional help if necessary

Helping a Negative Spouse

Perhaps you are in a relationship with someone who is negative or has an overly negative personality. Remember that you are not the one responsible for making them feel better. However, there are a few things you can do to help your partner along the way. These are shared below.

  • Try not to let the negativity be personal
  • Do not overreact if your partner rejects the help you are trying to give
  • Spend time with people who are positive instead of others
  • Invite your spouse to fun activities weekly, whether a walk or something special
  • When your partner accomplishes something, acknowledge it
  • Be encouraging when your partner wants to try something new
  • Set and maintain healthy boundaries
  • Seek professional help for yourself to learn to deal with the negativity

Above all, remember that for negative comment or act, create five positives to neutralize it. This can be challenging because no marriage or relationship is perfect. Remember to have fun, set boundaries, and keep the lines of communication open. You will be surprised how positivity helps the relationship over time.

Using Feng Shui to Find Love

Feng Shui to Find Love

If you need to work on your chi, you can use Feng Shui to help you. This is something that you can do at home or wherever you want and is an Eastern practice and part of many peoples lives. Feng Shui can even help you to find love.

Using Feng Shui to Find Love

Here are some ways that you can use Feng Shui to find love:

  • Find a pink, red or white candle and burn it. You can even do two at a time to represent two people.
  • Use Rose Quartz in your bedroom or wherever you have a place for your relationship ideas.
  • Make a room ready for your partner when it is time for them to come. This can mean cleaning out your closet so that their clothes can fit when it is time.
  • Decorate your bedroom as if you are in a relationship.
  • Take pictures of your bedroom and make a vision board. Find a private space for your partner when they come.
  • Get rid of messes and clutter in your bedroom. Let your chi flow freely.
  • Do not have clutter in the rest of your home either.
  • Decorate your bedroom with colors that are inviting such as colors of green, red, white, or pink. Make sure that you keep this clean and nice.
  • Get rid of stuffed animals.
  • Get rid of extra pillows that are taking up too much space.
  • Make sure there is plenty of room for your partner.
  • Use aromatherapy to make your room smell good and be ambient.
  • Use oils such as Jasmine or Clary Sage.
  • Always make sure that your room smells amazing.
  • Find a spraying mist and fill it with oils and spray it around the room.
  • Do not have many mirrors in your bedroom. Mirrors can make the energy cancel out when you are doing Feng Shui so get rid of as many as you can.
  • Find things to do that make you fit. Take a fitness class or a workout class.
  • Let your energy be strong so that you do not block your romance.

Using Feng Shui can help you to bring in an energy that is inviting to your future partner. This can help you to create a loving relationship in your life and your home.

No matter what is going on in your mind or your body, you need to make sure that you have the desire to have a partner before you try to do Feng Shui.

Once you have that desire, learn to embrace it and to work hard to make sure that you are able to reach your desire and that you are able to ready your home when the time is right.

The energies that you send out into the universe can help you to find the romantic partner that you want and need in your life.

Never give up on finding your own happiness.