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The Side Effects of Love Spells You Need to Know

The Side Effects of Love Spells You Need to Know

Nearly all love spells will lead to side effects for the caster, though they depend on energy and intention. Some will come with positive effects, others will not, and some will be stronger than others. Modern witches have methods to help people increase the positive effects of a spell, but there will be side effects. When you perform a love spell with pure intentions and in the correct manner, then positive effects will strengthen the love magic and hasten the results.

Side Effects

Before discussing the actual side effects, you must understand what side effects are on a deeper level. Side effects are usually associated with the medical field in relation to unwanted symptoms after some type of treatment. Some side effects can be minor, some serious or even fatal. For this article, side effects are related to undesirable signs that follow the spell casting process. If a ritual is done improperly, negative effects are generated and blockages formed. Some will cause lasting damages to the circumstances that are difficult if not impossible to remove.

Myths About Side Effects

There are many myths surrounding the side effects of love spells. One of the most common is that all love spells have the same side effects. This is inaccurate. Magic spells are typically practiced under different circumstances for varying purposes. These are also practiced with different methods, which means different results. Some also believe that the act of spell casting is inherently evil and all side effects are negative, but this is inaccurate. There are numerous people who cast spells today and higher powers can help them change lives. Learning more about spellcasting is an important first step to realizing the truth.

Effects of Love Spell Casting

Just as some medications have side effects, but we tolerate them because they are short term and ultimately help, so does love spell casting. When casting a Wicca love spell, the practitioner will suddenly have an odd feeling, but this is normal. You may have a headache, not be able to sleep, and experience tension. These will fade, but are part of knowing the spell is effective. Accept this as a consequence that happens as soon as a closure to the spell is complete. If the effects do not disappear within a month or two, then there is an underlying issue that needs to be uncovered.

Powerful magic spells can also have long term effects. These are not always bad, as the principle affect of a love spell done correctly is happiness. For these to last, cast away the spell. To decrease any negative effects, be certain about your intention and if you are uncertain about the spell or casting, seek professional help. If you are confused, do not try the casting. Find true, trained spellcasters for advice, not simply someone claiming ability online.

When Things Go Wrong

There are many reasons a love spell can go wrong. Some of the most common are shared below.

  • Wrong Spell – Using the wrong spell for your intention will give wrong results. A sex spell offers different results from breakup spells, so choose carefully.
  • Lack of Knowledge – When you do not know what you are doing, you will have negative effects. Consult with a well-known spell caster for advice.
  • Unclear Intentions – Having a clouded mind or being indecisive when love spell casting will pull in negative energy. Spend time in meditation prior to starting a spell so you can focus and remain clear. Hold strong faith for your intention and spell. Only then can positive effects be attracted.

Above all, seek help from someone advanced if you are uncertain. This is how we learn and grow and ensure the best overall results.

Love Spell Symptoms

Love Spell Symptoms

Love is something that can be very confusing, and everyone wants certain things when they fall in love. If you want someone to love you and someone that you have strong feelings for in your life, you can have that and it can be one of the best feelings you have ever had.

One problem with love is that some people will deal with unrequited love. Unrequited love is something we all want to avoid and when you get rejected by someone, it can make you feel upset and make you feel that your world is falling apart.

Love spells are something that are popular because of things like unrequited love. But when you do not have emotions for someone that is casting a love spell on you, the love spell might not work. Would you want to be with someone that you don’t really love? No one would want that.

If you find yourself always thinking of someone that you normally wouldn’t like, chances are that someone might have put a love spell on you.

Love spells are there and if someone loves you and you don’t share the same feelings, they can cast a love spell on you and this can cause things to happen to you that you cannot be in control of.

If you find all of a sudden that you are thinking about someone that you normally would never like, you might have a love spell cast on you.

Symptoms of a Love Spell

Maybe there is someone that you know or someone you have never met before and all of a sudden you want them. You want to be with them and near them and you begin to do whatever it takes to be close to them.

The important thing of knowing about a love spell is that these feelings will come out of nowhere. You might wake up out of nowhere and want this person.

Mood Change

One of the most known signs of a love spell is that you have a mood change. You can be happy and relaxed at one point and then all of a sudden stressed and frustrated.

Maybe you feel sad or irritated and you feel that your life has no meaning. Once you see something about this person or spend time with them, your mood becomes happy.


If you are always thinking about this person, your life will be affected. Chances are that you will not get things done that you need to do, and you may get to the point where you don’t even like your job anymore.

Missing a lot of work or being late all the time can mean you are paying more attention to that person than you are things in your life.

Forgetting You

Forgetting to clean up, shave, cut your nails, brush your hair, brush your teeth, or take care of yourself can mean that you are paying attention to something other than yourself.

Maybe you don’t notice these actions, but your family and friends begin to tell you how worried they are about you.

Under Their Control

Being the object of affection can mean that you are going out at midnight for ice cream or that you will miss your work so that you can watch a movie or hang out with them. If they ask you to go on a trip, you will do it.

If they ask you to do things that are not like you and you say yes, chances are that you are under their control and they have a love spell on you.

What if You Are Under a Spell?

These symptoms can show up if you are under a love spell. If you feel that you are stuck in some kind of situation then chances are you have a love spell cast on you. Do not be afraid and learn to do a cleansing ritual.

Being protected by spells will help you to be grounded and strong. When you do a cleansing ritual on yourself, you will see that your mind and body can change because of the detox of the spell.

You can ask a psychic to help you to get rid of a spell and let them advise you on how to take care of who you are.


When you are changing what you want and your desires, chances are you are under a love spell. Someone may have used black magic on you.

If you find you have changes in your mood or personality, out of nowhere, then this can be a major sign that you have a spell cast on you.

You will not be under the influence of this person for very long as long as you try the cleansing rituals. You will be back to yourself in no time at all.

Learn How to Manifest Love

Learn How to Manifest Love

If you are reading this right now, you need to know that you can manifest things to your life and that manifestation is strong and powerful. You deserve to have love and you deserve to find someone that can make you happy and bring you joy in your life.

Manifestation has to do with the Law of Attraction and when you want to manifest your true love, then you need to read on.

If you want to know about manifesting love into your life, you have to understand what love is and about getting affection. Here are some ways you can begin manifesting love:

  • Being aware.
  • Feel that you are getting your love.
  • Write down things you want in a relationship.
  • Love who you are.

Manifesting Love

The Law of Attractions says whatever is sent into the universe means that it will come back to you. The Law of Attraction knows what you are thinking and every thought and action that you do will be sent to the universe. If you are letting go of hurt, unforgiveness and more then you will reap forgiveness, peace, and other positive things.

One thing you have to remember is that the universe does not work on a timeline. You have to stop wanting something to come to you right now. You need to learn to speak truth and be honest with yourself and see what you need to change inside of yourself before you expect to meet someone.

You need to get rid of things such as bad habits and negative thinking out of your life and let go of traumas from your past and childhood situations that have haunted you.

When you begin doing this, you will see that you are allowing yourself to be in control and you are putting yourself first.

Let go of control and allow new challenges and things come to your life. Stop trying to make things happen the way that you want them to and allowing yourself to feel safe instead of taking chances.

You have to learn to deal with things and to give up some control. You need to put yourself first in some situations and to commit to let yourself have a happy life.

Are you being honest with how you talk to people? Are you honest about what you want in a relationship? Do you give your time to people that are not giving you what you need because they make you feel safe?

Doing this means that you are showing the universe that you are not growing and that you are not being the best that you can be. Once you learn to do this, the Law of Attraction can work for you.

How Does the Law of Attraction Work?

The rule of the universe is natural laws, and this means that we have to be in agreement with natural laws. We have to be in harmony with others and allow there to be something that governs our changes and our love.

The Law of Attraction shows that the universe resides in our mind, body, and soul and that we are held together by the people, places, and things that we relate ourselves to. We are drawn by certain people and animals and the energies that we have in common are a force that attracts us.

When we feel attracted by love, we feel different. We even have an attraction to food and music that we love and everything in the world.

Attraction is something that connects our soul to things outside of us and allows us to manifest things that have power.

If you want to make things simpler, the Law of Attraction means that you can give something and then it will come back to you. This can be your thoughts, emotions, and feelings. The key to this is that you have to take your feelings and make them positive and then positive things come to you.

Bring True Love

There are things you can do to bring love to yourself and there are challenges that will come when you are looking for love. If you are showing anger or jealousy, you will meet someone that is going to have those traits. You have to learn to manifest positive things in your life.

Loving You

When you get up in the morning to start you day, take time to write down things that you love about yourself. Doing this each day will make you positive and will bring positive energy to your life. Start doing this each day and talking to yourself. Pay attention to what you are saying and make sure that you are changing your negative thoughts to positive things.

Write Down Relationship Traits

People don’t always know what they want in a relationship and so you need to take time to write down what qualities you are looking for. Be specific and tell the universe exactly what you want. Do not concentrate on looks or what someone will look like but concentrate on what you want.

Pay attention to how you want your relationship to feel such as being secure and loving. Write this in your letter to the universe.

Feel It

After you write down what you want, feel that the universe is giving it to you. Believe in what you are asking and do not doubt. The more you doubt the longer it will be before something good comes your way.

No matter what you are feeling, learn to love who you are and to be happy with yourself. Imagine that the person that you want is coming to existence in your life. Smile a lot and feel happy because you know your love is coming.

Be Aware

Always know that there will be challenges in your life and know that this is okay. The universe will help you to be in control of who you are and what you want so you need to make sure you are manifesting love and other things that you want.

Allow your manifestation to come to you and learn to pay attention to what is attracting you. Be aware of what is going on in your life and if you are feeling negative, change that. Start thinking about how love will come to you and be aware of what you are attracting to your life. Stop feeling that you are not good enough.

Let Go of Fear

Do not be afraid to get what you want. Let go of fear and be open to the things in the world that you want. Learn to love yourself and who you are. Build your self-esteem and stand up for yourself. Attract people that aren’t too needy or that are fun to be around. Be aware of what you are feeling and change it of the good.

Tolerating Things

Give your time to people that deserve it. Show up for what you want and who you are. Do not give up on your purpose and things you want. You have to be clear that you need to be a better version of you before you are able to bring someone to your life.

If you feel stuck, move forward, and see how you feel.

Manifesting Love

When you know what you want and you believe in yourself and the universe, you will see this come to you. If you doubt this, you will not get what you want, and you have to believe in this whole heartedly.

Think about the relationship that you are going to have and thing about what you and your partner will do. Always put yourself first and do not settle for things less than you want.

The universe will work on divine timing and you need to forgive yourself and know that you deserve what you want in your life. Manifest the right relationships to yourself and make sure you are thinking the right thoughts.

There is no time limit that the universe is on and the time is going to be up to you. The universe is waiting for you to grow and to become the better version of yourself. Ask your guides to help you to make good decisions and what you should manifest in your life.

Be positive about what you want and learn to call out to the universe in a positive and loving way. The universe wants you to be happy it just wants you to know what you want and need before it sends you the perfect person.

Love Spells Without Ingredients

Love Spells Without Ingredients

There are many spells that you can cast without having to have ingredients. A love spell that does not use ingredients allows you to increase the power of the spell, but it helps you to focus on your intentions more. When you have to have a certain kind of ingredient or steps, it causes the spellcaster to focus their attention more on the ingredients instead of the spell.

When a spell is done with ingredients, it could be just as effective without any ingredients as long as you know how to show your intentions and your desires.

You have probably tried spells that have no ingredients such as making a wish before you blow out your birthday candles. This is technically an ingredient but when you are focusing on what you really want and make a wish, that is the important part of the spell.

When you believe in what you want with your whole heart, it allows your wishes to be stronger but when skepticism comes, it begins to play a role in the way that you trust your spells and your wishes.

Letting the universe give you what you need can help you to be better at casting spells. Maybe you have some spells that do not use ingredients, and this causes you to be intimidated. Casting love spells without an ingredient can be easier than using ingredients because you can focus more on your intentions and what you want.

You never have to worry about having everything in the right spot or missing an ingredient. You have less mess and you do not have to worry about knocking over a candle or starting something on fire.

Love Spells Without Ingredients

When you are casting a love spell and have no ingredients, you have to watch out that you are mindful and that you pick one idea that you want to focus on. Focus on the point of your spell. If you want to meet a romantic partner, focus only on that. Do not think about the things you could do with your partner, getting married or all kinds of other trails our mind often goes. Pay attention to what you are focusing on.

Love spells can be interesting and can allow you to clear your thoughts. Maybe you should use a pen and paper and write down what you are asking for exactly so that when you start your spell it does not come out as a jumbled mess.

Write down all of your ideas and then burn the paper at the end so that you can send your intentions out in the world.

Sometimes, people like to meditate for a few minutes before they begin a spell. This is not something that is necessary to make the spell work, but it can help to calm your mind and bring clarity.

When you are ready to cast your spell, make sure you have all of your distractions out of the way. If you have a child or an animal to care for, do that first. Make sure that you are prepared to concentrate on your spell once you get started.

The best time to cast a spell is in the moon phase. The energy of the moon can be so strong and can be there for fresh and new beginnings. The love spell by a full moon, without ingredients can be very powerful.

Here are some things to note:

  • If you want to attract someone that is in a relationship, you have to do a spell to break up someone first, but this is not advised because of the Law of Attraction.
  • Love spells are not meant to make someone fall in love with you, it is mean to make feelings stronger.

Love Spells

Here are some steps to doing a love spell without ingredients:

  • Close your eyes and relax.
  • Take some deep breaths.
  • Clear your mind and get out thoughts that are not about your spell.
  • Imagine what your love should look like and how it would make you feel. Note if you have butterflies or if you are excited and happy. Imagine them hugging you and focus on how this makes you feel.
  • Once you have these feelings strong, close your eyes and say, “Lover come to me. Let me love you. Share life and love with me. I call you now.”
  • Do this over three times and when you feel a strong feeling, slowly open your eyes.
  • Do this spell as many times as you want until you get what you are looking for.

Love Spell to Attract a Specific Person

Here are steps to attract a specific person:

  • Close your eyes and relax.
  • Take deep breaths.
  • Clear your mind.
  • Imagine the person you want to attract. Since you know them then you should be able to imagine them in your mind. Picture them clearly and see them in the light and how they look. Look at how the light hits them and catches them. Think about a specific thing in your mind about them. Be very personal with this.
  • When you feel that you are standing next to this person, imagine what it would feel like if they felt the same about you as you do them. What feelings do you have? Imagine the connection. Reach out and hold their hand and pull them to you. Imagine what it would feel like with them holding you.
  • Imagine standing in front of them and both of you holding hands.
  • Look into their eyes and say, “My dear (their name) I want you to be mine. I want to be with you. I want you to hold my hand. (Their name) I want to feel the flow of your love and I want you to return it. (Their name) come and be with me, share my journey so we can grow together. So, mote it be.”
  • Imagine the person releasing your hands gently.
  • Clap your hands and send the vision to the person you are calling to you.
  • Open your eyes.
  • Repeat until that person likes you. Each time you repeat it, imagine a different situations but always have a clear picture.


This love spell can help you and you do not have to have any ingredients. Do these spells as often as you want, and you can even change your wording and visualization to be more personal for you. Love has to be equal and everyone deserves to be loved. Do not settle for people that do not make you feel love and appreciated.

Love Magic

Love Magic

Love magic and love spells are for people that believe, and they can help you to get in touch with who you are. Love magic is something that many people talk about and many believe that casting a spell is not a good thing and they wonder if ethics should play a role in it.

It is important that you understand that love starts in your heart and you do not need someone to show you love in order to know that you are worthy of love and that you are important. Do not let someone come and put you in a toxic relationship, and if this happens, move on without them.

Spells are about love, but these spells should be about loving yourself and not forcing someone else to love you.

Love Magic

Love magic can help you to attract love. This will not make someone love you, it only works if someone is already interested in you and has the same feelings that you have. This can make the energy between the two of you stronger and be like a magnet pulling you together.

Instead of trying to make someone love you or fall in love with you, love magic is to make the love that is already there stronger. This magic can come in different forms, but you must have an open mind and heart.

If you want to be successful in love spells, you have to have strong and good intentions. You have to write a letter to the person you are attracting to your life and make your intentions understood. This is something you should write and then put in a safe place or burn the letter so that it can go into the universe.

Writing your letter should happen before you even begin a spell because it is important that the universe knows what you are wanting and that you are trying to attract the right person and energy.

When Does it Not Work?

Spells sometimes do not work because we cast them for the wrong reasons. You cannot make someone fall in love with you and the relationship must already be mutual or the spell will not work.

Magic only works when you put yourself in the situation to meet someone. If you are home and you are not talking to anyone or going out into the world, you will not find your true love. You have to give to get.

Spells might also fail if there is not enough information given or if you are not honest about your intentions. This can also fail if someone is in it just for lust and not for love.

It is important not to do love magic on one person but to open the world and your relationships to love magic so you can find your perfect love.


Love magic can backfire, and this is because you have a path that you are on that the spirit guides have led you on. When you do a spell, this changes that path and makes you to go somewhere that you are not being led.

If you understand your energy when you cast a spell, then you will be more successful. You should meditate before you cast a spell so that your energies and your mind are calm.

Always be positive and make sure that you are using the right spell. Do not ever try to trap or tick someone to love you because your spell will not work, and it can come back to you.

Magic Spells for Beginners

All love magic should be done on Venus’s Day which is Friday. Since Venus is the goddess of love, this is the perfect day. Write your letter of intention and meditate. If Valentines day falls on this day you might even be luckier.


Start each day by saying positive affirmations. Look in the mirror and talk about how much love you have. Doing this can bring you love, and the universe knows you are deserving of the love.


Use a salt bath with Epsom or Himalayan salt and then add some honey, rose petals or cinnamon to your bath. Bath with your heart open and do this for about fifteen minutes while you meditate. You can even play romantic music to get you in the mood.


Using candles such as a pink candle with your name carved in it can help you to put a spell on your crush. You can add different essential oils such as ginger, jasmine, gardenia and more. Use glitter to add to your candle and make this for Venus.


Write the name of your crush on a piece of paper and then put their name in the jar of honey. This can make them sweet on you within a couple of weeks.


Make a sage or rose petal sachet and put it under your pillow for a couple of weeks. You might dream of your perfect lover when you do this.


Remember, always have good intentions when you do your love spells and let love find its way to your heart.

Do Love Spells Work

Do Love Spells Work

Sometimes you are captivated by a person, but frustrated with the length of time it is taking for them to reach out to you.  How can you tell if they are hesitant or just not into?  Can casting a love spell spur you both into the relationship of your dreams?  There are a number of love spells you can try and many of them are simple.

One easy method is to draft a love letter to your intended.  It is import to address to them directly.  Some love letter spells will have you light a white candle with a match and place it next your finished and signed letter.  As you light this candle these spells will suggest your utter your beloved’s name out loud.  It can take time for results to appear.  This can cause people to use additional methods to expedite the romance.

Often people will turn to a psychic next.  Some psychic will opt for other simple spells like having you chant your intended’s name along with them.  The more people involved with the chanting is said to strengthen the love spell.  Unfortunately, people can get frustrated when they continue to have their affections unrequited, and can feel shameful for turning to magic.  If this sounds like you, consider if what you are feeling is truly love, or if it is an infatuation.

We all are gifted with freewill, and love spells on someone who is not romantically interested in your will fail in order to protect people’s integrity.  Consider how you would feel if you discover you only “loved” a person because of a magical incantation rather than genuine emotions or connection.

If you love spells fails, it’s typically because you two were never intended to be romantical cleaved to each other.  Instead, be grateful for a friendship or a passing smile and utter a blessing that you both discover sincere and lasting love.  However, if you two are meant to be together, then a love spell can help you two discover a wonderous partnership ahead of schedule.  Just make sure to cast your spell without any malevolence and protect your beloved’s freewill.

5 Spells to Get Someone to Fall Deeply in Love with You

5 Spells to Get Someone to Fall Deeply in Love with You

Most people on earth want to love and want to love deeply. We are created to connect intimately and we tend to feel at a deep loss when we don’t have it.

It is a particularly painful situation when you have strong, passionate feelings for someone but are not reciprocated. There is a way out of this predicament because there are five spells you can use to get someone to fall deeply, passionately, in love with you.

A Word of Caution

While looking at spells can be fun and reaping the benefits of them are enjoyable, casting spells has downsides. Eventually, the person targeted will figure out it was a spell that pointed them to your direction. Once they discover you have cast a spell, the spell loses its power. That means they will likely leave and the ending may not be pretty.

A spell to get someone to look your way is quite different from one that causes them to fall in love with you. With the latter spell, you are overriding instincts because that person currently isn’t interested. You are also attempting to override free will and really to control their mind. This can have an impact on both you and your love target as it sets a bad precedent for a long-term relationship.

A question to ask is do you want to force someone to love you? You are a valuable person in your own right and shouldn’t need to use a spell to get someone to notice it. Some would love you as you are without such a battle to get noticed.

Nevertheless, if you are determined to force the issue, here are five spells worth trying.

  1. The Deep Love Spell.

This spell aims at people already in a relationship and works to make the other person more aware of their feelings for you and want to build the relationship.

You will need a red and a pink candle, a toothpick, cinnamon oil, a pencil, a box of matches and paper.

First, you must cleanse yourself by taking a bath and wearing clean clothes. Next, write your name on the red candle and your lover’s on the pink candle. Then, light both and watch the flames as you visualize the two of you in love. You must do this for 30 minutes.

When that is done, use the pencil and paper to draw two hearts and put both names in each. Now, drop the wax on them and cover it.

This ritual must be done each day for seven days. You must bury the paper after all the candles burn out the last day.

  1. Quick Love Spell to Capture a Heart

This spell is white magic that works fast but won’t provide a result immediately. After all, love can’t be rushed. One rule to remember is a complicated spell will take longer to take effect than a simple one.

In this spell, you will need to make a voodoo doll using wheat flour. You will need the doll, a picture of your love target, their hair, or a used piece of red cloth. pins and mustard seeds.

To make the doll, prepare the dough, then rub the dough with your palm and start fashioning the doll with the head first. Move on to create the body with a cylindrical shape then make the arms and legs. Be sure to create the proper genitalia on it for man or woman.

For the spell, but the picture and any belonging of your love target on the doll. Prick yourself with pins so that the tips have some of your blood. Now, stick the pins near the doll’s heart area.

With that done, place mustard seeds in the red cloth and cover the doll with it. Start tying knots and do as many as possible while chanting “Let it be the night of no moon, no one should be with me. Let your heart be mine forever and ever.”

Now comes the tricky part. You have to place the doll near a four intersection road where your love target will find it and bring it home. If they open the knots, they will fall deeply in love with you.

Of course, there is some risk here. They may not open the knots and may not find the doll at all! A stranger could find it and open the knots, in which case nothing may happen since the doll was fashioned after your love target but you never know!

  1. A Spell to Prevent Love Stealing

Just as there are spells to get someone to fall in love with you, there are those that prevent someone else from stealing your love. This easy spell doesn’t require any ingredients and only requires that you chant.

You must chant loudly “You are not gonna steal my boyfriend, you’re not gonna snatch my boyfriend away from me, and that’s the final verdict.” You must do this twice a month.

The additional benefit of this spell is that your boyfriend will fall hard for you once the magic takes hold. After he does, no one will be able to take him from you.

  1. Soul Mate Spell

This spell isn’t so much for targeting someone you already are interested in but is one to draw your soul mate into your life. You must be ready for a commitment before you perform it because it is intended to bring someone to you for a forever relationship.

You will need authentic parchment paper, a heart-shaped box, moon charcoal, moon incense, and a special tool for ritual writing. That would be something like a calligraphy marker or quill pen.

First, you must clean your aura. For this, seek some meditation time. Then, use a pen to write powerful words on the parchment paper aiming at calling your soul mate. It is important not to think about a specific person. You must be open to all possibilities or the result will be affected. Now chant, “If there is a perfect match, this work tonight will for sure catch. The perfect one who is meant to be will find a way to me. In perfect trust and perfect love, I am sending this out and not with lust. This love spell is our guide tonight, free will remains with us tonight.”

Continue in meditation and eventually light the ritual charcoal. Now, read the words you wrote down on the paper three times and sprinkle a tablespoon of moon incense over the fire each time. Fold the paper and put it in the heart-shaped box. Hide the box somewhere safe where no one will find it and wait for your wish to come true.

You must keep the faith and maintain positivity from the beginning of the ritual throughout your wait time. This is the secret for these spells to work well.

  1. Simple Love Spell

This is a pretty simple spell that gets a love interest to fall hard for you. Even though it is simple, it does require someone to adequately prepare because it does involve several ingredients.

For this spell you will need, a one-meter red silk cord, a picture of your love target and one of you, the dried petals of six red roses, your perform, and a big glass jar.

Began by removing all the petals from the roses and put them in the jar. Now chant, “Listen to my words and listen to my heart, please let me in and never forget me.” You can also express your feelings if you don’t want to use ready words.

Now, spray the perfume inside the jar and wrap the cord around the two pictures while you continue to chant. Finally, place the wrapped photos inside the jar, close the lid, and place it on your altar. Leave it there for seven days and open it on the eighth day, allowing the fragrance of the perfume to fill the area.

To complete the ritual, you should either bury the jar or set it in freshwater. If correctly done, your love target will fall for you immediately. This spell works best if done on the Friday of a full moon. You can also get good results on any full moon.

Love Spells: Do They Work?

Love Spells: Do They Work?

If you are a spiritual type person, you may be somewhat open to the idea of spell casting for an improved future in the area of dating. Perhaps you have cast a spell and want some confirmation that it will eventually work. Either way, this article can help. First, you must understand how love spells work and how they do not. Being aware of what a love spell is designed to do and what can happen is important.

What are Love and Attraction Spells?

Spells are actually powerful intentions that are performed. They are typically found in books with specific terms that can be recited to incite power. Love spells have a specific purpose, making someone fall in love with you. They are performed when the hope that someone specific that you like will like you in return. This focused spell allows love into your life as you are saying you are ready for a relationship and want to pursue someone specific.

Attraction spells are a bit different in that they are still spoken intentions and work in a similar way, but the emphasis is placed on charisma and connection. The connections can be romantic, but do not have to be as they have many unique purposes.

Each type should be understood so that you use them correctly. If you cannot tell them apart, you risk using the wrong spell for the wrong reasons and trouble ensuing.

Goal of a Love Spell

If you are considering the use of a love spell then you should know what it is best for because it is not smart to use one just to fall in love with a specific person. This is because that would be forcing love from someone and that is never a great idea. Love spells are best used in preparation for love. This opens you up to allow love to enter your life at some point. It is saying you are ready for a life of love and that you desire for it to happen.

From the point of the spell, love will work its way into your life in some way. You could have a new encounter or an old friend may make a return. Love can enter because you prepared for it through the love spell. Some people are tempted to use love spells for a specific person to fall in love with them, but this is not the best intention. Do not use a love spell to force someone into a relationship.

Do They Work?

Love spells are believed to work if performed correctly. There are specific things to do to make them work as expected, but a mistake can send the spell into the wrong directions. Those who say they do not work have likely made a mistake in the casting or intention. They are not necessarily simple and require thought. Love spells must be used in the intended ways or they can be ineffective or backfire completely. Only perform a love spell once you have researched them well for the highest expectation of success.

Can This Cause People to Fall in Love?

People often have mixed success with love spells because of the factors that can create influence over them. If you want more, do research and even visit a local psychic for advice. If you do visit a psychic, you may be privy to success stories that can cause you to remain motivated. There are also successful stories online to help guide you and give you hope. These are also great resources so you can learn from the mistakes of others.

Do They Come Back?

Some believe that any spell that is cast comes back to them in some way. This is not good in a love spell because it can lead to intense and obsessive love or general obsession that is unnatural. This can be awkward and create a confusing relationship with uncontrollable emotions as caused by the spell. This leads many to avoid love spells completely. Instead, wait for authentic love that just happens in life. If a spell is used and it comes back to you, it can be impossible to rid yourself of, so, be cautious.

Should Specificity be Used?

When using a love spell, it is best to set broad intentions, not specific names. Focus on love and goals, not a person. If you are too specific, the results are more likely to be negative. These can be unpredictable and hard to understand. This may be because you are forcing love instead of allowing someone who is ready to fall naturally. Be open to a relationship instead of one specific person to make things more meaningful. This limits potential negative effects.


Love spells are not the most ethical as you are forcing someone to fall in love and taking their control of the situation. If ethics concern you in spell casting, then avoid love spells completely. If this is not a concern, know you are altering someone’s reality.

Are all Love Spells the Same?

Love spells each work in different ways because of different set intentions. Some are more powerful, some weaker, some use personal belongings to increase power and can go wrong without them. Be aware of the differences so you know what you are dealing with up front. Make sure you understand each spell’s intentions and what it entails when casting. Being unaware can lead to problems.

Finding Help

Love spells need to be done correctly or you may experience negative consequences. If you are unfamiliar with spells or specifically love spells, get assistance. You can gain insight and guidance, then try on your own later on. A psychic is a good resource as they can show you how the spells work. They can also help with other types of spells or help work out issues with specific spells.

Love Spell Alternatives

If you do not want to try a love spell, let nature take its course. Plenty of people fall in love daily without the use of a spell. Get out and meet people to form connections so you can choose who to date. Talk, flirt, and build interest. This may take time and patience, but the right person will come along. This is much more authentic and real to create a solid relationship.

While many people believe that love spells work to make their love lives better, it truly depends on multiple factors. Keep accuracy, ethics, and potential negative side effects in mind when making your choice to use any spell, but especially love spells.

How to Make Someone Miss You

How to Make Someone Miss You

There are many spells for many different things and a love spell can help make someone to miss you that you love.  Using a love spell can influence anyone in the world to miss you and let them realize that they need you.  Lost love spells are there to influence people to miss you and to make them cherish who you are.  They enable you to get your ex to come back to you and can bring new people into your life.

Missing You

If you want to get back with your ex or have someone to miss you or you are separated from someone that you love, you can influence them to want to be with you and to miss you.  The spell can influence this person and let them realize how important that you are to them.  There are voodoo spells that influence people to become hopelessly in love with you and to look at you like they cannot live without you.

The best way to influence someone to want you is to use a witchcraft spell that is a cherish spell.  This can make the person fall madly in love with you.  You can even get your ex back by making them fall in love with you or make an ex-spouse come back and realize what they are missing.


You can be brought back together with someone through a love spell and you can find that these loves spells are important and great.  Love spells do not always have to have tools or objects in order to cast the spell and sometimes they use simple object such as:

  • Candles
  • Crayons
  • Markers
  • Pencils
  • White flowers
  • Crystals
  • Essential Oils

Not all love spells are the same and depending on which on you use will depend on what kind of ingredients that you are going to need.

When you do a love spell, you have to remember that there are certain steps that you should follow and when you follow these steps, you should have great success.

If you need someone to help you to do a love spell, you can find psychics that specialize in those types of spells and will be happy to do one for you.

Importance of a Love Spell

The important thing about a love spell is that you have to make sure that you have good intentions when you cast a love spell.  A love spell is considered white magic and is a kind of magic that does not have bad things returned to you.

When you cast a love spell and you have a pure heart, this is how the love spell will work.  Never cast a love spell with hate in your heart or in order to get revenge.


When you want to make someone miss you, find a love spell and cast it and you might see that your love will come crawling to you or even back to you.

Druid Spells

Druid Spells
Druid Spells

The people from the ancient Celtic society were called Druids.  They were called scientists, poets, astronomers, magicians, researchers and more but they were wiped out by the Romans in 57 AD.  Along with them getting wiped out, their spells also got wiped out.

The word Druid comes from the word deru which means true and this also means oak and drus.  These people were great in nature and they loved to cast magic spells.  Druidism is a way of life that brings magic and other elements of traditions and philosophies.  Spellcasting is one of the things that the Druids would participate in and they did spells that concentrated on the elements of fire, spirit, earth, air, water and followed the Wicca ways.  One thing that the Druids really focused on was the sun and the phases of the moon.

Protecting the earth was one of the jobs that the Druids felt that they were put on earth for.  The spells bring in elements of the sun just like the Wiccan spells do.  There are energies that are put into the world and there is a Rule of Three that is given to different religious practices and they follow the golden rule and karma.

Druid Spells

The teachings of the Druids were destroyed but there are a few things that were left that were handed down and also oral tradition.  The revival of the Druids shows that they united against the industrial Revolution and wanted to keep the earth from being destroyed.

Magic elements of the Druid began to come back in the 19th century and there are many books of Druid spells that were incorporated with modern day practices and many of these things include spellcasting.  There are different elements of magic and wizardry.

Here are some things that you will need to cast Druid spells:

  • Small stones
  • Cauldron
  • Wand
  • Ogham sticks
  • Cards
  • Bag with a hanging necklace part.

An ogham stick is a tool of divination and was used by the Nordic runes and you can buy them and carve letters into them.  Each symbol that they have comes from an ogham stick.  There are 25 in total and many people keep these in a bag.

Circle of Stones

The circle of stones is used by druids and they are there to protect their sacred people with spellcasting.   The stones are exchanged, and each stone represents a different part.  The Wheel of Life has a different color and meaning associated with it.

The stones have to be washed in running water and put in the sun to cleanse them.  Mark each stone with an emblem and keep them in a bag.

Sphere of Protection

The Sphere of Protection is an exercise of a druid spell that has an opening, a middle and a closing and these are called Elemental Cross stones.  This is where they can Call the Elements and the Circulation of Life.

With the Elemental Cross, the Druid will place a balance int eh center of the world and use symbolism and imagination.  This is an imaginary cross and the energies can turn into reality.

Calling of the Elements is a practice that involves the fire, water, spirit, earth and air and is divided into spirit above, spirit below and spirit within.

The final part is the Circulation of Light and they have a voice, imagination and visualization of a sphere of golden light.  The Druid leaves a perfect meditation.


Scrying means seeing and comes from Druid spells.  This is seeing without their eyes and using the psychic eye for visions.

Druids use this in four directions such as light elves, forest elves, dwarves and bwbachod and is a sacred grove where the Druids find the source of magic.


Druids live in harmony with the earth and they want to cleanse the earth.  They cast their Ogham sticks to set their intentions in the right place and use scry to ask the spirits for permission.

Land Cleansing and Restoring Fertility are other spells that are used by the Druid.  They are hard to do, and they are not for beginners.

Casting Druid Spells

Everyone cannot cast a Druid spell because it takes a lot of research and practice in order to do it.  It is not as easy as following a certain recipe and can be a lifelong journey of commitment and being one with the earth.

Do Spells Work?

Druid spells can work if they are cast by a Druid.  They have power that lies with the spell cast like Wicca.  This is a way of life and a philosophy and if it is someone that is not a Druid then the cast will not be as effective.

Druidism is a revival-based assumption and encourages the spellcaster to have their own unique work when casting a spell.  Druids are supported and practices can incorporate things such as candle magic and spellcasting.

Finding a Druid Spellcaster

If you want to find a Druid spellcaster, you should do the following:

  • Look at customer reviews.
  • Find a reputable website.
  • Read about the specials they offer.
  • See if they offer free readings.

Casting Your Own Druid Spells

If you want to cast your own Druid spells, you have to know that there are protection, fertility, healing and other spells that the Druids use.

Most modern Druidism used magical practices form other traditions, so they are flexible on their spell casting.  They use the principle of philosophy to transform witchcraft spells into Druid spells.

There is a life force and a principle of matter that is imagined and manipulated through the universe to make the spells work.


Just like any other spell a Druid spell can backfire if not done right.  You need to find a professional and make sure that you are not going to a person that is a fraud or a scammer.  Use the principles of Druidism to know if someone is real or not.

Remember, Druids use white magic and not black magic so make sure that you know what you are getting into.

A Druid spell can bring healing and protection, can communicate with nature and can be powerful with the elements.

The problem with Druid spells it that they take years of practice and studying, they require serious concentration and are complicated.