Stop Using the Basics and Use Real Magic

Real Magic

Are you someone that is doing crafting and you want to skip over the basics and go right to the big magic? If you feel this way, you are not the only one. People will often try to skip the basics and they will want to learn things and have more power in their life. When you feel that you aren’t in control, you might feel that you are not living your best life.

If you feel that you never have enough love or if you are always strapped in your finances, then you might feel that your life is full of bad luck. When you aren’t in control of things it can make your life miserable.

When you try to do things without foundation, you will see that cutting a corner will only hurt you. As a witch, you have to learn the skills because they help you to learn so that you can become advanced in your magic in a safe way. You have to learn to focus and get good at spells that are going to help you. It is important that you know how to be grounded before you ever try to do spells and so what would be the point if you skipped things.

Look at how skipping your basics can cause you to miss out on reaching bigger goals in your magic.

Skipping Basics

The first thing that you can do is to look at what happens when you skip the basics of magic. You can skip them but when you do, you will have problems. You will see that you cannot be forced to learn things that you don’t want to learn. This is one of the biggest lessons that you will learn in life.

You are in control of what you choose to learn and when you are practicing as a witch, you can learn different things, but you need to know that you are the one that is responsible for what you do and don’t do. You can end up in a lot of suffering when you skip out on the foundations. You will never have the power that you need, and you will never be able to be in charge when you are not making good decisions.

Skipping the basics such as warding, grounding, meditating, cleansing and more will mean that when something attacks you that you will not know what to do. You might not feel like doing these things but when you go right for big spells, you will not be able to move through them. You will see that you can do money spells, love spells, luck spells and more but without the foundation, you will not be in control like you need to be.

You may want to have these things in your life but when you don’t have foundational learning then you will have skills, but they will not get you through the things that you want to do. There is nothing wrong with wanting to know more but you have to make sure that you have a healthy foundation before you even get started so that you can get good at what you are doing.

Dangers of Not Knowing the Basics

When you have no foundation hen things can get dangerous for you. You might not think that you have to have a foundation to do magic, but they are there for a reason. When you have a solid base then you can make magic that will work and be safe for you. You want to make sure that you are prepared in emergency situations and when you have things happen that you never expected. You might not know how to ground yourself before you do a spell and if you feel tired or exhausted afterwards, that can be why. Would you know what to do to ground yourself if the spell that you did backfire? What if something went wrong on your spell and you ended up cursing someone instead of helping them? What if you have problem with your energy and you do not know what to do because you cast a spell that you cannot bring back? These are things that that can happen at any time when you do magic.

Most of the time when you do magic it is safe, but you need to have the foundations because not everyone is lucky with this. Sometimes things can go wrong when you pass up the foundational skills and you will end up in a situation that will hurt you. You don’t want to have to do defensive magic because you skilled learning the skills that you needed to do the magic right at the beginning.

What if you never learned how to cleanse your life or your body? You might pick up and attract negative spirits to your life without even knowing why.

Skipping the basics in witchcraft can be dangerous and when you are not able to know what to do then you will never understand your magic. You will not be able to see the materials or what is expected because you are experiencing something you don’t know about.

When you expect to become good at magic, you need to know the basic rules so that you can be comfortable when you do all the magic that comes to your life. You cannot walk around and have no idea of what you should be doing. You have to know things and you have to find out what you should do to stay safe when you are crafting. You need to take time to know things and you need to approach witchcraft like anything else new that you learn.

When you are skipping the foundations, you are putting your life in danger. You are entering into a place where you will be blind to what is going on. If you have no experience in this thing, you will see that you can be safe or you can be in danger each time you do your magic. When you learn the basic skills, you are giving yourself a book to help guide you and help you to be familiar with things that are good and bad. You will know what can go wrong and what can cause you to be in danger.

You will be able to know things and to prevent bad things from coming to you and causing you harm and you will be able to use your magic to be happy and to have peace instead of stress.

Want to Skip the Basics Still?

If you are still wanting to skip the basics, then you need to understand why you want to do this? What is your purpose? Do you even really want to learn how to do witchcraft, or do you just want to have power? This is a question that you have to ask yourself.

If you want to be a good witch, then you have to put the effort in learning about it. You cannot just have a quick lesson and think you can do anything because you cannot.

You will never be able to do good magic and make good changes in your life if you skip the foundations. You have to find out how to cast spells, but you have to learn the traditions and the roots of the magic first. If you know the things that control your life and how you can predict your skills, you will be strong and you will be able to work through the magic. If you choose to trade in the foundations for more serious work, you will see that you are choosing the wrong path and you are not going to have the power that you want because you aren’t putting in the effort.

Why do you have the need to skip the foundations of magic? What is it going to do to you to skip these important steps? One thing that you need to learn is that the skills that you will learn and the foundations that you learn will only guide you down the right path of your crafting life.

Do it Right

If you are someone that wants to commit themselves to being the best that they can be then you cannot just put yourself on a time limit and think that you will be the best. Stop trying to skip ahead and take your time to really learn what you need to know. This means that you need to take things in the order that they come, and you need to embrace them and do them the best that you can.

Doing this can help you to avoid any thing that can hurt you or cause you harm when you are doing your magic. You can take learning the witchcraft and take your time and really learn things and you will be able to understand and learn how to do things and do them right and good.

The longer it takes you, the less you are making problems for yourself in the future. You can learn to step back and take as much time as you need for each foundation and really learn it and get it in your head.

Things that are good take time to do. You need to not skip and end up wishing that you never did magic. Magic can have problems and if you don’t learn to avoid them then you are just setting yourself up for failure. You will be wasting your time in doing magic if you are not learning what you need to do.

There are problems that can happen that you will not even understand if you don’t know what is going on in front of you. You have to learn the skills that it takes in order to be able to handle problems if they come. The experience that you have and the practice that you take will give you a chance to get an idea on what you are doing and help you to figure out if anything ever gets out of control.

The more experienced that you are the better your magic is going to be. You will see that you can be successful in your crafting if you take your time, learn your foundations and practice. Avoid things going wrong and work hard to be on the right journey in your life. Let your crafting take you to a new level and help you to be the best that you can be. Be patient and take your time to really learn what you need to know.


  1. The article makes an excellent point about the dangers of skipping the basics in witchcraft. It’s a reminder that solid groundwork is necessary for effective and safe practice.

  2. The concept of foundational knowledge is applicable across multiple disciplines, not just witchcraft. Mastery in any field requires a solid grounding in the basics.

  3. I find the emphasis on foundational skills to be essential. Without a thorough understanding of the basics, one is prone to errors and potential hazards.

  4. rushing into advanced practices without a solid foundation can indeed be dangerous, whether in magic or any other skill. Fundamentals provide the necessary stability for progres.

    • I agree. Fundamentals are the building blocks that ensure safe and effective practice, especially in something as unpredictable as magic.

  5. It’s crucial to understand that skipping foundational knowledge in any field can lead to serious mishaps, not just in magic. This article highlights the importance of building a sturdy base.


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