A Spell for a Broken Heart


brokenheartspell-300x300There’s plenty of love spell to have someone fall in love but what about when you want to fall out of love and forget?

Whether you’re broken-hearten after a break-up, or whether you have an unrequited crush, this spell will help you get over the person you’ve been pining over. This spell should be performed during a waning moon.

You will need:

  • A picture of the person you want to get over (if you don’t have this, you can use a piece of card cut into the shape of a person, with their name on it)
  • A piece of ginger root
  • A black cloth
  • A black cord

Wiccan Spell to Get Over A Person

full-moon-spellTo begin, cast your circle. Call upon your spirit guides, angels, or any deities whose aid you wish to have in performing the spell. Meditate for a few minutes in silence. Now hold the ginger root in your hand, and think about your feelings for the person. Whether you feel pain, longing or anger – whatever feeling you have, let it rise fully in your body. Make the feelings even more intense (don’t worry – this will help, as you need to feel your feelings fully before letting them go). Now project all of those feelings into the piece of ginger. Let the ginger absorb all of your pain, anger and longing. If you feel the need to cry, or to shout in anger, do so. Bring up these feelings or as long as you need to, until you feel them becoming less strong and eventually fading away. This may take ten minutes, or it may take an hour. Let it take the time it takes. Once you have done this, wrap up the ginger root in the black cloth together with the photo of the person you want to get over. Tie the black cord around it, securing it with three knots, and say:


My heart is now unchained,My heart is strong and free, No more shall I pine for you, With this binding, so mote it be. Bury the bundle in the ground, and know that as it decomposes into the earth, the emotional hold that the person had over you shall also fade, and you will get over them completely.

Sometimes, All you need is a little help to heal your broken heart and a shattered self. If time cant heal your wound.. a spell is there to ease the pain.


  1. The ritual seems like a structured way to channel emotions, but it is crucial to remember that it might not completely alleviate the emotional pain. It can be an adjunct to other forms of healing, such as talking to close friends or seeking professional help.

  2. I find the notion of using a ritual to get over someone quite unique. While the psychological impact of performing the ritual can not be ignored, blending it with traditional forms of therapy might yield better results for long-term emotional well-being.

  3. As someone interests in wiccan practices, I find this spell description well-detailed and easy to follow. However, such practices should be complemented with more traditional methods of coping, such as speaking to a therapist or engaging in self-care routines.

  4. The ritual outlined here is fascinating, but I wodner how effective it really is? Can emotional dependence be shifted merely through symbolic actions? I question the long-term efficacy of such practices.

  5. While the concept of performing a spell to get over someone is intriguing, I would advice seeking professional counseling for long-term emotional support. The ritualistic aspect can act as a closure mechanism, but one should remember that healing from emotional pain generally requires time and professional help.

    • Agree Laura, the symbolic act can definitely aid in providing a sense of closure, but it should not be a replacement for professional mental health intervention.

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