Not all love spells are bad. One subcategory of love spells called attraction spells, are meant to allow you to attract the love you’re supposed to have in your life. However, when most people want to cast a love spell, they want a spell that will force someone to love them.
Obviously, this is a horrible idea on an ethics level. The ethics of spell casting says that you should never try to interfere with free will. By interfering with it, you’re messing with fate. Additionally, forcing someone to love you is akin to rape in many ways. They can’t say no if you take away their will.
As you can imagine, pagans believe that love spells that mess with fate on this level have serious reprecussions. No spell comes without consequences in pagan culture. If you do a good spell, you get that three times back. If you do a spell that hurts others, you will receive that pain three times over as well.
In the case of a love spell that takes away free will, you end up hurting that person considerably. So, in most cases, you will end up harming yourself via bad luck in the process. What most pagans believe happens with a love spell is that the person pays by having it work *too* well.
When a person casts a love spell that forces someone to want to be with them or love them, it doesn’t act like a love spell. That love you’re getting isn’t actually love – it’s obsession. The spell makes them obsessed with being with you, around you, or sleeping with you. At first glance, this sounds amazing to the caster.

True love is a special connection between two souls. Many people in the pagan community believe that real, true love is fated rather than chosen. Not even the best love spells can offer you true love on a silver platter. All the best ones can do is make you more open to having it come into your life.
The most that a typical love spell can offer is obsession. Obsession can act a lot like love at times. If you don’t believe us, look at obsessive teen fangirls proclaiming their love to pop stars they’ve never met. You will hear “I love you!” from the target of your love spells.
Obsession spells also mean that they won’t look at anyone else but you. And they won’t leave you alone, even if you need a minute. Should you talk to anyone around you who isn’t them, they may also get very jealous. In other words, obsession spells are terrible for both parties involved.
However, obsession doesn’t always act like love. As the spell continues to work, the person usually gets more and more possessive of the caster. They may be unable to have a normal life without them nearby, and at times, they may even get abusive. They don’t want you as much as they want to own you or sleep with you.
At the very worst, obsession spells can mean that the person who is being casted upon will turn into a character from Fatal Attraction. At the very worst, you could end up turning a totally normal person into a “bunny boiler.” And, that wouldn’t be good for you or your pets.
Additionally, there’s also the chance that the price you pay could mean that you yourself could lose out on the love you should have been with. Some Wiccans say that, by casting a love spell forcing someone to forgo the partner that they were supposed to be with, you end up losing on a match that would have been better for you as well.
Simply put, the penalties of having a love spell make it not worth it. Love spells are considered to be black magic by people who practice spellcasting. If you dabble in black magic, expect to have that bad juju hit you back. No black magic spell comes without a price.
Moreover, enchantments that are supposed to generate true love usually won’t do that. Simply put, they can start a spark, but that doesn’t mean that the spark will last. In most cases, the spark fizzles out with at least one party…which ends up harming more than helping. It’s also worth noting that you can break spells, which can ruin whatever you’re trying to do anyway.
There is a small sliver of chance that a love spell will generate enough spark and actually lead to a loving relationship. However, in the vast majority of cases, this would have happened regardless of the spell being cast. As a result, most people are best off not casting the spells.
Of course, skeptics will tell you spells don’t work anyway. But really, if you do believe in magic, never cast a love spell. You don’t want to have that kind of fallout happen to you.
The ethical implications of interfering with free will are indeed profound. One must ponder the consequences of such actions deeply. The concept of receiving threefold what one puts out, whether positive or negative, is a significant deterrent.
The notion that true love is fated rather than chosen resonates with many philosophical and religious views. The idea that love spells can lead to obsession rather than genuine affection is concerning, to say the least.
The argument that casting love spells could result in losing one’s destined partner is compelling. The concept of black magic having inherent risks is widely accepted in various cultures and traditions.
The risk of turning someone into an ‘obsessive’ rather than a ‘lover’ is a potent warning. This underscores the importance of considering the long-term ramifications of such spells. The comparison to characters from Fatal Attraction is chilling yet illustrative.
It’s interessted to see that even within the realm of magic, there are ethical boundries that practicioners are hesitant to cross. The comparison to rape when it comes to force love is stark but drives the point home effectively.
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