Spells to Bring Better Luck: Unblocking Your Energy and Inviting Positive Change

Spells to Bring Better Luck

Life can sometimes feel like a series of obstacles, where everything seems to go wrong no matter how hard you try. If you find yourself constantly facing challenges or feel stuck in a cycle of bad luck, it might be time to take a closer look at your energy. Blocked energy can manifest as stagnant progress in your career, relationship issues, or a general sense of being held back. Fortunately, there are spells that can help clear these blockages, open new pathways, and bring better luck into your life.

Understanding Energy Blockages

Energy blockages occur when negative emotions, past experiences, or external influences disrupt the natural flow of your energy. This can leave you feeling drained, uninspired, and unlucky. By clearing these blockages, you can restore your vitality, attract positive opportunities, and create a more harmonious life. Here are some powerful spells designed to help you cleanse your energy and bring better luck.

1. Desert Sage Spell: Purify and Refresh Your Space

Desert sage has been used for centuries to cleanse spaces of negative energy and invite positive vibrations. This spell uses the purifying power of sage to cleanse your home and spirit, making room for better luck and fresh opportunities.

How to Perform the Desert Sage Spell:

  • Prepare Your Sage: Begin by opening your windows and doors to allow negative energy to exit. Take a bundle of dried desert sage and place it in the sunlight along with a quartz crystal to enhance its energy.
  • Smudge Your Space: Light the sage bundle and let it smolder, producing smoke. Walk through your home, wafting the smoke into every room, corner, and space in a counterclockwise direction. This motion helps to clear stagnant energy.
  • Smudge Yourself: Wave the sage around your body, focusing on areas where you feel tension or blockage. Take deep breaths and ask the divine powers to clear away anything that’s holding you back. Once done, extinguish the sage safely by placing it in water or a fireproof container.

2. Ganesh Invocation Ritual: Remove Obstacles and Boost Motivation

Ganesh, the elephant-headed Hindu deity, is known as the remover of obstacles and the god of new beginnings. This ritual invokes Ganesh’s assistance to clear blockages, enhance motivation, and bring better luck, especially in your professional life.

How to Perform the Ganesh Invocation Ritual:

  • Gather Your Items: You’ll need a small statue of Ganesh, a red candle, and cinnamon incense (optional).
  • Light the Candle: Place the statue on a stable surface, light the red candle, and optionally, the incense. Focus your mind on the obstacles you wish to remove.
  • Invoke Ganesh: Speak directly to Ganesh, asking for guidance and support in overcoming your challenges. Express gratitude for his assistance and let the candle burn for as long as it’s safe to do so. If you need to extinguish it, relight it at the earliest opportunity to continue the ritual.

3. Door Opening Spell: Invite New Opportunities

In Feng Shui, doors represent opportunities and the flow of energy into your home. The Door Opening Spell is designed to clear blockages and invite positive changes by symbolically cleansing and opening the doors in your life.

How to Perform the Door Opening Spell:

  • Prepare Your Cleaning Solution: In a bucket, mix warm water with three drops of spearmint essential oil and one drop of sage essential oil.
  • Clean Your Front Door: Using a clean rag, wash the inside and outside of your front door, as well as the door jambs. This symbolic act clears any blockages at your threshold.
  • Open All Doors: Walk through your home and open every door as wide as possible, allowing energy to flow freely. Visualize new opportunities coming into your life with each open door.

4. Horseradish Sprinkle Spell: Break Curses and Negative Influences

Horseradish, known for its pungent and powerful cleansing properties, can be used to banish negative influences and blockages, especially if you suspect that someone’s negativity is affecting you.

How to Perform the Horseradish Sprinkle Spell:

  • Prepare the Horseradish: Use dried or ground horseradish and sprinkle it around your home, focusing on corners, doorsills, and entryways.
  • Visualize Cleansing: As you sprinkle, imagine the horseradish absorbing all negative energies and breaking any curses or hexes. Leave it in place for a few hours, then sweep it up and dispose of it outside.

5. Sea Salt Soak Spell: Cleanse Your Body and Spirit

A sea salt bath is a simple yet effective way to cleanse your body and spirit of negativity. This spell helps to release stuck energy, soothe your mind, and bring about a sense of renewal.

How to Perform the Sea Salt Soak Spell:

  • Prepare Your Bath: Fill your bathtub with warm water and add one cup of sea salt. Light some candles and create a calming atmosphere.
  • Soak and Visualize: As you soak, imagine the salt drawing out all negativity from your body and replacing it with healing, positive energy. Stay in the bath for at least 45 minutes, allowing yourself to fully relax and rejuvenate.

Final Thoughts: Bringing Better Luck Into Your Life

Spells to bring better luck are about more than just magic; they are about intention, mindfulness, and the power of positive energy. By performing these spells, you can clear blockages, invite new opportunities, and set the stage for a more fortunate and fulfilling life. Remember, your energy is always within your control—nurture it, clear it, and watch as your luck begins to change for the better.


  1. This article is truly enlightening! The detailed descriptions of each spell are highly informative, and the historical context adds depth. I look forward to trying these rituals to see if they can indeed transform my energy.

  2. Forsooth! The sage’s smoke doth wend its way through the halls, clearing blockages with a deft air. Mother Nature’s bounty indeed holds many secrets.

  3. While the methods prescribed may seem arcane, they offer a ritualistic path to psychological relief, leveraging our innate need for structure and meaning. The real question lies in the efficacy and individual resonance these rituals may hold.

  4. Ah, yes, sage bundles and salt baths. Truly, the cure-alls for the modern age. Next, you’ll tell me I need a magic wand to fix my Wi-Fi!

  5. Interesting read, but I’m sceptical. Positive energy and mindfulness are essential, but these spells seem more symbolic than practical.

  6. Seriously? Spells and rituals? Are we living in the Dark Ages? This article promotes superstitious nonsense and does a disservice to critical thinking.

  7. The mention of Ganesh in this context is fascinating. It highlights cultural practices that many might not be aware of. Though some may scoff, understanding diverse perspectives is crucial.

  8. Ah, yes, because burning sage and invoking deities will magically solve all life’s problems. How about some real solutions for a change?


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