Potions For Love And Lust


We often think that it is hard to find potion and if ever it is accessible then it will be so expensive. There’s a good news! It is now possible for you to create magic spell potions at home. It is not as scary as it seems in movies or fairy tales. By adding each ingredients of a potion properly and stirring it for the required amount of time you can very easily create a magic spell potion all by yourself. No need to take help from any psychic to prepare it. Here we will discuss with you the tips to prepare such a potion.

A lust potion

As the name suggests, this has got to do with lust. This potion is helpful in making someone long you and desire you. Preparation is quite simple. For the preparation you have to drop 6 drops of 6 different oils. The oils are olive, nutmeg, Rose, sandalwood, clove and patchouli. This potion acts like a magnificent perfume. Store it for sometime and spray it on your body whenever you think there is a chance to meet this person. The interesting thing about this potion is that it is quite powerful and has the ability to attract others as well. So use it judiciously. This potion is good to attract men, if you want to attract a woman then use amber oil in the place of rose oil.

Love potion

For the preparation of a love potion you need to mix 4 liquids properly. A dash of nutmeg and oranges, orange juice, rose water and lastly spring water. If the former thing be ever brought by your lover then you can be rest assured that the person adores you. After the preparation of your powerful philter both you and your lover may consume it. Do not let the person know what the drink was about. After the consumption you shall find true love in the person’s eyes for you and you will immediately know that it has worked.


  1. The concept of creating one’s own magic spell potion at home is both fascinating and somewhat dubious. Historical and cultural contexts may challenge the efficacy of such preparations in contemporary settings. What are your studies based on?

  2. While it’s intriguing to think that these potions could influence human emotion, it’s essential to consider the ethical implications. What if the outcomes are not as intended?

    • Ethics indeed is a major concern, Roma. And also, the olfactory properties of these ingredients should be researched more.

  3. I find the formulations interesting but also quite prescriptive. Has there been any empirical research or are these mainly anecdotal evidences?

  4. It’s a curious blend of folklore and modern convenience. Nevertheless, I would emphasize caution. Unintended psychological effects could be a consequence.

  5. It’s noteworthy that the recipes use common ingredients. However, I am skeptical about the actual scientific basis for such claims. Perhaps a further breakdown of the chemical interactions would be informative.

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