History of Magic

History of Magic

There were scrolls that were discovered that were thousands of years old and they were full of curses in Aramaic. They were tiny scrolls that were covered with rituals and spells, and they were ancient amulets.

Archeologists looked at the scrolls and began to uncover what they said. They found that there was a thing called binding magic that was about spells from ancient times. The spells would be used to bind people in business, love, revenge, personal matters and even sporting events.

Binding spells would use the names of gods and people and they would make an action to come up with a result of victory, happiness or other things that were needed at the time.

Amulets and Magic

Spells were often written down and not just spoken. There were objects that were found in Syria that were amulets that were used to carry the spells with the person. These were found at grave sites in Ancient Rome and Greek cities.

Amulets were symbols and were designed to carry the spells. There were spells that would be engraved in them, and some were even found in Cyprus, and some were gold and silver and thought to belong to children in Rome. Amulets are decorative looking items, but magicians would put curses or blessings on these things, and they were believed to bring life or death to those that had them. The talismans would also use scrolls to write out their spells.

Revenge and Curses

In Ancient Greece and Rome, there were spells that were written down and they were curses. They were there if someone mistreated you and the magician that lived nearby would put a curse on them if someone would pay them. People would curse those that hurt their family or those that committed crimes or tried to take them to court. There have been many curse tablets found during digs that were found from Ancient Roman times.

The god of Mercury was one that would be called upon to bring curses down on Peregrina, Sabinianus and Varianus and they would even do curses against animals. They would say, “I ask you to drive them to the greatest death, and do not allow them health or sleep unless they redeem from you what they have administered to me.”

Curse Dolls

Not only were there scrolls and amulets, but there were also dolls that could be cursed. These were done to make binding magic and they are similar to what one would think of a voodoo doll today. These were binding figures that were found in coffins, and they would have mutilated bodies and their hands and feet would be bound.

Popularity of Magic

Not everyone that lived in Ancient Rome and Ancient Greek times believed in magic or some might have thought that it was bad. There were other religions that would have gods and they would do offerings and rituals in order to get the gods to help them.

There were some people that were against magic, and these were often those from the Christian religion and there were even laws that would stop people from doing magic that would kill others such as love charms or other ancient curses that were meant to harm others or to bring death but only the ones that brought death were considered a court offense.


  1. The usage of amulets fascinating, especially considering they were found in grave sites. Im wonder if any modern objects hold similar unespected significance in a few thousand years.

  2. This article presents an interesting insight into ancient practices. It’s fascinating how magic and rituals were intertwined with daily life in those times even in sports events!

  3. The notion of magicians cursing those who committed wrongdoings is fascinating. It reflects the complexities of ancient social and legal systems, where magic played an integral role.

  4. Magic and religon coexisted in such an intricate manner back in ancients Greece and Rome. The article shows a compelling contrast between believers and skeptics of the time.

  5. It’s quite intriguing to consider the extent to which ancient peoples went to control outcomes through curses and spells. The details around binding magic are particularly captivating.


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