Act Cautiously: The Binding Spells of love that work

The Binding Spells of love that work

The Binding Spells of love that workYou will only capture that special person in your life forever through concocting your own love binding spells only if you happen to possess a bottle of love potion number 9 to hand. There are definitely love-binding spells, believe it or not, that is capable of helping both you (you and your partner) entwined together, so you have no option but act cautiously.

There are many ways of shaping your journey and discovering what the future holds. You can have a look at your everyday horoscope to find out what how your day will be and look at some of these love binding spells and see if they can work for you.

Spells for Affection

They are likely one of the ancient types of magic spells and their historical roots reign from Egyptians, Ancient Greeks and Roman times.

For the Egyptians to bring out love and fidelity, they made little figurines then inserted pins. They trusted the fact that the attention of the spirits and deities were gained by this action which helped in the production of good results from their spells.

Two photos, knitting needle, and some ribbon will be the modern version of this love binding spell. One photo should be yours and the other one for the person you are trying to lure.

Make two holes into those photos by using the knitting needle and use the ribbon to sew together the two pictures.

You should be singing out your wishes for the other individual during that process.

Spell of the full moon

Only when there is a full moon will this spell be carried out. You require a candle; a piece of paper and a knife which you will need to write your name on the candle while carrying out the full moon spell in order to perform this spell.

Begin writing your name on the candle and make a wish paying attention to the person you want to love you. Do all these when the moon appears fully.

Full moon spell idea is all about gaining blessings from the moon and believes that it’s through the moon that you will receive positive energy.

There are individuals who are doubtful of the full moon’s power and do not even have any special person in their lives while doing so. There is usually a long-lasting relationship that is always realized after sometime when you are an encounter with somebody.

No one is really sure if these love spells are effective but you can try and see since they are worth trying and if they help you find true love then you will have made your successful version of the infamous love potion number 9.


  1. The historical context provided in the article is fascinating, particularly how ancient civilizations like Egyptians and Greeks used love spells. The modern variations seem rather intriguing, though I’m skeptical about their effectiveness.

  2. The article provides a detailed guide on how to perform these love spells, but it doesn’t address the ethical implications of using such spells on another person. Could these spells infringe on free will?

  3. I find it interesting how the full moon spell is believed to channel energy from the moon. However, the article lacks empirical evidence to support these claims. It’s important to approach such practices with a critical mind.

  4. While the description of the love-binding spells is engaging, the efficacy of such spells remains questionable. Has anyone here personally tried them and found success? it’s hard to gauge their true impact.

  5. I’ve heard of love potions and spells before, and this article gives a good rundown of some interesting rituals. However, it could have elaborated more on the psychological aspects of why people turn to such practices.

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