1. He Takes a Pregnant Pause
It’s not always the case, but sometimes men who lie pause between sentences. That’s because they are making up what they say as they go along. The craftier ones will buy time by repeating your question back to you (Why am I home so late?), and the even craftier ones create a diversion by rubbing their face, picking a speck of lint off your jacket, or blaming you for whatever it is they did wrong.
2. He’s the Creative Type
Some research suggests that the more creative a person is, the more likely they are to lie (and be really good at it). If you are with someone who knows how to tell a story, chances are he could be telling you a story … about where he was, what he was doing, and who he was doing it with. In you want to catch him in a lie, you need to get creative too. Think up questions he won’t have the answers to!
3. He Shares too Many Details
Some guys think the more details they share, the more believable their lies become. When lying to you, they may repeat the same details over and over again. He may also include details that have nothing to do with the story he’s telling. What’s going on here is that he is making sure that the story you’re hearing is as complete as the lie he is telling. A good way to trip him up would be to ask him a nonlinear question about his story. It will trip him up because he hasn’t made that part up yet!

If you look carefully, you will see the exact moment where his body language betrays him. It could appear as a slight head shake or a shoulder shrug. Basically, any unconscious body movement shows that he’s lying and that he’s unsure about the lie he’s telling and if you’re buying it.
5. He is Adamant About Impossibilities
No matter how impossible the facts, a liar will insist that he’s telling the truth. For example, he claims that he called you three times at a certain time, but you had your phone by you at the time and it didn’t ring. Also, there were no missed calls or voicemails. Even when you catch a liar in a lie, he will insist that everything about his story is true.