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Become a Cauldron Master

Cauldron Master

A cauldron is something that witches use in order to make food, drinks, and potions. The cauldron is a place where magic can happen. Witches will often use cauldrons which can be a symbol of being a goddess. This is also a symbol of fertility and can be a symbol for the water element. Those that believe in cauldrons often believe in things like reincarnation.

There are different cultural legends that are based on witchcraft. The cauldron is part of the rituals that can mean abundance and can mean womb. The cauldron is a place where people can do magic by mixing potions and once the magic takes place, spells can come alive.

Symbols of the Cauldron

Here are some symbols of the cauldron:

  • Fire that burns under the cauldron.
  • Water uses earth elements to boil.
  • The air is released, and steam comes out which makes smoke that is part of the sylphs spirits.
  • The deity and entity happens.

The cauldron has three legs, and it can mean a triple goddess. This can also be something that represents fire that makes the water cook and can be mixed with herbs, the earth works with this to create steam which is part of the earth element.

As spring comes about, the cauldron can be used for other things like planting flowers. I can be used in the winter to make a fire to keep you warm. You can use the cauldron for different seasons and according to a myth, the gods that are born in the winter will become mature in summer and will die after fall or harvest.

What is a Cauldron

A cauldron is made of iron and the top of the opening is smaller than the other parts of the cauldron. The cauldron should be watched and observed, and potions can be made there. Witches will use the cauldron to manifest things in their life and it is a sign of fertility. The cauldron is often used in rituals.

Even though cauldrons are sometimes hard to find, you can get some authentic cauldrons if you look for them.

Using a Cauldron

Even though most traditions with the cauldron are ancient, witches today like to use the cauldron and they use it by:

  • Doing a ritual to purify the area before doing magic.
  • They put olive oil in it to make it more magical.
  • Witches use it for herbs.
  • The cauldron has to be washed and reprogrammed after being used.
  • If used during the Sabbat, it can be decorated.
  • Cauldrons can be used for spells with candles, crystals, herbs, and water.

Finding a Cauldron

If you want to find an authentic cauldron, then you can go to an esoteric store or you can find one online. When you buy one, make sure that you give it your own energy and that you reprogram it to do what you need it to do for you.

Knowing Your Twin Flame Union

Twin Flame Union

The twin flame connection that you will have been going to be one of the most important things that you will go through. Even though it is great and there is great purpose behind it, know that there will be lessons that come with it as well. Even though this is a magical and exciting connection, some people will wish this connection wasn’t happening.

Understanding a Twin Flame

A twin flame union is something that people don’t always talk about. This is a part of your relationship cycle that is the other part of your soul. This is someone that will connect with you on a soul level, and it will be deeper than any other relationship that you have ever had. This is the other half of your soul, and you will possibly get the chance to meet this person in this lifetime.

The twin flames are the other part of your soul, and they are in their own body. There are two souls that are put together at the beginning and as the soul breaks in two, one goes one way and one the other. When you become one again, you will be familiar with one another, and you will have someone that you love unconditionally.

What Happens When You Meet Your Twin Flame?

There are some things that can happen when you meet your twin flame:

  • Strong connection.
  • The connection will be instant and intense.
  • They will play a role in your life.
  • They show you how to be kind and loving.
  • You can reach into their energy.
  • You can read their thoughts.
  • One twin will be more mature.
  • There will be honesty.
  • There will be no mind games.
  • You will grow spiritually together.
  • They won’t try to change you.
  • There is a strong bond that you will have.

Once you meet your twin flames, you will be on a journey that lasts forever. This will be something that you cannot live without once you find it.

Tarot Cards and Twin Flames

If you get a tarot card reading and you get the Two of Cups, it can mean that you are going to meet your twin flame. It can mean that you have a special bond with this person and that you are going to meet them soon. Another card to look for is the Six of Cups.

Six of Cups and Twin Flames

The twin flames are ones that will have lived many lifetimes. The Six of Cups is there to bring back memories and to help you to find the right direction in your life.

The Two of Cups with this combination can mean that you are going to meet your twin flames and you will know them because you have a strong connection, and you have similar thoughts. There will be a balance between you two and the universe will make sure that the time is right.

Choosing to Walk Away from a Twin Flame Union

Some twin flame unions are going to be hard, and they won’t be like any of your other relationships. This should be a relationship that is based on peace and love. The soul will go through many different steps in this journey and sometimes a twin flame will walk away from you so that they can heal from their past.

When you meet them after a time, it is so that you can heal as well. The universe wants you to be totally ready for this union no matter if it is big or small.

Twin Flame and Karmic Bonds

A twin flame union is not the same as a karmic bond. A karmic bond is something that comes and causes you a lot of pain and emotions. With your twin flame union, it is meant to bring you peace and to make you a better person.

The karmic bond is one that will cause you to feel manipulated and will not make you feel safe and loved. You will also have a connection that is meant to teach you a lesson and this could be a lesson that you have to work on who you are. You might even have to do some kind of shadow work.

A karmic bond is one that is a relationship that can be hurtful and hard no matter what you go through.

Testing Your Twin Flame Bond

You can look at your twin flame bond and see if you are the ones that are meant to be together. Ask them how they tolerate you and if they treat you with respect and dignity. If this isn’t happening, then it probably is a karmic bond and not your twin flame.

Can Karmic Bonds Work?

Sometimes people stay together in karmic bonds but most of the time people in these kinds of relationships break up and they don’t make it. They will be very intense relationships and will often make you feel that you are messing up and aren’t doing the right things.

You might think that this is a good relationship but as you stay in it, you will see that it brings you nothing but pain and hurt.

A twin flame relationship is different, and it should be something that is amazing and great. You will be happy about your relationship after the hard times leave and you will see that they will bring you joy and extreme peace into your life. You will have the expectations that you should have, and you will see that this relationship is full of love and wisdom and that your twin flame is very real and true for you.

Knowing What Your Heart Wants

Knowing What Your Heart Wants

Witchcraft has been around for a long time and people are intrigued by it even today. This is a cultural thing that has been in movies, in articles and is even known through the Salem Witch Trials.

As children and teenagers, many were members of Wicca privately and they would try to do witchcraft, have sleepovers with Ouija boards and do “light as a feather, stiff as a board,” and other witchy games.

Once these people became tired of doing chants, they would take their witchcraft more seriously and they would figure out what they believed in and what they wanted to do. There was a power of different insecurities and often times they would sit around a circle, talking and thinking about what the future would hold for them.

No one was really sure where the future would go but when there was chaos and darkness it would be upsetting and it would bring confusion and hurt. Some witches would use voodoo dolls that would help them to feel better.

Years Ago

In the past, people would practice witchcraft. These practices were done on farms and the landowners were often wealthy. Even women would be accused of crimes of sorcery, witchcraft or even shouting out curses to their neighbors.

In the 17th century, when someone would wish a person dead, if the person died they would be held accountable for this. There were transcripts, confessions, pardons and more. Witches would admit understanding spirits and they would confess things. The Bible was totally against witches and witches were not given a voice to defend themselves.

Most of the time those that were said to be witches were poor and they weren’t able to have lawyers. Medicine is something that uses things like apothecaries and this is a wise thing that allowed people to move forward. There were remedies for sick people and witches knew the proper methods to practice things.

Catholics were considered bad by King James I and doctors would have duties like midwives and were thought to heal the sick and bring people to life. No one would use pitchforks at them or accuse them of witchcraft.

As different battles were fought against magic, the world of witches was about white and black magic and energies. This is something from tarot cards to meditation and more. The spell book is still used by witches and many still do tarot readings and believe in the stars and the planets.

There is a sense of fate when looking at positive energy and creating your own goals. Modern witchcraft has a lot to do with making wishes, setting desires, and putting out goals.

How to Cast Working Love Spells

Cast Working Love Spells

People have looked down on witchcraft and seen it as evil and satanic but in recent years, people have learned to accept and even love the idea behind spellcasting. Witches have been known to have a bad reputation and even in the past there were witch hunts to get rid of witches.

With the casting of different magical movies and shows, people have begun to like the idea of witches, spells and magic. One of the pagan religions, Wicca, teach people magic and nature. It works with magic but not with the kind where people fight demons like is often seen on television, but more with spells.

Love spells are one of the most known kinds of spells and the spells come with different ingredients such as different potions, different objects and even different savings. If you want to do a love spell, here are some of the most popular ones:

Honey Jar Spells

Here are the ingredients:

  • Jar of honey.
  • Pink candle.
  • No ingredients.
  • Pictures.

What is a Honey Jar Spell?

One of the most known love spells is the honey jar spell. This is used so that people can make a better connection with their partner or with others. The spell is for people that are already in a steady relationship to bring them closer together.

This uses the name honey jar because it is to make the relationship sweet. This spell works with two people to bring intimacy and affection between them.

Casting a Honey Jar Spell

Here is how to cast a honey jar spell:

  • Put the name of your partner on a piece of paper and write it three times.
  • Turn the paper 90 degrees and write your own name so that it overlaps the other person’s name.
  • Focus on the spell, closing your eyes and thinking about what you want to happen in your relationship.
  • Fold the paper and put it in the honey jar that is full of honey. Make sure your fingers hit the honey.
  • Say, “Just as sweet as this honey is, make them sweet for me.”
  • Lick the honey off of your fingers and put the lid on the jar.
  • Light the pink candle and put it on the jar.
  • You can choose a different colored candle if needed (white is for general, red is for passion and pink is for more love).
  • After the candle burns out, put the jar where no one can find it.
  • After seven days, light another candle on the same day of the week you did the first one.
  • Light a new candle each week until you get your spell to work.

This is a spell that only works if you get rid of any negative thoughts beforehand. Always focus on good things before you start this spell.

Pink Candle Love Spell

This is a love spell that uses a candle to bring a stronger attraction. The candle works to symbolize love and the spirit. They are always positive and that is why many use pink love candles. This color candle is pure and can make your intentions stronger and give you the results you hope for.

Casting a Pink Candle Love Spell

Here is how to cast this spell:

  • Light a pink candle on a Friday night.
  • Write the first and last name of the person on paper.
  • Draw a circle around the names.
  • Imagine you with this person and how much love you will have.
  • Say this, “Seal our fate so that we can be together.”
  • Keep the candle lit till it burns out.
  • Let the candle burn out on its own and never blow it out or you will break the spell.
  • You can repeat this every day for seven nights.

The pink candle is very magical, and witches have been using them for years and years. You need to make sure that your intentions are pure to get what you want.

Getting an Ex Back Spell

If you have been with your ex and you regret that the relationship ended, you can try this spell. This can help you to get rid of negative energies that is holding you back from being with your ex.

When you want to get your ex back, you have to be confident and positive in the energy that you send out. You should never use this to hurt or force anyone to love you. This has to be something that you are both ready to accept.

Casting a Getting an Ex Back Spell

  • Light a red candle and look at it for three minutes.
  • Look at a picture of your ex.
  • Write the name of your ex on paper and circle the names.
  • Say, “I want you to come back to me.”
  • Meditate to let go of anything negative in your life.
  • Blow the candle out and tear the paper into small pieces and put them in a garden.
  • Do this for three nights with new paper.

It can be hard to get your ex back especially if negative energies are attached to the relationship. If you cannot do the spell yourself, see a professional spellcaster to help you.

Marriage Love Spells

Marriage love spells can help to make your marriage happier. This can help to get rid of negative feelings in the marriage and make peace between you and your partner.

The marriage spell works for couples that are trying to have a better marriage or that are going through hard things such as separation. With this kind of magic, a person is never forced to be with someone, it is just meant to make the marriage better.

Casting a Marriage Love Spell

Some marriage love spells are stronger, and some are not as powerful. This is a love spell that can be done by someone that has never done a spell before:

  • Get a spathiphyllum plant that has white flowers and replant it in a new pot.
  • Put stones or rocks at the bottom of the pot.
  • Write what you want on the paper and roll it and tie it with a string and put it in the pot.
  • Put the pot in a room where your partner spends most of their time.
  • Put a picture of yourself and your partner rolled up in the soil. Put yours on the right and your partners on the left-hand side.
  • Water the plant and let it grow new flowers. After the flowers come, cut one off and put it in a paper towel to dry it.
  • Put part of the flower in a cup with tea and sugar and water and then stir it clockwise.
  • Say, “Be my husband and love me,” and let your partner drink the tea.
  • Do this for two days and if nothing changes do the spell again when the new moon comes.

This is a strong spell, and it can work if you see your partner every day. If you don’t though, it can not work as quickly but can still work. Just don’t give up.

Love Spells with No Ingredients

Some love spells have to have a lot of ingredients while some just use words and thoughts. The spellcaster can choose whatever kind of spell they want to cast and depending on the reason. Some are meant to make the relationship stronger while others are meant to get rid of negative energy or to even attract a partner.

Casting Love Spells with No Ingredients

Some love spells have no ingredients, and they need to have powerful manifestations and positivity. Here are some that you can cast to someone you already are connected to:

  • During a full moon and on a Friday, sit in a room and clear your negative energies.
  • Think of someone you want to get closer to.
  • Imagine that you are with this person and think of the happiness that you can have.
  • Keep your mind calm and imagine yourself together with them.
  • Do this spell each month until you see results.

You have to have self-love before you can attract love from someone else. Always make sure that your self-confidence is built up before doing this spell.

Poppet Magic Love Spells

Poppet magic love spells are dolls that are used to represent the person that you want to cast the spell on. You can make your own poppet, and this will represent the person you are thinking of. Most people will use either fabric or cloth to make the poppit and will fill it with clay, wood, cotton, wax or even herbs.

After you make your own poppit, think of who it is meant to represent. If you have anything of theirs, add it to the poppet such as hair or a picture. You can add features to the poppet that represent that person.

Casting a Poppet Magic Love Spell

Here is how to cast this spell:

  • Have two dolls, one of them and one of you.
  • Say, “I have made this doll and it is you.”
  • Wrap the dolls with pink ribbon and tie them together.
  • Imagine you with that person and let your energies connect you.

Poppets can be used to do love spells, but you have to have clear intentions. Make sure your energies are positive.

Picture Love Spells

You can use pictures or photography to make love spells work for you. You should have a picture of you and your partner. Pictures are strong in binding spells, and it can help you to have a better connection with this person.

Casting Picture Love Spells

Here is how to cast this spell:

  • At midnight, take a picture of your partner and put it in front of you.
  • Light a red candle.
  • Make sure all of the lights are out and write on paper, “Send sadness to my lover. Go inside of their mind so all they can think of is loving me.”
  • Burn the paper and let the smoke go over the picture. After it is burned down finish your love spell.

You can make this spell work, but your partner has to agree with what you want. Love spells can help you to imagine your partner’s love and to make the connection with that person stronger.

Casting Love Spells

Once you get used to doing love spells you can try and follow these tips:

  • Believe in the magic of the spell. In order for the spell work you have to believe in it. Focus on the energy of the spell and get rid of any negative feelings.
  • Make your expectations realistic. Don’t try to be with someone that you cannot get with.
  • Be open minded to what could happen. Concentrate on the spell but be open to the way that love can happen to you. Finding love can come in different ways.
  • Understand love magic. You need to know that love is a blessing, and a love spell should never be used to force someone into love.
  • Be familiar with the times to cast spells. Some spells work best at certain times, know these times.
  • You can cast love spells at home or even other places but always know the best place to do them.
  • Love spells usually will work if you have positive intentions, and you are doing something to help others.
  • Love spells can backfire if you are using them to try and force someone to fall in love with you that doesn’t like you.
  • Black magic is used to break up people and you never want to use this kind of negative magic, or you can end up hurting yourself. You should never force love on someone.

Being Successful in Ganesha Mantra

Ganesha Mantra

Ganesha mantra’s are full of energy of Ganapati, and they can help you to have positivity and to remove obstacles in life that are holding you back. Lord Ganesha was the son of the goddess Parvati and of Lord Shiva. He is said to be a god of knowledge and able to get rid of obstacles in your life.

If the universe is in shambles, there is chaos and there has to be some kind of laws that are putting things back in place. The Lord of all of these groups was Ganesha. He is a consciousness god and makes the universe come in check.

Lord Ganesh symbolizes intelligence and according to dharma in Hindu, Prakriti is part of creation. It also represents having a higher mind and profit.

Ganesha Mantras

Since Ganesha is the god of knowledge and success, there are different mantras that can be said in order to give you positive power to get rid of obstacles. Here are some of the most popular ones:

Vakratunda Ganesh Mantra

This is the most common mantra of all and is dedicated to Ganesh. This is said for wealth and means, “Oh god with a curved trunk, the large body whose aura is like a light of many suns, please make my entire work obstacle-free, forever.” It is said in the chant as, “Vakratunda Maha-Kaaya Surya-Kotti Samaprabha Nirvighnam Kuru Me Deva Sarva-Kaaryeshu Sarvadaa.”

This chant can help to get rid of obstacles and brings things such as:

• Luck.
• Power.
• Wisdom.
• Success.
• Wealth.

Ganesh Gayatri Mantra

This mantra is a Buddhist mantra and is symbolized by a tusk. It means, “We pray to the one with the single-tusked elephant tooth who is omnipresent. We meditate and pray for the greater intellect of the Lord with curved, elephant-shaped trunk. We bow before the one with the single-tusked elephant tooth to illuminate our minds with wisdom.” It is said in the chant as, “Aum Ekadantaya Viddhamahe, Vakratundaya Dhimahi, Tanno Danti Prachodayat.”

This is referring to the elephant face and brings wisdom to those that say it.

Basic Ganpati Mantra

The chant goes, “Om Gam Ganapataye Namaha.”

This mantra means to bow down and accept good qualities in yourself. It can help to get rid of negativity in someone’s life.

Om Ganadhyakhsaya Namah

This means a group and a leader. It can benefit you by helping you to have wellbeing and can build up your leadership traits.

Om Gajanananaya Namah

The chant goes, “Aum Gajananaya Namah.”

This means the person who carries the elephant head and tusks. It benefits people by them being humble and doing duties.

Om Vighnanashaya Namah

The chant goes, “Om Vighnanashaya Namah.”

This can help to get rid of obstacles and can build up personal relationships.

Om Lambodaraya Namah

The chant goes, “Om Lambodaraya Namah.”

It means that there is one that has a bigger belly. This mantra can help you to have love in the world.

Om Sumukhaya Namah

The chant goes, “Om Sumukhaya Namah.”

It means having a pleasing face and having an elephant head that makes you calm and beautiful. This can help you to have inner beauty.

Om Gajkarnakaya Namah

Gaj means elephant and can mean an elephant with ears. This can help you to be like the elephant with ears and to get rid of negativity. It goes like this, “Om Gajkarnakaya Namah.”

Om Vikataya Namah

The chant goes, “Om Biktaya Namah.” This means difficult. There are many hard times, and this is a time where you can focus on your own happiness and work towards goals.

Om Vinayakaya Namah

Means Ganesha in the golden age and something in control. The chant goes, “Om Vinayakaya Naham.”

When you do this mantra, it can help you to be the boss.

The Rinn Harta Mantra

The chant goes, “Om Ganesh Rinnam Chhindhi Varenyam Hoong Namaah Phutt.”  This is another name for Ganesha and means, “giver of wealth.” This can benefit you by helping you to get rid of debt.

Siddhi Vinayak Mantra

This is considered one of the most important mantras and goes, “Om Namo Siddhi Vinayakaya Sarva kaarya kartrey Sarva vighna prashamnay Sarvarjaya Vashyakarnaya Sarvajan Sarvastree Purush Aakarshanaya Shreeng Om Swaha.” This means “God of enlightenment.”

You can do this mantra and get peace and enlightenement.

Shaktivinayak Mantra

This chant says, “Om Hreeng Greeng Hreeng.” It means, “power and supreme master.” This chant is good if you need financial help.

Ganesh Mool Mantra

This chant means seed and is a powerful mantra if you say it multiple times. This can raise your vibrations. It goes, “Om Shreem Hreem Kleem Glaum, Gam Ganapataya Vara Varad Sarvajan janmay Vashamanaye Swaha Tatpurusha ye Vidmahe Vakratundaye Dhimahi Tanno Danti Prachod yat Om Shantih Shantih Shanthi.”

This means powerful mantra and powerful lord. This is a mantra to say so that you can raise your cosmic energies and your vibrations. This can bring about a trance and can be done with music.


The chants can bring you good luck and wealth and can help you to have peace. To do it you need to:

  • Be fresh before you start.
  • Devote yourself to Ganesha.
  • Begin with a Puja offering.

Benefits of Chanting

Here are some of the benefits:

  • Brings riches, happiness and abundance.
  • Can help you to have success in your education and power in your mind.
  • Chanting can make you divine.
  • Can remove your enemies and give clarity.
  • Rewards your efforts and brings progress.
  • Helps you be a better person.

Is He Cheating?

Is He Cheating?

Relationships are both up and down but if you think your partner is cheating, you need to find out. Many adults have affairs, and it is said that almost everyone will have an affair in their life.

Cheating affects people and if you are concerned about your relationship, chances are that you are facing hard times and that you are feeling insecure. Do you feel that your partner might be cheating on you?  Here are some signs to look for:


If you think your partner is cheating, you need to listen to your gut feeling. Chances are that you might be wrong but if you have a hunch, it is usually right. Maybe he is acting unusual, and you can feel it.

Changing Phone Usage

Having a phone means that you can contact people easier. This means that you can have an affair easier without being caught. If you find that your partner has changed their email or if they have a second phone, this is a sure sign he is cheating.

Of course, he could have a second phone for work, and if that is the case then that is differently. But if his behavior is changing then this could be a sign. He might be sending people texts that he wants to be with, find out if he is betraying you.

Your Friends Know

Your friends will be some of the first people to notice when something isn’t right. Pay attention to what they are saying to you. Cheaters have a way of hiding things from their partner but if your partner is acting guilty, something is up.

If you are going through a hard time, or if your friends notice something is different, there might be cheating going on. If he is changing what he is doing each day and if he is getting back later than normal, pay attention.

You Don’t Get Invited

You used to get invited to all of his work parties and he would ask you to come and have a drink at the bar with his friends. Now you aren’t being invited. The truth is that some companies aren’t allowing people to come anymore because they are cutting back, but it could also be because he has someone special at work.

Showing Too Much Attention

He spends more time with you than you are used to, and he is bringing you gifts and bragging on you. Or he spends time doing chores around the house that he hadn’t done for a long time.  This could be that he is having an affair and he is trying to make up for it.

He Says You Are Cheating

He comes home and accuses you of cheating or seeing someone else. According to statistics, men cheat more than women. If you are dealing with hard times in your relationship, he might be suspicious that you are cheating but if he is blaming you, chances are he is doing it himself.

He is Changed

He has changed the way that he dresses, the things that he watches and the things that he does. This could be that he is just trying to impress you, or he is trying to experience new things because he wants to find something his new partner might like.

He is Great in Bed

If your husband is all of a sudden trying new things in bed or he is changing the way he has sex, it could be because someone is teaching him new tricks in the sack.

Communication is Lacking

He is no longer interested in talking to you and he doesn’t take time to have a conversation. He basically just answers yes or no and that is all. It could be that he is worried or stressed but it could be because he is sharing everything with someone else.


If your husband comes home after a late day at work, he could be having an affair. This could show that he is up to something after work, and he has to get the scent off of himself before he gets close to you.

Why They Cheat

People cheat because they have low self-esteem or because they just aren’t happy. When someone has low levels of self-esteem, they might want to fix it by finding a new relationship.

This can also be problems that you are struggling with in your relationship. Maybe they are wanting more attention at home, and you just aren’t giving them what they need.

When to Bring up Cheating

You need to bring up cheating as fast as you can. Talk to him once you see the signs and once you feel concerned. You need to have a conversation as soon as you suspect anything.

Can Therapy Help?

Getting therapy can help with cheating. This can help you to discuss the problems you are having in your relationship. If you feel that there is cheating, talk to someone that can help you.

Instant Love Spells that Work

Instant Love Spells that Work

When you meet someone and you connect with them, you might fall in love with them. But what happens when you meet someone, and they don’t fall for you right away, but you feel like you cannot live without them? When this happens, you can use a love spell that can bring results right away.

You might even talk to a friend that has done love spells before or maybe you found some online that you think will work. Magic spells are something that can be easy once you do them but I you have never done them before; you need to make sure that you are doing them right or that you see someone that is a professional.

How Love Spells Work

When you have someone that is upset and worried about being a loser, you might see him doing anything to get his lover back. They might get a magician that will cast a spell to help them with their love issues. This normally doesn’t happen though because the magician that is casting the spell can allow things to come back on him.

For love affairs, there are easy love spells that can bring fast results for you. There are warnings with doing these love spells though because they can bring harm to you.

You have to know your emotions and make sure that you are sure that you love this person with all your heart because you cannot have two lovers or two people that you like in your mind at the same time. You will have to decide if you want to spend your life with a person that you love or just sleeping around with someone.

Wiccan Love Spells

African love spells or Wiccan love spells are one of the most known black magics. This is when the magician helps with love affairs and issues with love and breaking up.

A Wiccan can get your lover to not go with other people and you can know that these spells are known to work.

Love Spells that Work

There are some powerful love spells that work, and this is because the magician has skills and knowledge. They are able to use things such as crystals and oils to help them to bring positive love energy to the soul of the person you love.

Some spells are spoken while others focus on the image of the special person. Some of them use things like candles and different charms in order to make the magic work. You can even do a spell and feel like you are in the arms of your love.

Simple Love Spells

Love spells can change things in your life. You can use your visualization and your intentions to make things happen for you. If you have energy, you need to focus on this and make sure that your intentions are right. You can hold an object from the person that you like, and you can generate their soul power.

Spells Using Hair

Some magicians use things in love spells like hair. You can use the hair of the person that you like and wrap it around a candle when casting your spell. When you do this, keep thinking about your crush. Speak words to connect with them.

Best Love Spells

There are different love spells that you can do and most of them do not cost more than a few dollars and that is just to buy simple items such as candles or other little things. You need to make sure that you have knowledge of the love spell before you try to cast it and that you are prepared in your heart and mind.

Understanding What the Cards Mean

What the Cards Mean

Everyone deals with different kinds of problems such as relationship problems, health problems, job problems and more. If you want to find out answers, you can find someone that does tarot readings. This is one of the most popular forms of psychic readings. It is important to find a psychic that you trust when you choose to get a reading.

If you want just a fast yes or no answer, you can do your own tarot spread and you can find out the information that you need. Knowing that a tarot card can answer a yes or no question can help you to get the fast answers you are looking for. Here are some things to know.

When you start to do the tarot reading, you have to remove the court cards form the deck. Turn over only one card since you will get too much information if you turn over too many:

  • Think of a question while you are shuffling the tarot deck.
  • Think of how you want to ask the question.
  • Turn over one card and that is your answer.
  • Don’t keep doing it until you get the answer that you want, or it will be a false reading.

Yes or No Tarot Cards

Many people want a simple yes or no question answers and even though it is not a great way to get information, you can use the tarot cards for these kinds of questions.

Here are some divination cards that help you to get your yes and no answers that you want.

Yes Answers

Here are the cards that will more than likely give you a yes answer:

  • Emperor
  • Fool
  • The Magician
  • The empress
  • The Lovers
  • The Chariot
  • The Strength
  • The Wheel of Fortune
  • The Temperance
  • The Tar
  • The Sun
  • The Judgement
  • The World
  • Ace of Wands
  • Two of Wands
  • Three of Wands
  • Four of Wands
  • Six of Wands
  • Eight of Wands
  • Nine of Wands
  • Page of Wands
  • Knight of Wands
  • Queen of Wands
  • King of Wands
  • Ace of Cups
  • Two of Cups
  • Three of Cups
  • Six of Cups
  • Nine of Cups
  • Ten of Cups
  • Page of Cups
  • Knight of Cups
  • Queen of Cups
  • King of Cups
  • Ace of Swords
  • Page of Swords
  • Knight of Swords
  • Ace of Pentacles
  • Three of Pentacles
  • Six of Pentacles
  • Nine of Pentacles
  • Ten of Pentacles
  • Page of Pentacles
  • Knight of Pentacles
  • Queen of Pentacles
  • King of Pentacles

No Card Answers

  • The Death
  • The Devil
  • The Tower
  • The Moon
  • Five of Wands
  • Seven of Wands
  • Ten of Wands
  • Five of Cups
  • Eight of Cups
  • Three of Swords
  • Five of Swords
  • Seven of Swords
  • Eight of Swords
  • Nine of Swords
  • Ten of Swords
  • Four of Pentacles
  • Five of Pentacles

Major Arcana

Here are some of the Major Arcana cards:

  • The Fool-yes, means new beginning is happening.
  • The Magician-yes, means you need to be creative if you want something.
  • The Empress-yes, means you will grow.
  • The emperor-yes, you are in control of your life.
  • The Chariot-yes, means you have to make a decision.
  • The Strength-yes, means to make a wish.
  • The Wheel of Fortune, yes-things are out of your hands.
  • The Temperance-yes, you need to be patient for a time.
  • The Judgement-yes, has a fresh start.
  • The World-yes, means to ask other questions.
  • The Star-yes, means you will have different opportunities.
  • The Sun-yes, a good time to do something new.
  • The High Priestess-no, you have to figure out what you need to do.
  • The Hermit-no, you have a problem, and you keep facing the same issues.
  • The Justice-no, your action will be your answer.
  • The Death-no, you will need to get out of the bad situation.
  • The Tower-no, you have no choice on the matter.
  • The Moon-no, you need to set better goals.

The tarot cards can give you more than a yes or no question and sometimes you will even get a maybe. The outcome of the card can be different depending on the reading and the questions that you ask.

You need to decide if the card in front of you is a good or bad card and how it will affect yourself and others.

Once you commit to some spread you need to stay with it.

Accurate Tarot Readings

The yes or no is an accurate reading. If you have an issue that is a mental health issue, then you need to find someone to help you to do your reading. Each of the tarot cards will help you to understand what is going on in your life.

Benefits of a Yes or No Reading

You can get a yes or no reading or you can even do a crystal ball reading of the same thing. The tarot reading is the most popular choice for people and is very accurate.

There are no real predictions with the tarot cards because the answer is there to help you find a solution to your problem.

If you have complicated things, you need help with then you need to research and get clear answers. Once you start you need to find which questions you want to ask and really concentrate on them and then get your answer. That is your real answer.

The yes or no tarot reading can only answer simple questions and if you need more guidance then you need to find a reader to help you.

One Card Spreads

This is an easy tarot spread and can help you to solve issues in your life. It can give you answers to good or bad questions.

Use this spread when you need a simple answer. This is to help you find truth and to deal with problems that you are facing in your life.

You can interpret the card the way that your intuition tells you. When you draw a card the reversed card position will be the upright yes and the downward no.

Yes No Spread

You can use ayes no spread for the most accurate answers. If you have questions, ask them in your mind and get the perfect answer.

You can find people online that can help you and can relate to your questions and give you the answers that you need. You can start with two card yes or no readings and when you shuffle, think of the issue that you need an answer for.

Yes or No Answer Spread

Here is how you can do the reading yourself to get an accurate yes or no answer:

  • Shuffle the cards.
  • Draw two cards.
  • Interpret the meanings of the cards.

You can do a reading on your own and find out if you can get a yes or no answer. Doing the reading on your own can help you to choose the path that you want to take. The tarot cards date back into history and is a very useful tool for those that do readings.


Tarot yes or no spreads can give you the answers that you need. They can give you information that is easy to understand. To understand the cards, you have to make a choice to listen to your intuition and let it guide you.

How to Find Love Using Seed Rituals

Find Love Using Seed Rituals

There are different ways that people can find love and many people turn to different love rituals. There is a type of seed that you can use that can help you to find love.

Some of the seeds that you can use include seeds such as:

  • Birdseed
  • Sunflower Seeds
  • Flower seeds

As the birds see the seeds in your garden, they will carry them to a certain place, and they will drop them. Where the seed lands, you will see that you might have a flower appear.

There are many sunflower seeds that have grown, and some people will use these seeds in order to do a spell.

A spellcaster might go around and look for gardens and open spaces where they can find seeds and do spells. Using grass seed can help you if your lawn needs more grass.

What You Need

What you need is a bunch of seeds. Find a container of seeds and get it ready to do the ritual before you get started.

When to Do the Spell

The spell should be done on the day before Valentine’s Day or Valentine’s eve. This means that you should do it on February 13-February 14.

You might need to do this at a certain time and change the time in order for it to work.

How to Do the Spell

  • You need to find a garden that is open.
  • Go to the garden at midnight.
  • Put seeds over your shoulder and say, “I am scattering the seeds so that I can find love. This seed will help me to sow love. He that is coming to be my true love, come to me and stay with me as the seed grows. Like my love for you will be strong.
  • Look over your right shoulder at this point.
  • Think about what your future will be like and where you will walk with the person that you are in love with, and you are doing this spell for.
  • Imagine you walking across the flowers to meet up with your partner.
  • This grass grew because of your seeds, always make sure that you acknowledge that.
  • Close your eyes.
  • Imagine this person and see if you can recognize who the person is walking towards you.
  • This can be someone you know or someone that you don’t know.
  • Go home.
  • Take time to pray and meditate and then go to bed.

After you go to sleep, chances are that you will dream of the person that you are meant to be with. This will give you the summer to find them and to love them before the winter months come.

Thank the universe for helping you to find your soulmate.

How to Get Rid of Negative Energy Fast

How to Get Rid of Negative Energy Fast

Do you feel that you are someone that is always attracting negative energies? There are ways that you can get rid of negative energies, and you can have a more positive and stronger life. There are things that you can do to cleanse your area and to get rid of any negativity out of your life.


One thing that you can do is an ancient practice called smudging. You can do this by taking dried herbs such as sage and burning them. Doing this can help to smoke out any negative energies.

The best way is to have a holder to hold it in case of a flame and take it to all parts of your home. Get into the corners and all the areas. Also, you can smudge yourself from your head to your feet. Some of the best herbs are sage, sandalwood, Mugwort and whatever you are drawn to.

Bells and Chimes

Another thing that you can do is sound cleansing. You can do this to get rid of negative energy and let the energy flow better. One way you can do this is to ring bells or chimes around your house. Doing this while you meditate or doing yoga can clear your home and you can do it around your body to clear your chakras and make them strong.

Salt Water

Go and take a salt bath to heal your body, mind, and soul. Doing this can also help you to get rid of lactic acid and help your muscles to relax.

This kind of bath can remove stress and get rid of negativity. Have an intention while you run your bath water and at the end, you can let all the negativity run down the drain. This will cleanse your body and your aura.

Crystal Healing

Find crystals that you can wear as jewelry or put under your pillow that will heal your area and your body. Find out what you need and choose the right crystal that is for you. Use your intuition to help you to choose which crystal to use that day.

Past Cords

You need to get rid of the cords that are connected to other people. The cord will be attached to your solar plexus, and you have to cut this from relationships that are no longer good for you.

You can do this by imagining yourself taking scissors and cutting the cords. Think of all the cords of people in your life that you do not any longer need to be there. Visualize the cords being cut and it is going back to you slowly as you get your power.

You can also do this if you feel that you are full of negativity or the person that you are attached to is always negative. Do this to feel better.

Protective Energy Field

You need to make sure that you are protected in your mind, body, and soul. You might be someone that is always getting psychic attacks and you can stop this by putting up a shield.

Imagine that you have a shield going up around you like a force field. Imagine it covering your whole body like a bubble. Now this shield will collect any negativity that comes to you.

Essential Oils

You can use essential oils like they did in historic times to get rid of negative energies. Figure out which oils are best for you and put them on your body and around your house.

Doing this can raise your positive energy and help you to battle anything negative against you.